Crimson Core An Invasion map with destructive qualities... CRIMSON CORE is a map that I made over the past 3 days. I've spent about 10-15 hours making it, playtesting it, and remaking it so that it is different than most maps out there. The Defenders and Attackers start at opposite sides of the level, the defenders being Spartans and the attackers being Elites. The Elites need to extract the core from the UNSC base, but to do so, they need to shut down the power generator and blow through some doors. I worked hard to create a layout that was different and unique, while also remaining focused on making it balanced so it provided the best gameplay possible. The level has an "arch" shape that was slightly based around the bridge in Narrows (Halo 3). Although, as I was playing around, I created a sort of wall in the middle, with two towers running up both sides. In the picture above, the defenders start out of the left and attackers, on the right. The Defenders The defenders start out with many quick access routes to the wall via mancannons. While both sides are bombarded with boulders and debris from a recent tectonic plate shift that took place directly below the base (some speculate the shift was a result of UNSC testing gone wrong), the defenders side is especially damaged and full of rocks that proved perfect for cover. The defenders are in charge of defending the main power grid, located in the central tower of the wall. Failure to do so will shut down the power to the large shields that create the wall, and the shield protecting the main base. Once the power is down the Spartans must defend the front hatch to the main base. If the attackers breach a hole in that door, the Core is revealed and is vulnerable to anyone who's hands may carry it. The Attackers The attackers are armed with a large group of vehicles that may assist in there D-Day-styled attack. They begin with three tanks (one locked in place, a mortar turret of sorts), two Warthogs, and a Falcon. Although, this arsenal of vehicles isn't invulnerable to attack; the defenders have a large set of Anti-Vehicular weaponry sprinkled around the top of the wall (that being said, anyone who picks up the weapons has complete control over them). There are 3 main ways up to the Phase 1 bomb site: two entries up either side of the wall via walkways, or a more protected building which you must climb up through (located at the left of the attackers side). However, using the Falcon, you can drop in from the sky as well...although, that doesn't always work.... The Wall The wall is the first obstacle the attackers must overcome. At the top of the wall there are two snipers, a grenade launcher, a rocket launcher, and two mounted turrets. The attackers must place a bomb at the top of the central tower; doing so will create a massive explosion which will shut down the two large shield doors (and the main base shield). Once the doors are down, vehicles are allowed to enter into the next area. Here's an example of the shield doors going down: BEFORE: AFTER: The Main Base Assault Once the generator is down, the main base is open for attack. This area is littered with rocks and debris and much cover exists here. At this point, attackers spawn on the wall and the defenders spawn around the main base area. Since many of the rocks shoot out into the sky, you'll have to watch out for enemies from everywhere. The attackers must plant a bomb at the front of the base, directly in front of the hatch. Here is a before and after shot: BEFORE: AFTER: At this point, the defenders will start spawning inside of the base, in order to help them better protect the vulnerable core. I recommend using close courters weapons at this point. The Core The Core is vulnerable at Phase 3. The attackers must obtain it and extract it back to their base at the other end of the level. At this point, teamwork is a MUST. The fighting stay fairly consistent at this point and without teamwork, the Core will remain on the defenders turf. I recommend the "Ride-on-top-of-the-Falcon" maneuver myself, but everyone has their own style. _____________________________________ At the moment, Crimson Core is an Invasion specific map. However, I'm currently working on making it into a full-fledged Slayer and Objective map. It plays extremely well and the tilt of the main base makes for some stomach-turning jumps and some exciting gameplay. The visual style is achieved using the "Orange" filter, which is a bit dark, but I wanted to achieve a look different from the other maps. So, if the color is too dark for you, the effect is below the level; remove it if you'd like. MAP LINK: LINK GAMETYPE LINK: LINK GAMEPLAY VIDEO: LINK SPECIAL THANKS to: IRahvYewTew (you made the explosive walls, doors, and everything on this map possible and I could not be any more thankful!) Static Blitz (you helped playtest this for longer than you probably needed to, so thanks! Also, you're one of the funniest guys I know, so don't stop....) Thanks to everyone to downloads this! And please, ENJOY!
This map looks really good to play on invasion. I like how well it is all set out. The curved structure it is on looks cool too! Really good game mechanics. Negetives the rock formation doesn't look aesthetically pleasing and kind of look like they are thrown around everywhere... don't get me wrong, I like the natural cover, just feel they could have been placed better! Other than that looks a great invasion map.
Your use of natural and and non-natural items is really nice. Great lighting effects and a unique layout got my download. Hard to find a good invasion map, this looks like one.
I was worried about that, but I chose them since they provided the best possible cover with the greatest amount of variation. My explanation is that the UNSC has experimenting witha some futuristic devices and they caused the tectonic plates from below to shoot skyward and they pierced through the surface, thus creating the current effect.
Ye saying what i said, it is noticed when in arial view but when in the game i'm sure it fits in well, looks a really good invasion game, got my dl, want to see the blowing up walls mechanics ha! guessing loads of explosions and structures set to normal and not fixed. Can all the vehicals move? The 2 on the left side look like they might have some difficulty getting past the rocks?
The two on the left side can drive along a cleared path to the right side. All of them can move EXCEPT for the tank that sits above the Falcon (as it is used mainly as a cannon for supporting fire). Also, I should add two things here: 1. The tanks really struggle to get up the first part of the hill. They move REALLY slowly. But they will get up there if you continue driving. It balances it out too; if you wanna use the explosive, destructive forces of the tank, you have to work at it getting up there. 2. On Phase 3, the defenders unlock a Falcon for defense means. However, the enemy team can jack in and use it to escort the core back to their base. So, a small war gets waged over who gets control over it, usually.