Create an idea for a new grenade.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Blaze, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Bubble Grenade
    Well, it'd be like the one from the trailer. Black with kinda orange stripes.
    It'd have the same effect as the regular bubble sheild but its radius would be a bit smaller and the player would be able to throw it much greater distances than the regular bubble sheild. And availavle in both campaing and MM.
  2. Verno

    Verno Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Portable Clocking Field (PCF)
    Description: Small triangle with blue light going down the edges
    Effect: Makes anyone and even vehicles and pickups invisible in a small area. Will last long period of time or until triangle takes damage. Enemies within the Field will be able to see PCF user(s). A Power draining will instantly destroy the PFC. Can attach to self or allied for a less effective mobile PCF.
    Campaign: Yes
    Multiplayer: Yes
    Pros: Good for objective games
    Cons: Enemies within the Field will be able to see user(s)
    #22 Verno, Jul 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
  3. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
    Senior Member

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    some of these are becoming Equips... but oh well

    Name: ACG (Anti-Cloak-Grenade)
    Description: Small flat silver disk, red/yellow center (alternates when active)
    Effect: Can only be thrown onto walls or floors. No bounce, insta stick like spike Grenades. Emits an invisible field 3x the size of a bubble shield that will uncloak any cloaked characters inside the field. Effect is immediate on entry, with a flash/spark around player that lasts less than half a second. Cloak will resume as if active camo was just picked up if you exit. Does not reset camo timer. Only one can be active at a time per team (if second is thrown, previous will detonate, one for all in ffa). Drains and absorbs shields of thrower to power unit. Will last 30 seconds, or until shot off wall/floor. Owners shields will not refill under any situation, including Overshield or Regenerator.
    Campaign: Yes
    Multiplayer: Yes
    Pros: Uncloaks entrants. Long life span.
    Cons: Only one active at a time per team. Drains shields of owner until destruction or secondary activation.

    Best use: In objective game types on the objective, making sure no sneak ups, or in chocke points.
    #23 Aranore, Jul 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
  4. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: EMP
    Description: Most realistic of all these "EMP" grenades, it is basically thrown like a trip mine, only smaller, not noticible. When deployed, it emits a clear, non-seeable radar pulse which knocks out all radar (radar turns into static), and disables any vehicles and weapons within 30 feet. This effet only lasts so long, however (10 seconds).
    Medal: Silver burst with red-glowing center (like unstoppable). It also yells out, "Electro-Magnetic Pulse!" in the same way as Vehicular Manslaughter.
    Color: Grey
    Campaign: Probably Tsavo Highway and The Ark
    Multiplayer: Mainly all vehicle maps, but an insane respawn time.
    Pros: Disables all weapons and vehicles, making everyone vulnerable
    Cons: effects you, too, so mainly use it for tactical advantages (like making someone open to sniping or bazooked)

    Personally, I love this idea, and will +rep to Blaze for it and for getting the idea from my own thread.
  5. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    Name: Freeze Grenade
    Description: Transparent icy outside layer,resembles an icicle and sticks to people in a fashion similar to the Spike Grenade
    Effect: Freezes players in their tracks for 5 seconds allowing enemies to easily shoot and kill player, or shatter them with a melee.
  6. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: example - Hive
    Description: Silver look ball .
    Effect: shots out multiply steel balls.Extremly deadly againts vehcicals or very nerby people
    Metal:Shows and pic of nade
    MM:Vehical heavy maps
    Pros:Good Agansit vehcals
    Cons: Hard to hit
    #26 Thorax tehGREAT, Jul 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
  7. Verno

    Verno Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Hallucinogen Pod
    Description: Small dark grey ball with tiny holes all around it which releases hallucinogen gas.
    Effect: Cause any player near the pod, even the thrower and his/hee allies, to become very unstable. The effects include: Extremely blurred vision, allies become enemies, extreme distorted control scheme, game controls character, Screams of pain, random and constantly changing settings (faster, slower, weaker, etc.), and annoy high pitch noise. The farther away a player is from the pod the less effect it has. It’s hard to get away from a pod if it’s really close to you. The gas will last about 10 seconds.
    Campaign: Yes
    Multiplayer: Yes
    Pros: Good against a large cluster of enemies
    Cons: Will affect thrower and allies
    #27 Verno, Jul 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
  8. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Tear-Gas Grenade
    Description: Emits gas that basically makes you unable to see at all while in the area with the gas. Range 20 feet.
    Colour: Purple, small sphere
    Medal: Purple skull in a gold star. Announcer yells "Gassed!"
    Campaign: No
    Multiplayer: Yes
    Pros: Disables your sight enitrely.
    Cons: Effects you, too.
  9. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Clone Grenade
    Description: A small, frisbee like object, with orange outer parts and a red center.
    Effect: When thrown, it causes a realistic hologram of the player to appear. The "holographic person" can be shot, and die like a real person, but the weapon it wields is fake. It is useful if going around a corner to escape, then deploy, and continue escaping. However, the grenade itself is heavy, and will cause you to slow down 25% of your original speed.
    Campaign: Yes, in the Cortana Mission.
    Multiplayer: Yes, on smaller maps.
  10. Fallenrat

    Fallenrat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    C-4 Granade
    A Granade that sticks to the person or object and detonates after you press reload twice, like on COD 4.
  11. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Shatter Nade
    Description: Ball that splits into smaller balls before exploding, redish
    Effect: The 3 balls go in different directions, when they explode, its mild, but can still kill or take out all of someones shields. Can stick when thrown.
    Cons: Very inaccurate, never know where its going to be, mild explosion.
    Pros: Covers larger area, can kill multiple people across map.
  12. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    you guys have some good ideas.. thanx for keeping this thread pretty alive.
  13. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Description: Hand held silver spike
    Effect: Is thrown at the enemy to drop sheilds like a throwing knife. No arc in trajectory. Due to light-weight, will travel to any distance (straight ahead). Instant half (1/2) drop of sheilds. No damage done if sheilds are already drained. Does not have any other effect. Will stick into surface like spike grenades, as if it were a round from a spiker. Will not give away position of thrower.
    Cons: No effects other than use
    Pros: Instant effect. Can be used in pair with battle riffle from across a map in assasinations. Quiet. Does not give you away.
  14. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    This is a variation of a friend's idea, he thought of it as an equipment piece, but I think it would be more practical as a nade...
    ...Tele-nade. requires two of the grenade to function, serves as a two-way teleporter system. Throw one grenade, and it remains dormant until you throw a second, after you throw the second grenade, the system activates and remains active for up to 30 seconds or until it is destroyed, use it for CRAZY fast flag captures, bomb armings etc. There would be a maximum distance that the grenades could be apart and still function, based on the map, roughly half to a quarter of the distance between flags, bomb points, etc. Used in conjunction with tele nades thrown by teammates, you could create a veritable instant cap chain.
    Name: Teleport Grenade
    Description: No damage, utilitarian only, silver and orange
    Effect: Creates a two way teleportation system lasting up to 30 seconds
    MM = unranked only
    Campaign = no

    Needle-nades, (idea number two), again not my idea, I simply tweaked it...
    ...After throwing the grenade, a two second fuse activates, during which time you had best find cover. The grenade will explode, even in mid-air, releasing a hail of micro-needles, that will home in on the nearest targeta, including you. If enough of them hit a target, cue needle detonation.
    Very much a risk/vs reward grenade.
    Name: Needle Grenade
    Description: translucent violet w/ pink mist inside
    Effect: Explodes, creates hundreds od homing micro needles - grenade and needles have short range, can only carry one, has long respawn, is very rare.
    campaign and unranked only
    #34 LieutenantAshler, Jul 7, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2008
  15. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Speedball
    Description: A round, purple ball, with three green streaks on a part of it. Must be stuck to use effectively.
    Effect: Causes the stuck person, not vehicle, to travel extremely fast, 900% faster, causing any movement of the person to blur their screen. It is best used when a person is looking in the direction of an area where they could fall off and die. It's drawback is that anyone in their way is splattered. Lasts for 15 seconds.
    MM: Yes, on small maps and others which you can fall and die.
    Campaign: No.
  16. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: STDG (straight trajectory disk grenade)
    Description: Flat green disk that glows slightly
    Effect: will travel in a straight line after thrown until it hits something and will stick and have an explosion similar to a plasma grenade except it sticks to walls also like a spike grenade. It would also have a long respawn time
    Pros: can hit people and vehicles from a farther distance (like a guy who is killing everyone using a stationary turret) and is easy to aim
    Cons: If you miss it would continue on and not do any damage at all.
    MM: yes
    Campaign: The Storm and Tsavo Highway
  17. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Detrius Grenade
    Description: Small, silver sphere
    Effect: Explodes 3 seconds after being thrown, and releases shrapnel. It can detonate in mid-air and is useful for raining debris on several enemies that are clustered together (obviously, any sort of roof would reduce/eliminate the effectiveness of trying to drop the debris down on the targets)
    Campaign: Yes
    Multiplayer: Yes
  18. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thats Madness
  19. ShreddedDreamz

    ShreddedDreamz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    How about Bungie just replaces all the useless, ineffective, futile, subsequent, inferior, and downright disgrace of a grenade that is the spike grenade, with plasma nades. (I am a nader at heart and basically my only superb skill, and obviously i have a bone to pick with the damn spike grenades.) <I have though been getting better adjusting to the spike grenades, but they still blow.
  20. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: stun nade
    Description: Looks like a plasma nade, but black. You would get a medal for it.
    Effect: Stuns the player for 5 seconds
    They would be in matchmaking.
    They would be in campaign.

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