Create an Armor Ability

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cookies4you, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    ITT: Custom powerups and Iwishthreads.

    Some of these are cool, but most are just impractical. However, I would like to see the return of the trip mine or power drainer, or even (god forbid) the flare.

    Also, where's mah true ACTIVECAMO bungie?!!?!?

  2. HopefulRUIN

    HopefulRUIN Ancient
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    Super-Radar :D

    The size of your radar triples (Doubles?) and enemy's can be seen on it even when crouching or standing still. Maybe it could even show the amount of shields your enemy has above the red dots.
  3. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
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    An idea I got from a user a few posts back, an Artillery armor ability.

    : The player fires an aimed explosives
    Mechanics: When Siege is activated, the player launches a projectile via aiming with the reticule. The projectile will act similar to a grenade with similar arc but much more pushing force. The projectile will fly and will explode on impact with any collision. The explosion will deal damage equal to 75% of default shields. Siege will also blind enemies without shields or those hit a second time by Siege, while those with low enough health will be killed by Siege. Siege has 3 charges and loses 1 every shot. Siege will regenerate charges over a period of 15 seconds.
    Counters: Siege users are unable to move for a few seconds after using Siege, and will be unable to jump during the wait. Siege users are also largely incapable of fighting airborne players and will usually miss. Also, Siege users mid-air will be propelled backwards after usage, being both an effective air dodge or a deadly misuse. Siege users are also capable of being damaged by their own projectiles, and are largely unprotected from them. However, the biggest flaw with Siege is the player's inability to fire quickly. Siege prevents a player from firing a shot 1 second after firing the first one. This flaw causes constant Siege users to suffer the effect of movement impairment constantly, thus making them easy targets. Siege will also launch players, similar to an explosive.
  4. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    Siege sounds useful. Definitely could see it working
  5. iMason

    iMason Forerunner

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    Disguise: Changes the colour of you armour to the oposing team for ten seconds.

    Mechanics: Armour colour change for 10 secs , still showing the red name if target moves crosshair over them..

    Counters: Cooldown of 15 seconds melee damage reduced by 50%.

    I got the idea from assassins creed , i dont no if its too overpowerd , but i think it could come in handy when escaping large groups or highjacking vehicals.
  6. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
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    I was thinking of this too, during my post. Came into one problem, though. Invasion games - the armor ability would be utterly useless because you'd still be the wrong species. :( It would probably be a little taxing if it switched your species too.
  7. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    i have always yearned for picking up a jackal's shield. it's not technically an armor ability but it could be set to last for only 1 minute at a time but have a 1 minute recharge. it might be a little cheap but it would be really cool for custom games. something that would make it even cooler would be to edit the shape of the shield. in fact, editing armor abilities would be really badass. like editing the color of you ability (i.e. armor lock, drop shield, ect.).
  8. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
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    Scout/Recon Robot

    Sends out a small scout droid, lasts for 30 seconds, no offensive capabilities, could scout enemy positions, gathers info on habits ect.

    During this mode a cam visor thingy goes over your head and you are vulnerable to all modes of attack.

    Controls similar to a monitor but cant go as high in altitude.

    TELEVIS10N Forerunner

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    Adrenaline-halfs reload time / doubles grenade throws distance / higher jump height / lowers damage resistance / damage output rises

    mech-7 second single use / nonstop / 20 second recharge sensitivity is randomly changed between 2 of player set / vision resembles zooming in lightly / radar set to lower distance

    counters, less radar =easy infiltration. sneak up on them and fire they go down fast. Keep moving, their sensitivity isn't what thier used too. Wait it out, it doesn't last too long.
    I would say that you would take away the ability to use grenades and add an attachment to the left forearm to fire the explosive in this ability.
    #29 TELEVIS10N, Dec 17, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2010
  10. Eclipse240

    Eclipse240 Forerunner

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    Name: Static - This Ability jams all enemy vehicles and equipment (like radar, totally erasing it from the HUD or disable lock-on, can also disable enemy AA. etc.) in a radios of say, a warthog's length. In addition, gives the user temporary speed boost (faster than walking but slower than sprint)

    Mechanics: Converts the armors ability to use the cross-air on the HUD, Allowing the user to walk around or support allies at the cost of firing "from the hip". Sorry for the COD reference...I know everyone, including me, hates that.

    Counters: As mentioned before, It disables the cross-air, making the user likely to miss his/her target 50% time more, recommended for support type. Also to make it more obvious, the user will have a lightning or electricity like effect on him, much like the armor bonus "inclement weather". Suggestion: use when in a assault group, stay behind them while activating

    Well, that's about it :D :lol:
  11. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    I have a few ideas.

    Knife/Energy Dagger: The knife you use for assassinations, allows you to overpower opponents and perform a special, one hit assassination from the front. Offensive ability.

    Mechanics: Drains shields by 50% to power limbs to overpower your opponent. Can be used infinite times, but has a 60 second recharge(due to extreme power). While using this armor ability, swords and gravity hammers are unusable.

    Counters: Sword and gravity hammer wielding enemies are able to press a short button sequence to stab or slam the user, though the time to perform this is very short (2.5 seconds). Can be show stopped, as normal assassinations are able to be.

    Armed only with a 2x over shield, 130% percent running speed, and a bomb with a radius equivalent to double the (killing) range of a shotgun. Offensive.

    Mechanics(Spartan): the Spartan removes the chest piece of their armor, exposing the black under armor worn at all times. The chest piece is a bomb that you arm on the ground, charge for a 3 second detonation, and, while anyone in the radius of the bomb will be killed, that includes you.

    Mechanics(Elite): The Elite keeps a huge Plasma Grenade in the backpack on it's back (of course). Just as the Spartan must charge his chest piece, the Elite must charge the Plasma Bomb. Has a slightly larger radius than the Spartans bomb, due to the Covenant's superiority.

    Counters: After the charge has been set and the person responsible for arming it protects the bomb, you are able to charge in and steal the bomb and disarm it. This leaves the bomber disarmed and very, very vulnerable.

    Super Flash:
    Equipped with a flare activated by a button on your armor and an upgraded visor to protect you from your own flare. Combat.

    Mechanics: Anyone within the range of a shotgun shot of the user, or looking directly at the user will be blinded for 3 seconds. Teammates are armed with an upgraded visor like the user, though they are still affected by the flare, albeit a lessened effect. 45 second recharge.

    Counters: Equipping the same AA will allow you to totally negate the effects of the flares, even on the enemy team(s). Armor locking during the flare will allow you to be invincible for the duration of your blindness.
    #31 TehRandomBoi, Jan 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2011
  12. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Epic Trolling: Makes players movement controls inverted. Epic Trolling is a movement armor ability
    Mechanics: When players look up, they look down instead. When players movie frontwards, the move backwards. "A" will be "B", "X" will be "Y". Switched "Right Bumper" with "Left Bumper"
    Counters: The player using this will have a troll mask on, it lasts for 4 seconds. Player has to aim at the enemy before using.
  13. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    You have never played Halo Reach, have you?
  14. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    suicide: the player takes out whatever grenades they have and for 3 seconds can run to one or multible targets, by hitting trigger it can be short fused

    Mechanics: itsjust like grunts, but it wont work if they have no grenades. also it wont take off points (beacuse your killing your self) and if your hit before you die they wont get the kill
  15. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    I like this one. It seems most an armour ability unlike the suicide and front assassination thing.

    Probs work better if it had the same recharge as the drop shield and also affected teammates the same as enemies if they looked directly at you. The flare did in halo 3 so I see no reason why team mates should be exempt from the effect.
  16. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    True, it probably would work better that way. And I think the other two would work fine, except for the suicide, as there would probably be some cheap teams, having the whole team rush in and blow themselves up. There is one ability I'd suggest that would bring ack every Halo 3 equipment (including my Flare idea).

    Bouncing Betty: A mine planted into the ground that is motion activated. Combat.

    Mechanics: Plants bomb into ground (notated by a small red blinking light and constant beeps), jumps up when anyone steps within a shotgun melee's range. Takes 1.5 seconds to blow up after launching from the ground, so as to come to head level. Anyone within the detection range dies, anyone within twice this range is de-shielded.
    In a swords lunge-range, people are injured slightly.

    Counters: Small blinking red light, 1.5 seconds to get into a no kill zone (though you may not see the mine until it is too late).
  17. Eclipse240

    Eclipse240 Forerunner

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    Here's another one (I posted my 1st one on page 3 :D )

    Eclipse (Ironic, my gt is Dark Eclipse240) - Darkens the entire map for 30 seconds (like purple plus colorblind style) Enabling counter attacks on enemy targets

    Mechanics - Reduces a little power from the users suit to call in a air-strike jammer to darken the target location, In addition, the user and his/her allies will have a visor upgrade, making the HUD look as if the night-vision style of odst's everything is outlined yellow, allies green, hostiles red. This forces the enemy team to fight in almost pitch black with only their motion sensor and normal HUD to defend.

    Counters - The User will only have 90% percent speed, jump hight and shields due to the call. Also the NEW HUD will not highlight the ground making you more pron to fall of a cliff or others. IN addition, Enemy hostiles will see the user as green in their motions sensor, which means the user will be targeted. Also, the user will not be able to pick up, drive, or throw grenades. And finally, The user will have to wait until he/she falls and respawns to use it again (meaning only 1 use per life). Multiple calls will not stack, so those with this AA will have to take turns (It takes 15 secs. for the Air-Strike to be available again if an ally uses it and he/she does not die).

    This is pretty good, especially for btb don't you think? Quote this if you agree :joker:
  18. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    Jumper cable - Can Recharge your teamates shield to 50%.
  19. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
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    Regenerator: A personal shield regenerator is deployed, regenerating shields at twice normal speed.
    Mechanics: There is a one second delay in the armor ability's deployment, similar to the drop shield in length and similar to the Regen deployment from H3 in manner. The effect is noticeable, and releases a green cloud that can penetrate walls. Any damage taken interrupts the recharge, and it does not regenerate health past the normal regeneration.
    Counters: Any sort of damage taken during the charge stops it, so shooting someone as they attempt it or killing them during the animation will end them. Otherwise, run the other way, because there's a full strength opponent around the corner.

    Edited by merge:

    Sounds like a rather bad idea, especially because it affects everyone on the map. Just because one player can't move, doesn't mean it's balanced. For instance--imagine if a griever used this ability, killed himself, and used it again? What if two people simple used to ability the entire game. Abilities that hinder vision are just pointless and annoying, as far as video games go. Remember flares? Everyone just stopped moving for the duration of the flare because no one knew what was happening or had any idea where they were. I couldn't imagine that for 30 seconds.
    #39 wi1lywonka, Jan 4, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2011
  20. Eclipse240

    Eclipse240 Forerunner

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    Oh...I dont think you understand...If a person uses that and kills himself...the AA will not be useful since the eclipse is still there plus only AFTER the eclipse goes away, you have to wait until another ally does it, technically this AA can be used only 3 times per team per game...Forgot to mention that sorry :) And the player can still move, only slower. And when the AA is active, Allies switch to and upgraded HUD. The enemies however, will not...but I guess since their motions sensor will become advanced due to the AA (forgot to mention that too ) It would be a little, let's say we reduce the duration to say...20 seconds? I guess a twenty second eclipse will do. Also After the Eclipse, an ally will have to wait another 25 seconds until he/she can do another eclipse so technically, the layout is this:

    1st Eclipse - 20 sec. duration - Eclipse is over - ally waits 25 secs. to do the 2nd Eclipse and the same until up the 3rd Eclipse only.

    Think of this AA as a Power Weapon or a Power Vehicle, they only play in the game every few minutes but the still make a huge impact. I only see this as another Power Weapon that should be use STRATEGICALLY. If your in a party...You get my point.
    #40 Eclipse240, Jan 4, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2011

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