Create an idea for a new grenade.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Blaze, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    description:when it land it sends out a wave of energy that knocks your enemy away,and if your within 2feet it can take away 1/4 of your shields and 2/3 if it sticks.can kill if opponent's shields are down.has aproximently the power of a man cannon.
    uses:usefull if enemy is near ledge or you need to get them away.use on your self if you need quick trasport.
    notes:bounces like a frag,but sticks if it hasnt bounced yet
  2. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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    I've got 2

    Remote Grenade- Can be stuck to any surface, including people, and is detonated when the thrower pulls LT again.

    View Grenade- Can be suck to any surface, including people. When thrown, a small screen pops up in the corner of you screen showing what the grenade would see, lasts for 30 sec
  3. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    -Name: Effect Nade
    -Description: It would be yellow, shiney star like grenade. Just like the custom power-up, the gametype would decide what it's effects would be.
    -Effect: Default slayer stops people in the area, knocking them out. Custom effects varry from mobility change, blindness, strength change, accuracy. Range and duration of the effect would also be modifiable.
    -This probably would be limited to custom games, or uncompetitive games.
    -Definatly in campaign.
  4. CLIFF X13

    CLIFF X13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Launcher Grenade.
    Description: Jet Black
    Effect: after it touches a surface it launches for 3 secondes and explodes.
    In matchmaking.
  5. Lcarnacieg

    Lcarnacieg Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Meteor Nade
    Description: Sticks to first surface it touches and meteors strike down there.(I got it from a weapon off Destroy All Humans 2) Medal would be a picture of a meteor striking.
    Not in matchmaking, but in customs
    In campaign under legendary
  6. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    MAC grenade
    description: a grenade shaped like a MAC station.
    effect: when thrown, it awaits remote detonation by pressing left on the D-pad. can be stuck to people, surfaces, and vehicles. when detonated, several MAC rounds pound the general area it is located in. anyone within the circle of blasts, even if not hit, will die from heat and force caused by the barage around them.
    custom games(only big maps)
  7. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    quite a few of these sound like the hammer of dawn from GoW
  8. Gamerguy45

    Gamerguy45 Ancient
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    Name: Gravity grenade.
    Description: its black with some white spots similar to gravity hammer.
    Effect: when thrown will explode instantly. When exploded it will launch players back similar to gravity hammer... But, without damage will also slow people to 75% speed for 3 seconds if in impact range.
    matchmaking: Yes.
    Campaign: No.
  9. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    thats probably because they should've had something like that in halo 3 to begin with. it had potential, MAC cannon shots, but they never made it happen.
  10. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Small, Hexagontal, and Indigo
    When thrown, about 20 meters away, a Wraith appears. You can use this Wraith. The grenade itself can stick to people, then transform to a Wraith and squish the person stuck. Lawl.
    Campaign: Yes, but in a small room on the Covenant, hidden behind a wall of nothing but graphics, shrouding the room in secrecy.
    Multiplayer: Yes, but in a secret room on, LONGSHORE!!!
  11. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Smoke grenade
    Black, shields your eyes, like a flare but not as annoying
    They would work, and add a touch to maps like Gardian or Construct
    It would be fun, and useful in situation where you need to get to cover fast. Bubble shields create temporary cover but Smoke will allow you to get to permanent cover.
  12. CD Shot 47

    CD Shot 47 Ancient
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    The drain grenade.
    Color: Blue, like a power drain.
    Effect: Lowers shields like a power drain. (except it goes further and is slightly less effective.)
    This would be great if you had a br because it lowers most of their shields if not all of them and then the 1 or 2 hs with the br would take them down.
    Bounces like a frag.
  13. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
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    Radar grenade
    When thrown, it makes a large red mark on your radar.
    Sticks to people, so the person is always on your radar
    Used in Multiplayer only, matchmaking yes.
    Lasts for 15 seconds after hitting a solid object.

    Pros: You get to see where an enemy is.
    Cons: If you miss, there's a giant red blob on your radar.
  14. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Name: Stun Grenade
    Description: Grey with a yellow trim.
    Effects: When it explodes a brief sulphur coloured gas is emitted (which only appears for around 1 second) Within a 5-10m raduis, opponents are stunned (frozen). They may turn on the spot but but not move in any other dimension. If the radius includes a vehicle, it gives the same effect of a plasma pistol. Lasts 5 seconds.
    In Matchmaking: Medium sized maps only, so does not slow gameplay down much.
    In Campaign: Human use only. Stuns any enemy/vehicle (except Phantom or Pelican).
    Pros: Stuns enemies
    Cons: May stun you if it is not thrown far enough.
    #74 Hazza, Nov 8, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2008
  15. DekuLink333

    DekuLink333 Ancient
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    That idea is full of Epoch Win.
  16. Brandosnes

    Brandosnes Ancient
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    Name: Multi-nade
    Description: Large bulky black with orange stripes
    Effect: When thrown near enemys it will explode and release four smaler explosives which track and stick to nearby opponents taking away their sheilds. Has about twice the damage radius of a standard frag.
    Campaign: sure
    Multiplayer: yes
    Pros: If a player is stuck by more than one it will kill him, can disable up to four players sheilds.
    Cons: large and bulky so it can not be thrown very far.
  17. DekuLink333

    DekuLink333 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That sounds more like equipment to me.
  18. A Badger Ferret

    A Badger Ferret Ancient
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    Name: Stun Grenade
    Description: Gold grenade
    Effect: When in 3 meters of a unit it blinds and makes unable to move for 1-10 seconds it matters how close it is to the unit. If a power drain comes close enough it disactivates the stun grenade.
    Campaign: Yes for brutes.
    Multiplayer: Yes on maps that have a powerdrain.
    Pros: does not need a direct hit.
    Cons: Can be stopped by a power drain and lasts only 1-10 seconds.
  19. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    Name: Goonade
    Description: Color: Fluro green and has distinctive green glow with a radius of a meter (the glow softens more when it gets closer to edge of glow radius)
    Effect: Has 2/3 the speed of a frag grenade when thrown and fly's directly to target, (so just aim directly at the person then throw) It slightly tracks them when in the air, can turn corners but not sharp ones, if it hits someone, it sticks. if it lans on the ground before it hits someone, it will continue to track the closest foe to it at the speed of a sticky grenade being thrown, won't stick to someone when on ground. Instantkill if a stick, but drains 4/5 of shields when exploded right next to someone. Explodes in air if tracking someone for too long (10 secs)

    In matchmaking and campaign
  20. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    Name: Anti-Vehicle Conical Charge
    Description: Conical on both ends, with flat ends. is green-ish.
    Effect: When thrown onto a vehicle, it sticks, explodes and kills everyone in the vehicle. works similar to the tank grenade in CoD 5. If thrown on the ground or on walls, it works like a mine. if thrown on a wall, it will automatically put up a laser going to the other side of the wall, or until it is far enough to be inefective. if stepped on, it will instantly kill the player, no matter how much shields they have. if a player or vehicle goes through the laser, it will detonate, going all right into the tripped laser, killing the player/vehicle.
    Campaign: yes
    Multiplayer: yes
    Pros: can instantly destroy any vehicles or players that are either stuck by it or trip the laser. also does not beep or make any sound like a tripmine.
    Cons:low blast radius, medium range. if thrown too far(like with a mancannon), it will explode upon contact with the ground.

    Name: C10 Anti-Matter Charge
    Description: Dark Blue, rectangular box.
    Effect: When placed, you gain a 3rd weapon, a detonator. once the detonator is fired, the charge will explode, and anyone within a double box-radius will instantly die in a blue-black sphere.
    Campaign: yes
    Multiplayer: yes
    Pros: can kill a scarab in 1 hit, but is hard to come by. if put on a wall near the top of a building, it can kill people underneath it and inside the building. absorbs all bullets, rockets, lasers, grenades, and other weapon discharges, as well as vehicles
    Cons:if you die before detonating, you will have to manually detonate it, by either shooting or grenading it. is extremely dangerous to use, especially when used in close quarters.

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