Hello guys, I am making this post becuase I was on the Bungie.net forum and stumbled across an interesting thread. It was a discussion on how Bungie is catering more towards the MLG user by taking away features such as the comment "bump" Files Forum system, and adding tons of MLG-based playlists. I added some input and I would like to share it with all of you also. So read the thread and think about it and then hit me back with some wisdom. This is what I had to say
very nicely worded. not sure why you posted it, but sure, i agree with you, and i think you made an exxcelent point. +rep for you!
What I think most people don't know, is that Bungie is not done modifying the files forum just yet. From my understanding they are adding a filter/search system sometime in the near future. So while it may not be working now, Bungie is actively working on making the current system usable.
Thanks Shatakai and boredom was really the reason i made this post. That and my dislike of the new system. and Draw the Line... yeah I didn't know about that Thats cool I just think that they should keep the old system oh well