Crevas Crevas is a close quarters map where action is just around the corner. On Crevas you will experience tight hallways on one end of the map and open spaces on the other. The combination of the two provides for numerous combat scenarios. Crevas supports mainly team orientated game types. However it is a perfect 1v1 map as it is not too big, and not too small. This feature gives both players an equal chance of finding the other without too much time loss. Below is a fly through and game play video. YouTube - Halo Reach: Map Variant "Crevas" Red Base The reds have access to the long corridor, and a sniper rifle. Blue Base The blues have access to a structure with a sniper rifle. Balance was very important to me while making the map. Thus the power weapons also had to be balanced. Below is a list of power weapons and their spawn times. Power Weapons & Spawn Times Sniper Rifle, both have only 4 shots, both spawn every 75 seconds. Shotgun. 5 shots, spawns at and every 85 seconds. Grenade Launcher, 5 shots, spawns every 60 seconds. Finally here are some assorted pictures for your viewing pleasure, And thank you for reading my post. Here is a overview of the map, power weapons and sticky grenades locations shown. This is the second level of Blue Base show casing the "escape hole." This this the area under the Blue Base. Here we see the Shotgun spawn area, along with a rock outcropping (perfect for sniping). Lastly, this is the main concourse hall directly infront of Red Base (the easy way around).
I like the map. A fitting name, Aesthetics that are sterling, just the right size, Different levels of battlefield, and a Fantastic presentation. Good Job.