Creators Spotlight: General Trex | Part 4 of 4 |

Discussion in 'Features' started by I Crush All, Sep 20, 2022.

  1. I Crush All

    I Crush All The Bojack Horseman of the Forge Community
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    Hey you, this is part 4 of a 4 part article, if you haven't seen the other parts click one of the texts below for context

    Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |

    That's definitely some good advice for new foragers, too, 'cause. A lot of people do get butthurt with feedback sometimes. To not take it personally is something that sometimes takes people a lot of time to really hear.

    Yeah, you know, we are not here to tell new Forgers“map bad, go, go away, quit Halo, never play this game again.” you know, we're here to give you advice for how you can improve. You know, of course, it's always up to the individual to take that advice and if you want to just, you know, close your ears and make a map nobody wants to play, hey, that's your prerogative. If that's fun for you to do that then do that. I would advise you to listen to the advice of others, especially people have been doing it for years. Like my initial invasion maps were literally “Map bad. What are you doing?” And I wouldn't have gotten to where I am today if it wasn't for this community, you know. I will shout out some some folks, Nom Nom 321, AbleSirThomas, Cleanser of Noobs, Alex W, Jeshua, you know all those guys, you know, I would not become the forger I am today if it wasn't for the patience of those guys, the woman, to take the time to look at my maps and pull them apart and say, “Hey, you see how this could be unfun for gameplay? Maybe you should revisit that.”


    C: Yeah, that is definitely a great thing to hear is like all those people that have helped you out with that and then like of course, like having those people that are being able to be blunt enough when it comes to like the gameplay stuff 'cause that is something that a lot of people like won't want to do 'cause, “oh, they're my friend. I don't want to, like, hurt their feelings on their map” or something like that when honestly like, not harsh, but like blunt feedback can be very helpful, more helpful than most people will admit when it comes to making maps, or even getting better in general. And like you and me definitely have a lot of the same friends in that group that you mentioned. I mean, like I've known Able for quite some time as well.

    T:Able is a really cool guy! And it was a it was funny meeting Able, right 'cause like, you know, I grew up watching, you know, The Halo Forge Epidemic and I was like, “Oh my gosh, are you the real able Sir Thomas?” And then I got to know the guy. I'm like, hah this guy.

    C: He is definitely a cool guy. Everyone can be a little rude sometimes but he’s always been very cool.

    Yeah, me and Able love to tear each other a new one when we’re forging maps together haha.

    C: As good friends always do, you know that's right. When it comes to game type modding and stuff, of course you've been in that scene for quite some time. How would you recommend for more people to get started in that, whether that be just like learning the game type mods and trying them out on their own maps or whether that be trying to like help you guys test stuff out, how would you recommend to do that the best?

    Well, there are two ways you can help with that. Uh, one way is if you are an Xbox player and you are really not into, you know, trying to figure out something on PC we always need forgers to make maps for these game types. You know, there has been...there has been several people on the game pad community have made crazy cool game types. For example, one of them was a uh, what's that? What's that breach and clear game called?

    C: Rainbow 6?

    That is it! The Rainbow 6 somebody made a Rainbow 6 siege game type where you literally have to rescue a hostage AI inside of a building and that you can plant bombs on doors and blow open windows and it's like the coolest game type in the world, but nobody wanted to pick it up and make a map out of it so take it takes marrying of the coders, creating game types and then you know forgers and creative people who can make a map to make that game type come to life. So if you are a forger and you are like interested in creating maps for new game modes, you are done with Slayer, you are done with infection, you want to try something new or crazy, even? You want to forge a map for that AI zombie thing? You know, just reach out to the game typing a discord. So literally called MCC game typers, the discord made by Gamer Gotten and there is a link to it in The Anvil discord there might be a link to it in the ForgeHub discord as well. Just pop in there and say, “Hey, I wanna make a map. What game types have you guys created?” And you know somebody will reach out to you pretty quick and say here, here's a list of what we've done. You know, what are you interested in? On the same side, if you want to actually start making game types, let's say you've got an idea that you can make something, that you have a map, but you are like, oh, I can't make that map work with Slayer. You could probably make it work with game. Typing so I would advise also going to the discord and asking hey you guys think something like this is possible and nine times out of 10 the answer is going to be Yes, and there's a lot of guys there that will help you get it get your feet wet with the game type labels. If you are doing Reach, you know they just release the Reach mod tool called Megalo Edit believe the game type scripting language is called megalo. Uhm, but somebody else made a community made tool called Reach variant tool which is way more user friendly than the brand new dev created tool. I would advise you download Reach variant tool and start playing with that. Uhm and you know you can just ask for help, ask for ideas you know people have been. If you have an idea about you know, something you want to code, there's a large chance somebody else has already come up with a way to execute that and they can work with you or share some of their code with you. You can sort of take that and copy paste that or make that work with your game type.


    C: Awesome so in that in that case I guess it sounds like you with the Megalo and the other one that you said the other game type scripting, Reach variant tool, It sounds like with both of those. Then, like, a lot of people probably could honestly just make their own game types by going through that discord as well, like just learning from some people in the discord and then like, they can probably make their own stuff. That is really sick.

    And if you want to make stuff for Halo 4 and Halo 2 anniversary, you will have Gamer Gotten, who has been reverse engineering the Halo 2 anniversary code to make a tool to actually edit it, and it's actually the most beginner, user-friendly tool out there because it uses instead of using literal lines of code like the reach tools do, or just typing in lines of code, it uses a node graph system which looks remarkably similar to what you are seeing out of this Halo infinite Forge Node Graph. And you don't, you know, you don't have to know the codes for things or the scripts for things that everything is in a drop down menu. So you click a drop down and so, you know, teleport Player 2 or create vehicle at, you know, there is a lot of stuff that really makes it a lot simpler. You know, if you are an experienced game typer, it is a lot lower to work with a node graph, but if you are somebody who has never worked with a game type scripting or coding,it is a huge advantage to be able to do that.

    C: Definitely 'cause it is not only just like you don't have to look at just a line of code and like kind of guess and check, but also you get to just kind of understand it a little bit better 'cause of how more User friendly it is. Or at least that's how it sounds. That's really sick though. I mean, I am really glad to hear that like that community seems to be very open as well and seems to be wanting to help more people in that in that type of way so that sounds awesome. I'm really glad to hear all that. Uhm when it comes to like invasion, I know you guys made like custom game type mod with that in Reach, was that also done by Gamer Gotten or was that done by able or who is that done by?

    That was done by drumroll pleased the real Trusty Snooze.

    C: Nice! And that's the one that came with like the game type or not the game type, the object scaling and stuff too if I remember correctly, right?

    That's right. So he had object scaling and he also added another objective generator defense, and you can uh... like, you can actually lock the generators, they become invulnerable, the shield comes up around them, you can set how long it's locked for, how long the cooldown is. You can set it so the generator regenerates health after it gets below a certain threshold. So like, if you want, let's say you want to hold at 25%, health gets down to 10%, and nobody is attacking, it'll regenerate back up to 25. And that works on any object that can die. So a fusion coil, the actual generator, a Wraith tank, whatever you want. If it can be blown up, it can be a generator objective in that modded invasion mode. You have to blow it up to continue to the next phase.

    C: Yeah, that's that sounds sick, I just wanted to ask about that 'cause, like, of course, like we have talked a lot about invasion in this. We have talked about the game type scripting and of course a lot of the lobbies that I've been in with you guys have been using that version and we never really talked about that version of invasion, so I just wanted to at least get that in here. Just considering that, like it does seem to have been a big part of not only your dad's map pool, but a big part of a lot of the lobbies that I have been in with you guys too.

    Yeah, the scale label, which has become sort of a staple of modern game typing and forging in MCC at least, is a it really transforms or it is, you know, it is kind of, it is going to be a feature for Halo Infinite where you can just take an object and make it larger or smaller. But you know, that's a recent discovery with game typing that you can make objects larger or smaller and incorporate them into your maps on MCC.


    C : If I remember correctly, back in the day on Halo 4, someone found out how to do it as well in the Machinima game mode. But for reaching for all the other games I remember no one ever did that, so it definitely is something related really cool to be able to have that now, and not only Reach, but I know that it has also been ported to H2A if I remember correctly. I don't know if it's even possible to port that to Halo 3, but that would be sick if it would be if it be possible to port it to three at some point.

    It will not sadly. It is possible in every game that has the Megalo game type language, which is Halo Reach onward. Sadly, not Halo 3.

    C: Maybe one day. But all right, thank you again, General Trex, for hanging out with me here on this episode, creator Spotlight. Would there be anything else you would like to say to anyone listening before, before we sign off?

    Yeah, hashtag bring back playable elites!

    C: I'm sure a lot of the community would agree with you on that one! I know a lot of people miss that. But all right, everybody that has been a this episode, Trader Spotlight, thank you all so much for tuning in. Sorry for the delay on this of course we didn't have one last month, I have been going through some stuff and I have been needing to pick up this series again for a little bit, and while I'm back, so we'll be starting the game nights up again soon, this will be starting to be consistent again. And then of course we will also be still doing the articles on the website and posting those in the discord as we have been. Be sure to check out The Anvil discord if you haven't already. They are another group that just came up in the Forge community that we have talked about here on the Spotlight episode quite some bit. We are going to be partners with them more than likely, same with the foundry and of course all of the other Partnersthatwe've been partners with before. But I just wanted to give them another shout out here, just in case if you guys didn't pick up that at all during the video. But yeah, so shout out to The Anvil and shout out again to General Trexs for joining me today here for another episode of Creators Spotlight!

    And remember, let's forge new Halo.

    End Transmission

    Thank you everyone who read through this transcript, we here at ForgeHub hope that you've been enjoying this series, we will be bringing new series to you soon along with the website update that we will talk more about at some point soon! Be sure to provide us with your feedback in the comments for these articles or some wants that you would want for the new site!
    See y'all starside!
    #1 I Crush All, Sep 20, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2022
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