just make one:I'll start 3000:_____ is almost as cool as chuck norris -700:_____ is pooping (I dont cuss) bricks
If new rep comments were to be implemented they'd be added for beyond 2000 and below -2000, nothing in between. Also if rep were to be updated wouldn't new bars also need to be implemented.
Wait linu, Weren't you "raptor jesus" at 3000 reputation. Doesn't that mean you need a different saying for you reputation. Because it is still at the same saying.
I pretty sure they have the candy from a van one. And the other one is getting a restraining order from DQ.
2012- _______ Dies -2001- _______ Finally beat Halo 1 3000- _______ Booted the host 5000- _______ Is on corduroyCHUCK's creep list
Didn't you read what I said? There's already a comment for everything in between -2000 and 2000. I could grab the list of each saying for you.
whoa. dude sorry. I just trying to have a little fun here and your getting all pissed off. Okay then Fine. -6666____is on the devils rejected list. There, you happy.
I suggest a new Rep thing. Having a bunch of bars is getting repetative, and almost everyone has atleast 2 or 3 now. We need something new.