
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by O Doyle, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. O Doyle

    O Doyle Ancient
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    Look up, Way up.

    Download Map


    Hello this is my sixth map and I consider it to be probably my best. I wanted to make a map that incorporated the entire map.
    If you like smaller maps be sure to check out my map called Amnesia Haze. Back to this one though.

    This map is symmetrical and has been adjusted and tested to play all game
    types. I really enjoy playing KOTH and Team slayer here.
    There are 2 starting bases, and 4 other major structures in the
    area. Snipe tower, 2 major towers with a bridge connecting the two. And
    a final larger structure that runs the length of the backside of the
    map. The bottom is open enough to maneuver a ghost or mongoose around. The mongoose is a great escape plan when playing CTF as well.

    There is no shortage of cover and almost everything has been interlocked or geomerged. I suggest team games on this but FFA works well also.

    Weapons List:

    6 BRs
    1 sniper
    1 rocket launcher
    4 carbines
    4 smgs
    2 needlers
    4 spikers
    1 ghost
    2 mongoose
    2 plasma rifles
    1 brute shot

    It may sound like a lot of weapons but they all are spread out evenly.

    1 Power drainer
    1 bubble shield
    1 OS
    1 AC

    Now to the screenshots.

    Front view of the sniper Tower with lifts. A base is behind the wall to the left and B is the opposite.

    View of A base from behind. B is just the same.

    View from top of A. Looking out is the two towers along with a bridge connecting them. Behind it is another structure that runs the entire back length of the wall.

    Side view of the back structure. Rockets spawn on this walkway.

    Another shot of the towers. You can reach these from 3 different places. 2 mancannos from the sides of the snipe tower, and one from the other structure.

    Sniping the rocket *****

    Another overview from a different angle

    Bubbleshield spawn

    Beep Beep

    Front view with OS spawn

    Power drainer from above. It spawns on the bridge between the two towers.

    Please rate and comment.

    Here is the link if you missed it.

    Download Map
    #1 O Doyle, Aug 1, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2008
  2. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    This map looks pretty sweet actuelly, and you pictures make it look 100 feet tall,
    nice job on those aswell, i like how you combined two towers but still made the map flow
  3. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Wow this map makes foundry look ten times bigger, its one of those maps where you cant memorize the whole thing. Good Job Keep forging 5/5
  4. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    looks pretty nice, for some reason its reminding me of kentucky tango(i think it was). hmmm cresendo? lets hope this isnt a decresendo, but by the looks of this map, your height aspect is very, eh em, uh, high.(to put in simplest turms)
  5. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    Those central structures are sexy. The dumpsters look a little odd perched at the top, but otherwise very cool indeed. I like the way you have used wire spools and boxes and barrels as "support" for the buildings. Looks very unique.

    I don't really have any criticism, its a nice concept and it looks nicely executed. Gonna have to download and have a better look me thinks.
  6. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    Just gotta say the power drain on the last picture looks epic.. Anyway to the map.

    As lot's of people have said it really makes foundry look huge, I think this map would be really good for shotty snipers. I'm saying this probably because the only thing I can use with long range is a sniper. I'm bad with BR's.
  7. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
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    this map has an excellent sense of height to it, and the towers are well designed, but the ground level is pretty open and would be frustrating to be stuck down there when the other team has you pinned down.
    4/5 for the vertically orientated map + good towers.
  8. O Doyle

    O Doyle Ancient
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    Originally Posted by many popes [​IMG]
    Just gotta say the power drain on the last picture looks epic.. Anyway to the map.

    As lot's of people have said it really makes foundry look huge, I think this map would be really good for shotty snipers. I'm saying this probably because the only thing I can use with long range is a sniper. I'm bad with BR's.

    Yeah a few of my friends liked playing team snipes here. But I am not the best with the sniper, but I love me some mid range BR battles and there seems to be a lot of that in this map.

    But thanks for the positive feedback guys, I appreciate it.
  9. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Dang!!! This looks awesome! I love the structures, looks like there is tons of cover, plenty of space and battlefield room, I think I will really enjoy this map! GREAT job! 9/10
  10. O Doyle

    O Doyle Ancient
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    I tried to put quite a bit of cover from the two towers above, there is also 3 different ways to get up there. Both spawn areas have a reasonably high perch area to fire upon the towers too.
  11. Keitapath

    Keitapath Ancient
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    Looks well forged, but gameplay doesn't look like it would be very competetive to me. I like how you have added elevation to the map, but it has to be balanced. It's very easy to camp on the top from the time I played on it. The general layout of the map is very good though! Keep Forging!
  12. youngian

    youngian Guest

    sweat map looks like an old timey village too me.
  13. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Nice map, I see some interlocking that was crooked, but that might be the camera. A very good map, I can see you incorporated the whole map. Koolio! 4.75/5
  14. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    The map is well built and all of the interlocking is nicely done. The map is also very tall focusing around four imposing structures. The two connected towers certainly dwarf the player and will make you feel small. The base of each tower is also very nicely constructed and looks good. When i first saw it it reminded me of a Japanese castle because of the way the base juts out and then the structure shoots up from it. The ciover placed around the core of the tower down below is quite tight and i fear it may be easy to grenade someone inside them.

    The back offices areas as normal with most forge maps seem rather redundant and too open. This is a minus for many maps and unfortunately this map falls victim to this as well. I would think that it would probably be best just to wall off the back section of the map and not use it in this case. Also personally i do not like stairs that lead to nowhere and you have to sidestep off of them to check to the next level. It takes away from the map asethics and just looks odd. The map has many nice asethic features from the towers to the sniper building and the teleporter design on said building. The two bases on each side of the map containing the custom powerup/camo combo(blocked off you cannot access them) seem truely to be for asethetic purposes only and serve in no way to help the map at all. Remembering that you posted this in the competitive section. I think with competitive maps gameplay must come first before asethetics but that is just my personal opinion.

    The weapons are nicely balanced with each team having a nice selection to choose from and both having the same access to the rocket launcher and sniper rifle. The map is not over populated with weapons either. The ghost however i would not have placed. Due to how open the bottom of the map is the Ghost would just become overpowering in my opinion.

    The map has two heights to it. Very low or very high only the back structure deviates from this slughtly and offers a middle height. What m calling the middle height is barren for a large section of the map leaving the map feeling rather open in areas. Also when it comes to traveling around the map the main focus of player movement has been on mancannons and grav lifts. The setup to go to the top of the sniper building can be somewhat dodgey because of the wire fences covering the 'chute' slightly. I have been caught in it on a few occassions. The mancannons and grav lift to the top of the two connected towers sometimes dont fire you correctly and seem very tempermental. It once took me four attempts of running straight into the grav lift at rockets to make the grav lift work. Therefore unfortunately i have to say that player movement is somewhat clumsy and definately an area to be worked on for your next map. You should always give players an option to run to a location or at least jump to it. Having to rely on man cannons and grav lifts adds some randomness to it and in a competitive game that is never a good thing.

    I like how the map looks and how it has been constructed. Your weapon layout is also good however the map is really let down by player movement. Failing to make a grav lift jump and having to run all the way back to it to try again simply feels like a chore and is not fun.

    Good luck with your future maps,
    I SeNTiNeL I
  15. Th3Bl4ckKn1ght

    Th3Bl4ckKn1ght Ancient
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    The map looks great and its always nice to see musical terms incorporated for the map name.
  16. O Doyle

    O Doyle Ancient
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    Thank you everyone for the comments, Sentinel thank you very much for the in depth look at the map. I love hearing feedback like this so I can fix these things in my next map. See you guys soon. O Doyle

  17. Pacman Wizard

    Pacman Wizard Ancient
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    Wow, looks like you got the big Foundry early (JJ). Very good map though, but I do think there are too many high power weapons for the set of equipment that you have. Thats just me though.

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