Sandbox Creatrium

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Weremidget, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    This map is outdated.
    1.1 is HERE!


    Millennia have passed, but only scratched the surface of this familiar battlefield. 4-8 players.

    My first venture into the Sandbox world was always to be a remake of an older custom map from Foundry, to test how this new Forging canvas stood up against its predecessor; the choice of which for me was simple: Atrium. I planned to make this map into everything I had wanted Atrium to be, which only really required an upsizing of the scale. Sandbox allowed me to widen and elongate the original and while the core gameplay still stands, some small differences make for fresh outcomes in set pieces of the map.

    The increase in size, pulling the four original structures further apart, resulted in a lot empty space which needed to be filled with new constructions that didn’t obstruct sightlines or gameplay too much. Very slightly raised towers opposing each other flank the centre-field, which has been transformed into a symmetrical shrine-like cover piece.

    The most obvious change from Atrium to Creatrium is in aesthetics, and due of course to the skin-change on objects. No longer an urban playground, this map has become an ancient and deserted relic.

    I realise the map is escapable, and thus the limitations on it as a competitive arena, but I can not render this without huge sacrifices to the enclosed content of the map, and have chosen not to.


    The main premise of Atrium was four buildings, one in each corner of the map and that element remains in Creatrium. Two of the buildings, diagonally opposite, are the main bases reaching 3 floors high. The other two buildings, each connected along the back wall on their upper floor to the middle floor of its respective base, reaches 2 floors high. Wrapped around each building is a set of ramps climbing upwards. These are outside of the buildings instead of beneath them like in Atrium, so they can be dropped down onto from above.

    In the middle of the map is a large platform as wide as the space between two corresponding buildings, and as long as the space between each side. This is dominated by a structure housing the rockets, and flanked by a ground level passage linking the outer buildings together with ramps at ends up to bases, and on the side up to the main field.

    Towers between bases and opposing lower buildings can be jumped across. They offer good cover and quick access, but the jump is too big for a flag carrier on usual settings.

    Slayer on this map is calculated and quick, it all comes down to control, of areas and weapons. The higher ground gives the best advantage and can be used to trap spawning opposition down low, but rockets in the open can break almost any good set up and are the quickest way to knock away tower-campers.

    Objective requires communication and planning, team-mates that lose their lives can lose the game easily, while a co-ordinated effort can make a quick change. Open ground is quick to cross, but easy to ambush, while routes around the outside are slower but more covered, although still susceptible to attacks from above.

    The map is currently set up for CTF, Slayer, Team Slayer and King of The Hill.

    4x Battle Rifles [1 Spare Clip, 90 Second Respawn]
    2x Carbines [1 Spare Clip, 90 Second Respawn]
    2x Maulers [1 Spare Clip, 120 Second Respawn]
    1x Sniper Rifle [1 Spare Clip, 150 Second Respawn]
    1x Beam Rifle [120 Second Respawn]
    1x Plasma Pistol [90 Second Respawn]
    1x Needler [1 Spare Clip, 90 Second Respawn]
    1x Machine Gun Turret [150 Second Respawn]
    1x Plasma Cannon [150 Second Respawn]
    1x Rocket Launcher [1 Spare Clip, 150 Second Respawn]

    4x Frag Grenades [20 Second Respawn]
    8x Plasma Grenades [20 Second Respawn]

    1x Bubble Shield [120 Second Respawn]
    1x Power Drain [150 Second Respawn]

    I don’t usually admit to this, but given the weapon set and playstyle of the map, I would actually advise Assault Rifle starts in most gametypes.

    All of the screenshots for this map are available in a slideshow, but just nine are embedded below










    So yeah, I guess that's it. Lemme know what you think and have fun.
    #1 Weremidget, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
  2. Gandhi

    Gandhi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hmmmm. i think i downloaded atrium from somewhere before... do you go on gamefaqs or oh and i liked atrium, so i'll dl this
  3. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah boi, GameFAQs H3GB Represent!
  4. Gandhi

    Gandhi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah! I got banned, but yeah! represent! Oh and if you ever need someone to test out your maps, just ask me. I prefer customs over matchmaking.
  5. x Paralyze x

    x Paralyze x Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Same here dude, Gt is Dragunstryke
  6. Blazeinator

    Blazeinator Ancient
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    Sweet, I liked atrium and this looks way better. As long as I can keep all my stupid friends to stay in it I should have some sweet games. I can't really see anything to be improved on it. Look forward to your future maps in sandbox.

    Also, yay for GameFAQS (yah, you dont know me, I'm a random, but I'm a huge fan of yours. Cheers
  7. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    OMG Werem1dget is back!

    I think Creatrium deserves a review.
    I'll start a game here early morning tomorrow in my time and observe the ups and downs.

    Atrium was great, one of your best maps. But this...10x better. You revived Atrium and made it to a more exciting and spacious map.
    Be back for a full scale review.

  8. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
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    Hey nice map. I also like how you gave the little overview of the map before you went into the screenshots. I was wondering how you do that. Anyway the map looks awsome. 4/5
  9. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Awesome, thanks guys.

    And Blazeinator - I recognise the name.
  10. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you want I could make a map video for this.
    Just throwing that out there. I really like the look and play of this so...
  11. The Demons Den

    The Demons Den Ancient
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    I downloaded this and played some 1v1s with my friends. Atrium was one of my favourite Foundry maps and I feel that this is really a lot better. I'm not a very big fan of the plasma cannon though but I like the idea of having a covenant side and a human side. Overall 9.5/10.

    P.S. ROFL at Phreakie's sig.
  12. Dylan1kenobi

    Dylan1kenobi Ancient
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    Looks pretty good, but I don't know. I feel that the map is too small for a competitive amount of players. Maybe I am wrong (i have only looked at the screenshots) but maybe just a tad more expansion would help the map. Other than that, this looks like an awesomely well put together map. Great Job!

  13. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I did some running around on this the other day, and I've got some comments for you.

    Firstly, it's nice to have you back showing off your stuff here. I've always appreciated the Foundry maps you made, so this was an immediate download from me.

    I'm curious as to why you didn't make this in the skybubble, since that would really help you in terms of the map's escapability. If I remember right you had plenty of money left over (this was a few days ago, forgive me if I'm entirely wrong), so you could even expand upon the size if you wished.

    Overall I liked what I saw in my initial forgethrough, and I'd be happy to get some games going with you if you want to hit me up sometime. Welcome back, keep up the good work, and I expect to see some more solid maps from you in the future.
  14. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    I had a poke around on the Skybox before I started on this and decided I'd rather make it on the middle floor. On reflection, it could have been cool in the sky, maybe I'll do some semi-reimagination floating up high some day.

    It could use some expansion for 4v4 games, I'll admit, but up to 6 players I think should fit in; and Squidhands you were indeed mistaken, I have maybe one or two dollars left to spend. I forgive you.

    Mister Phreakie, I appreciate the offer but don't think it will be necessary. I don't plan to make anything more of Creatrium than a simple thread and some screens. Thanks anyway.
  15. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    Well, I really like the presintation. I think the map itself is good as well, I just feel that if you created it in the crypt then you could have saved more item for the land scape. But however the merging is pretty good and the sheer flow also presents itself well. I would say 5/5 from me. I've seen better but not many that are closed in at the main level of sandbox. good job.

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