Adoption Closed Hello, my name is SirCoolguy73. i have been forging for a few years, and have been on this website for as long, although i never posted. this map was started after i learned how to ghost merge, however i lost inspiration halfway through. I am looking for someone to continue it since i would hate to have to scrap it. I used the canvas from GeneticSpartan, here. i am askin' that anyone who is interested to give me my due credit, and that they are intent on finishing this map. i would like to see it posted soon (before the end of August, i hope that isn't asking too much). Without further adeu... Crescent Moon Overview Overview Right Side Overview Left Side River(Death Barrier) Do not delete these pieces, or they will become un-budget glitched, and unspawnable. Okay, theres my map. again, i want anyone who takes this up to be intent on finishing it, and to also give me credit when completed. if you are interested, Please PM me, and i will send you the download link. thankyou. P.S. Please comment with any advice you could give me for future maps. thankyou. --- hey, plz comment, tell me your tips, etc. etc.