Create an idea for a new grenade.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Blaze, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Remote Grenade
    Description: Reskinned spike grenade. Sticks to objects and then detonates remotely when the next remote grenade is thrown
    Colour: Grey, with green patches
  2. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    Name: Radius grenade (that's all I could think of)
    Nickname: the "biggie"
    Description: Much larger blast radius compared to a frag, but also does much less damage.
    Effect: Explodes, causing damage to all within its blast radius.
    Probably not in matchmaking, kind of like the firebomb.
    It could be pretty fun in campaign.

    Pros: has a very large blast radius.
    Cons: does little damage, and it is easy to get caught in the blast yourself if not used carefully.
  3. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    Name: posion gernade
    Nickname: p nade
    effect: Throwing the gernade at an opponent without stiking him/her will bring down 1/4 of his/her shields, but if there stuck then the spikes on the gernade will stick in to them, leading them into a 3 second death from posion. But once its stuck into them and the die the gernade will explode which will kill anyone 3 feet from the body
    matchmaking/campain: not in campain, and only in big team matches

  4. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    Name: High velocity Nade
    Description: Smaller Energy Sword handle except blue-white. Spree medals.
    Effect: Makes hole in scenery (walls, grounds, etc.) enough for players to fit through. Has gravity Hammer effect on players, minus the damage. Sends light vehicles flying, medium vehicles (excluding chopper) go flying if unoccupied and/or travelling slowly. Blows heavy vehicles Spartan/Elites height back.
    Campaign: Yes, in big maps though
    Multiplayer: Very rarely
    Pros: Extremely strong, can be thrown under players to make them fall. Can create new doors.
    Cons: Can be deflected, has effect on user, no damage done.
  5. Darksircam

    Darksircam Ancient
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    Name: Anti-Flood Grenade
    Description: Looks like six Forerunner turrets (equipment) geomerged together. It's spiky. Designed to combat Flood (duh), it has a blast radius about 1.5 times that of the frag grenade and bounces. On detonation, it looks like Spark's repulsion attack.
    Effect: Instantly kills anyone with no shields.
    Matchmaking: Yes, non-zombie games.
    Campaign: Drops very rarely from sentinels (even with catch skull on), and somehow the Sentinel's explosion doesn't detonate it. A few found on Cortana (level) as well.

    Pros: Instantly kills pure forms. Like a firebomb, but better.
    Cons: Basically useless in normal games unless thrown following a frag grenade. Doesn't harm Shielded Elite forms either.
  6. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Name: Proximity Grenade

    Description: Flat grey disk approximately half the size of a trip mine

    Effect: It travels at the same speed as regular grenades, but doesn't ark as much. If it enters within 5 ft of any enemy players or vehicles, it explodes, releasing a flurry of spikes similar to the spike grenade in the direction of the trigger. The farther away from the player it is when it explodes, the less damage it will do to them individually (less spikes hitting them), but the greater a chance to damage multiple targets. If it hits a wall, it explodes on contact, releasing spikes in all directions, but if it lands on the ground, it acts as a trip mine, waiting for an enemy to enter it's radius before it explodes, releasing spikes in all directions.

    Campaign: Yes, on vehicle-based maps such as the Covenant and the Ark

    Multiplayer: Yes, on large maps with vehicle-support

    Pros: Proximity-triggers explosion so that it will damage an enemy, even if it isn't going directly in their path, as well as it's conversion to a mine-like device if it lands on the ground (a relatively flat surface). It can also destroy any vehicle that triggers it.

    Cons: It explodes instantly if it hits a wall or an obstacle, and it only kills players on foot if they are close to the grenade when it explodes.
  7. marshie 333

    marshie 333 Ancient
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    Tracker nade, a sticky and homing grenade that has a waypoint attached to it. I think that would be useful for objective games.
  8. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Grenade: Tracking Device

    1: If you stick a person with it- it is invisible (very small size) and an arrow will appear over the victim's head for all enemy teams to see.
    2: If you throw and miss a person, the grenade puts an arrow over anyone that steps on it except for the thrower.

    EDIT: I seriously did not notice the poster above me that made the same thing
    #88 Loscocco, Aug 17, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2009
  9. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    The chuck norris grenade!!!
    Discription: Almost like a pokeball, but it explodes and chuck norris comes out and kills everyone!
    Cons: IT HAS NONE!
  10. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    tracking chip

    stick it to someone and a blue dot shows it on your radar and an arrow on your screen shows them, can be removed by holding RB next to it and will destroy it, also an explosion will destroy it but no brute shot explosion
  11. Rawring Marco

    Rawring Marco Ancient
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    Name: Beacon Grenade
    Description: Blue ball that has pure energy in it, imagine it!
    Effect: All enemies and AI near run to it but it has a short fuse time.
    Campaign: Yes
    Matchmaking: No
    Respawn: 180

    Warning: Seeing this grenade may cause dizzyness and the unstoppable urge to run after it, avoid contact after fuse time.
  12. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Flood Capsule

    Releases a cloud of Flood spores, they infect on touch.
  13. boomerdude

    boomerdude Ancient
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    name:melle grenade
    description: stick it to your weapon hit someone with it and it sticks them
    pros: instant kill on them
    cons: has time limit on use and kills u

    name:soul sucker
    description: a green spiked sticky
    pros: it sucks the life from other people who are stuck and ads it to you
    cons: if you miss you lose health
  14. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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    Name: Cam-nade
    Description: stick to any person/surface on contact, after throwing a "mini screen" appears near the corner of your screen and shows you anything that the nade would see.
    Pros: would be helpful for timing events, recon and using remoter grenades (as some people have suggested)
    Cons: only lasts for 30 sec, can easily be shot off of target by another player, if the thrower dies the effects go away.

    EDIT: just thought of another one

    Name: Disguise Grenade
    Description: a grenade that when stuck to a surface edits the color of the thrower to match that.
    Example: 1) if you stick it to an opponent you become that color and appear as a friendly on radar
    2) If you stick it to the wall, you turn the color of the wall.
    Pros: allows you to sneak into enemy base easily
    Cons: only lasts for 1 min
    #94 Teaco27, Aug 18, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2009
  15. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    C12 Grenade
    Filled with C12-Shaped Charges.
    A 4x4x4 Inch C12 Charge can level a five story building in seconds. A 1x1x1 inch C12 charge should still be pretty powerful.
  16. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    Has anybody done an EMP yet?
    Description: all guns, vehicles, and radars within the blast radius don't work for a short time
    Pros:Its awesome
    Cons:Don't try to grenade jump with it.
  17. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Name: Proximity Grenade
    Description: Black, a "Stuck" medal is awarded when stuck to an enemy. Deals damage depending on distance away from grenade. Instant kill when planted to an enemy.
    Effect: Can be planted on walls or floors as proximity traps that go off and explode much like a frag grenade. A proximity grenade is triggered when an enemy walks near the planted grenade, or an enemy is stuck with the grenade.
    Yes, proximity grenade's would be in matchmaking.

    Yes, proximity grenade's would be in campaign.

    Ignore the part that says Frag Grenade. This is from Gears of War 2, but it gets the idea out there.​
  18. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    Name: Poison grenade
    Description: its green/purple, You get a meedle that looks like a thorn, it does small amount every few secs so its a slow kill.
    Effect: Sicks
    in match making

    A team mate can shoot it off of you.
  19. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What if they miss?
  20. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Crayo Bomb
    Freezes the person or vehicle it hits for 10 seconds
    Looks like an ice ball.

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