Create a new vehicle, weapon, power-up, equipment, map, whatever!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mr. Skittles, Jul 4, 2008.

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  1. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    so....the link gun from unreal? ;)
    I love that gun
  2. xbrokenxangelx

    xbrokenxangelx Ancient
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    UNSC Vehicle
    Description: Chopper Like Mongoose with a small machine gun on the back.
    chopper like in that if you hit another vehicle with the front it could destroy it.
  3. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    1 rocket launcher, 1 magnum, and 1 sniper rifle.

    kills in 1 shot.
  4. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Better idea
    Fires RPG's (rocket propelled grifs) at a target.
    Does more damage than the homosapian acceleration cannon but no spalsh daage
  5. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    How about a better trip mine?

    Not freaking glowing so you can't see it as well, and actually has a lethal blast radius of a few feet (the current one isn't even lethal to pedestrians. it just takes out shields). Also maybe it could like stick to walls/ ceilings or whatever.

    As for a gun, i think it should be a combo of everything.

    So its like a rocket laucher. But it shoulds automatic. And its also like a shotgun with bullets that scatter. And it locks on. But it doesn't even shoot bullets. It shoots energy swords. And the energy swords are invisible until they hit the person. And then they kill them instantly. And then they explode.

    That'd be the freaking best, unstopable weapon.

    As for a vehicle, it'd be a scarab. and a pelican. i kno they exist, but not on multi-player maps. And i actually wanna drive the scarab/pelican. I'd also like to see a boat typed vehicle. That can fly. And drive. and swim. And walk. It can do whatever it wants. because you don't drive it. it drives itself.

    For a power-up, i'd like to see a sonic powerup. you can run really fast, and run up walls and stuff. the bullets move really slow, but if you get hit by one or any enemy, you lose all your rings.

    Map.... just another empty one like foundry would be nice. but bigger. and you dont have to do a glitch for unlimited money. and your only limit on items would be once there are so many that it'd take like forever to load.

    and whatever, i think there should be a design a character. but you dont' have to wear the armor. you can wear a freaking cardigan for all i care.

    those are my ridiculous demands.
  6. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    LOL, pretty great, Sampson.
  7. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Do the sword's explosion have a blast bounce back effect like the gravity hammer and a battery like the spartan laser and 5-10x scope like the beam rifle? ****ing epicest weapon ever.
  8. BiskitAsassin

    BiskitAsassin Ancient
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    a new gun design that shoots exactly 29 of every single form of projectile that can hurt you in halo 3 :)
  9. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    dude, all i want is a barrier, that is like the corner wall, like in an l shape... thats all i need....
  10. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    A weapon that involves flood. Like something that unleashes a pack of those little guys in a designated area. If they attack you and you die, your body gets infected and attacks your team members. Yeah... that'd be cool.

    EDIT: And a trip mine that doesn't suck.
    #130 ZANDER1994, Aug 14, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2008
  11. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    Zander that would be horrible I hate the flood as do most people and, it would just be used by campers and such. In my opinion a cool gun would be boot, kick you enemy in the teeth.
  12. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    A cone launcher. 'nuff said
  13. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    a trip mine that dosent beep and glow and has a huge freakin blast radious, a sniper that dosent have split stream cause the barret 50. cal shoots faster, and a blue spartan lazzorz
  14. jpitty

    jpitty Ancient
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    Jetpack FTW
  15. Crazy Drunkard

    Crazy Drunkard Ancient
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    This is my first post ever so i hope i don't break any rules... I read them, alot. Anyway
    Crystal Cannon: long thin shoulder mounted anti-vehicular weapon, shoots a thick chunk of purple crystal at high speed at a vehicle that homes in slightly and upon impact with something detonates
    Damage: Minimal, if vehicle is hit the round should not obliterate vehicle. Merely should launch it at a high enough velocity to smash into a hard enough object to destroy it. If it's not stuck then it should do barley any damage but should succeed in flipping over vehicles in order to get passengers ejected from them. If infantry is succesfully stuck then an instant kill should result (with a spectacular pink exsplosion much like the needler) but otherwise should do minimal damage (round should not home in on infantry)
    Once again this is my first post on FH so any critiscm or encouragement is appreciated
    (Great i stole JayClashes "Needle Rifle" name, I'll change it)
    #135 Crazy Drunkard, Aug 15, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2008
  16. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    That's a good post. I would name it the needle rifle anyway, being it shoots a giant purple exploding needle (Grunts FTW).
  17. Mike22

    Mike22 Ancient
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    A big tank tht coud carry th hole team in TS or RBTB

    That wood be sweet
  18. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    A.K.A. The elephant. I know it sucks, but it is meant for that. However, I suppose you mean something that has more gunning positions, like a Scarab.

    Covenant Light Plasma Mortar Gun, FTW. Shoots smaller and weaker Plasma Mortars. Uses targeting system like the Spartan Laser, by using a laser that arches the same as the Plasma Mortar would. Okay, so the Charge would be seven shots, but hey, it would be great.
  19. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    you throw it and it gets in people's eyes
    pretty self explanatory
    about as powerful as ten rocket lawnchairs to the face
  20. Caboose 702

    Caboose 702 Ancient
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    Name: Spike sniper
    Class: brute
    Description: The spike sniper is a high power weapon. It only takes one shot to kill, however can only hold 1 bullet (or spike) in its chamber of firing, causing the person holding it to reload after every shot. The weapon ammunition is a huge spike, one about the size of your arm from your elbow too your hand. Due to the large size of the spike it naturally takes some time to travel large distances unlike its elite and human counter parts. It is recommended for only the best sharpshooters due to the fact that leading a target is required over large distances. Also because of its weight the projectile has an arc which should be accounted for. Although created mainly for anti infantry uses the spike sniper may be effectively deployed against light and medium weight vehicles. Due to the large size of the projectile a large amount of force is put into whatever it touches, not only causing a considerable amount of damage, but often pushing or flipping the vehicle. It is also noted that due to this force whatever infantry is hit by this may be pinned up to whatever wall is behind them...
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