Hey guys, I've been into photography for a while and I usually take scenic/landscape/panoramic pictures, but I decided to step away from the "norm." I happened to find my creepiest subject yet, lying in the gutter near a construction site. My brother wanted to name it (it was creepy enough without the name...) Burnt Skull-****ed Fetus Death Lord. Don't ask, my brother is an odd one... Anywhosers, here "it" is! ^This is mah broski. Please, critique my work!
Meh, they're overdone concepts. It's not that they're bad photos--you've got some widely used methods working in your favor. I certainly would be creeped out had I stumbled upon such a situation naturally, it's just that this is very unoriginal. I'd love to see some of your panoramas, they're my favorite form of photography.
@ ER1CO: Thanks, breh. @ Noxiw: I know the whole "creepy doll" thing is a bit overdone, but I'm not too creative when it comes to creepy, lol. Any suggestions? As for my panos', I don't have access to them until tomorrow (I'm on my mother's notebook). Thanks guys!
That doll has a freaky, lazy-eye thing going on. I think it creeps me out more for the fact that I don't know what it's looking at rather than the fact that it looks inherently creepy. Nice pics, I could see them used as a metal-core CD cover.
**** why are abused baby dolls always bloody scary! Nice (scarring and nightmare inducing) shots, especially 2. Pedo-doll is coming to get you.