map mainly made for some type of infection. can be used for slayer/team. LOTS of sniping. Download if that link didnt work use this: i might have posted the last image twice. sry if i did. the URL for the pic is very long and i didnt know if it was more than 1. wepons: mostly long range (sniper, rockest, laser, missel pod.) shotgun - no purpose others have fun gettin into America, o and dont get caught be the patrol.
Not trying to be harsh, but a lot of people dislike maps where one area is overloaded with power weapons, and if this is infection, it belongs in the Casual Maps forum.
I don't know. This map looks pretty good. And what's with the first pic? Is that platform way out in the map?
well sorry to break it to you, but unless you figured out someway to auto overload a map, then the people that are on the wall will die. I have a map that has three sections of that outer black wall that are accesible, but if you dont overload the map to get rid of the guardians then you die out there pretty quickly. So what did you do to counteract this?
yes i did. u wont die out on the rim of the map. its fun with alot of people. if u like sniping, this is ur map.
wow really? what did you do? cause i couldnt find any way to do it and i spent quite a while trying hahahha well then good job! hhaha
Wait, you auto overloaded Sandtrap? How? I need to figure out how to do that for a machinima me and KwirkyJ are working on.
yeah i know! the only way i know how to overload a map (quickly) is the trip mine glitch but that must be preformed each time the map is loaded causing for many curses and minutes of frustration hahaha
Yeah theres a lot of border patrol games and maps. There always fun (im sure your's is) but theres been way to many being posted.
Yeah, and looking at this map, it really doesn't look like it belongs in the Competitive forum, does it?
not to criticize but i have seen many border patrol maps and well frankly they are starting to get kinda old
looks nice a fun to play on. nice out of the map placement. the only thing i agree with the others on is that this seems more casual than competitive