Creators Spotlight: General Trex | Part 3 of 4 |

Discussion in 'Features' started by I Crush All, Sep 20, 2022.

  1. I Crush All

    I Crush All The Bojack Horseman of the Forge Community
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    This is part 3 of a 4 part article, context is key so if you haven't seen part 2 or part 1 please click one of the options below

    Part 1 | Part 2

    T: To be honest, what I'm more excited about over Infinite’s Forge is the launch of Reach mod tools, which just happened recently.

    C: Yes, I was actually going to make an article about that or add that to the recent news feed that I wrote, but I have been insanely busy, so I am probably going to make an article about that after we are done with the recording here if I am being completely honest with myself. But have you messed with the Reach mod tools at all recently? Or do you know if Gamer Gotten has? I know those literally just came out, but I have seen some things, like, I know General Kidd posted up the video of the space squirrel and the space bison or space ram, whatever you want to call that haha. But have you messed around with any of that stuff?

    So before we got on this call, I was working on converting the campaign mission Long Night of Solace, the part where you board the Corvette, into a multiplayer forge map and you can imagine playing invasion on a map where you have to board a Covenant ship in actual space.

    C: 100%, yeah. I'm actually kind of curious if, like, I know game type scripting is completely separate from map, stuff like that. I'm kind of curious if it would even be possible to play that in base retail.

    Yeah, that would be a PC only thing unfortunately, but there is something cool you mentioned there game type modding and map modding, uhm, it is cool and crazy how much we can do with game type modding right now, but if you could create a modded map. You can add things that the game type can reference and the Sky's the limit you know, being able've seen some cool stuff in Halo 3, but it's always just been CTF or Slayer with the Halo 3 map mods. With Halo Reach and onward, Halo 4 and Halo 2 anniversary, being able to marry game type scripting and map modding, you are going to see some of the craziest stuff you have ever seen in the next year, I guarantee you.


    C: Hopefully, hopefully that stuff will come sooner, sooner rather than later so we can all have some really fun, interesting stuff to mess around on MCC when it comes to the mod stuff, 'cause, the only mods for Halo that I've actually played is I played a little bit of SPV3 and then there was another campaign mod back in Custom Edition that I played at some point when I first got my laptop. 'cause I used to always watch like Call of Duty world at war and Modsin Black Ops 3 like custom zombies, mods and stuff like that have always interested me. CE as well with the custom game type or not custom game type custom map mods that people did for campaigns like, I think it'sProjectLuminia or something andSPV3 and there were some other ones too, but I can't remember the last time I had, but yeah, hopefully modding will definitely like pick up a lot of steam, like Custom Edition and all the other stuff did when it comes to the PC, exclusive stuff, so that we can have a lot of really cool stuff to do 'cause the only thing that I have seen so far from that community is just what has been publicized with the old Zombie Survival game mode that someone made for like Halo 3's Seirra 117 mission. But I think that got corrupted with one of the recent MCC updates.

    Yeah, right.Like a campaign firefight type thing. Yeah, I think that got broken though or something after the season 8 update.

    C: I could be wrong, but that is the only thing I have really ever seen from the MCC modding area.

    Yeah, there's a lot of people sort of stopped modding reach because any reach mods get broken with every update, but now that the modding tools are out and we do not have to use community source tools, you know a lot of those things should be breaking anymore between updates. So it'd be really cool to see what's happening going forward. Let me just put this image in your head you remember playing generator defense in firefight? Well, imagine generator defense, but there are two capital ships in space, and you have to destroy the hard points on the outside of the ship to gain access to board on the inside like it's Star Wars Battlefront2005.

    C: That would be sick! I have always loved playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 and doing those space battle missions things those were those are always amazing. Definitely when it comes to games that you take inspiration from, of course, like you can say, you have taken inspiration from Halo and stuff. Do you take inspiration from any other games that you play when you are creating things, whether that be forge maps or like soon to be mods or anything? Or would you say that that's primarily just like the? (The stuff that you mentioned before with the first inspiration question.)

    Uh, we just sort of mentioned Star Wars there, of course Aliens, Halo itself, you know, take a lot of inspiration from Halo campaign missions, you know, forerunner aesthetic, Covenant aesthetic, but also, I take some inspiration from real life. You know, I work a job where I travel to different manufacturing facilities and sometimes, I am in there I will just take pictures of the outside, or pictures of the machinery inside 'causeI will get inspiration from doing that too.


    C: I mean, I, I have definitely done things like that too, when it comes to the in real life, stuff like heck this is kind of an extreme example, but I thought it'd be really cool, you know, like how jeans have like zippers and stuff? Back in like H2A, I always thought it be cool to have like a really like gigantic dam map and like the dams like walls or whatever would be like spaced out like the little grooves on like jeans for where the zipper came up or whatever. So like it would be like, multiple different flat areas where the water would come through and then like there be like bridges and stuff connecting like the map and all that so be like a Bridgewater map. Kind of like narrows I guess, but a giant dam. Uh, so like, I completely get that haha. Granted, it's a very weird example, but I completely get that I do the same thing with in real life stuff to some extent, even like places I've been when it comes to like, natural locations. Try to recreate that.

    So there's a H2A map a friend of mine made a desert bus map that breaks out of bounds right? So you if you are up late, desert bus on Reach... it is like, it is really stupid. It's a straight line that's like 30 seconds long, right, and you know, Desert bus is meant to be stupid, but If you can break out of the bounds of a map, we found out you can make a really long desert bus and so it's actually 17 kilometers long, which is about 10 1/2 miles and it takes 10 minutes to drive from one side to the other. And so he just made a map out of it, you know, just a bunch of grass plains in a straight line and uh, I hopped in there with our new game type modding for H2A, and we added a screw so or not, scripting scaling. So we basically take what was just a bunch of grass plains in a straight line and completely transform it into an actual desert with mountains that are on either side of you as you are driving along like it looks like something out of Halo 5.Itisbananas.

    C: Well, damn, well we will have to play that sometime. I actually haven't played that before. I know Desert bus is like where you are literally driving in One Direction for like. And like on PC or desert bus when that came out like it was like an hour in One Direction just to get to 1 location or something so I know that but.

    Right. Right, so this one is not as lame as reach where it's 30 seconds, but it's not as pain inducing as the modded map where it's an hour to get from one side to the other. But it still is you are sitting there with a convoy of players for 5 minutes driving before you crash into the other convoy in the middle of the map and half of you die and go back.

    C: So we've given some advice to the new foragers on some things like when it came to how to get started and then like also like how to find people like talk to with like maps and feedback, you know, that type of stuff. Would there be anything else that you'd want to say to like newer foragers just in general? Uhm, when it comes to whether that be advice over anything in forge, or when it comes to just like something that you want to say to them before you sign off?

    It's adding new forgers out there. You know, it may be intimidating at first, but if you've got a vision I would encourage you to pursue that if you, if you can say, I think I can make this and it will be fun to play and people will enjoy it, you know, I would encourage you to to attempt it. And if it doesn't work out, don't let that hurt your feelings. You know, people aren't...people don't always think the same as you, but sometimes it is good to listen to, you know, criticism from others. Well, sort of, without getting too butthurt over it, so to speak.

    This is part 3 of a 4 part Article, view part 4 here

    Part 4
    #1 I Crush All, Sep 20, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2022
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