Create a new vehicle, weapon, power-up, equipment, map, whatever!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mr. Skittles, Jul 4, 2008.

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  1. V

    V Ancient
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    Really? I've honestly never heard of a vehicle named spirit in any Halo game. I think you're referring to the phantoms, those are dropships. Anyways, I got another one.

    Spike Lobber
    Type: Heavy Weapon
    Race: Brute
    Looks like a larger, detached, jet black plasma turret with orange spikes coming out of it instead of that little energy thing of the front of it. Carries four high caliber, fast moving shells that travel in an arc based on how high the holder aims the gun. Can hold the trigger to keep a primed shell in the barrel (similar to 'cooking' a grenade). Shells detonate after two full seconds of being primed, creating a small explosion and launching spikes in every direction. A scenario where this could be used to perfection would be something like this: say a group of enemies in a team game is making a push together for a choke point or a power weapon or whatever and your team is doing their best to hold them off. You step back aim a little high and prime the shell, releasing it with perfect timing as the shell sails over your team and explodes in midair above the enemy team showering them with spikes giving your team the edge to go in and clean up the survivors.
    #101 V, Jul 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2008
  2. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Petty nice, but the Spirit is a deriviation of the phantom, shaped like a tuning fork, with the prongs facing forward, and plasma turret underneath.
  3. V

    V Ancient
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    Ok then how 'bout renaming the board 'Wisp'?
  4. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    The Spirit comes from Halo: CE. Phantoms replaced them in Halo 2.
  5. V

    V Ancient
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    Yea I just found that out after doing some searching on the internet. i never played HaloCE. I played some Halo2 and own Halo3
  6. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    How 'bout the jackhammer?
    Human weapon, a big square panel, the crosshair is either an X or a circle that follows the ground. Shoots a big laser beam from the sky (satellite?) like a spartan laser, but without the charging time. May or may not be used under a roof (would look weird if it struck through the roof).

    Pro's; Good for vehicles, especially tanks. One-hit kill. Looks nice in montages =D
    Con's; Harder to aim than a spartan laser, cannot kill multiple targets unless one of them is standing on the other. Long cooldown.
  7. N1NJ4

    N1NJ4 Ancient
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    :surprise:mg:That sounds like the hammer of dawn maybe
  8. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Like LOL "Fear my hammer of Dawn, Raawr" From Halo 3 tricks.
  9. CTFx

    CTFx Ancient
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    Name: Poltregiest
    Race: Covenant and Brute Combine
    Role: AP Light Tank
    Speed: 20 MPH (Boost 45 MPH)
    Holdout: 1 Pilot, 2 Turrets Operaters
    Weaponry: 2 Dual Needler Turrets (Operated), 1 Fuel Rod Cannon (Pilot Operated)
    Background: The Covenant's early solution to the Mark II program, these light gliders could easily meneuver around any landscape and quickly kill an entire platoon of Spartan IIs. The Needler Turrets were integrated at first, but then it adopted the Fuel Rod Cannon to take care of the rival Warthog. After much history, he Poltrigiest still lives on striking fear into the hearts of wandering marines.
    Description: The Poltregiest is plated with 2 inches of Covenant AP Armor, and looks remarkably like a Ghost. It has the same build but the wings are built further back, towing 2 pod like stationary turrets that fire dual needles. It is propelled by a 8 cylender Fuel Rod engine and the Fuel Rod Cannon is infront of the Vehicle where the Ghosts Plasma Cannons are.
  10. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    the tyfhoon ,the cogs on the chooper have been replaced with a gauss cannon and theres large holes in the sides so theres 180degrees view it doesnt loose all splattering capablities since the gauss cannons casket is spicky.
  11. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    I just want an un-energized, extra power melee weapon. The human equivalent of energy sword. Not a usable katana
  12. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Tracer rifle. Basically could work as a type of alternate-fire for the sniper rifle, Observe:

    -Tag an enemy player, they get a waypoint over their head until they're killed
    -Tag an enemy vehicle, and your team's rocket launchers and similar equiment can home in on the vehicle.
    -Just tag an effin wall somewhere and start firing rockets XD
    -Dart itself has enough explosive packed within to detonate a turret, or disable normal shields (however, will remove waypoint effect)
  13. V

    V Ancient
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    Here's another one:
    Human Handgun (Can't Dual Weild)
    Carries 8 Rounds
    Looks Like a silver and yellow mauler without the little blade on the bottom.
    Basically this is a short-mid range weapon. The gun fires a round in the form of a ball of sharp barbs that penetrate armor with a wire carrying an electrical charge trailing it. Once the barb gets lodged in the enemy's armor, it will send an electrical shock into the enemy having various effects based on your distance from the enemy. If shot from mid range the wire will leave the barrel of the gun and only take half of the enemy's shields down and slow them to 75% movement speed and jumping height (this effect will last for 5 seconds). If fired at close range, the wire will remain inside the barrel releasing a much more powerful jolt, completely draining the enemy's shields, and reducing them to 50% movement speed and jumping height (and this effect will last for 5 seconds as well). This is obviously used for short range as a quick melee attack will finish the job. However, if you melee an electrocuted opponent, you'll lose 2/3 of your shields and move at 75% speed for 5 seconds.
  14. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    Close to sniper, but shorter and bigger
    Gravity rifle
    Description: This rifle has two modes of fire, the first and primary being the gravity shot, that, when it hits an enemie, it will distort gravity, making them float into the air, then slam them down on the ground with such force, it kills them instantly. The second mode is fired like a gernade launcher, only it drains three times as much charge and takes longer to cool down
    Damage: instant death
    Rate of Fire: extremly slow. You need to charge for two seconds before and let it cool down for 7 seconds. (Cool animation though
    Clip Size: 3 rounds per clip, gernade mode takes entire clip

    Pros: Annhilates enemies quickly
    Cons: Long Reload and recharge time. make sure you have good cover before using.
  15. My Local Sniper

    My Local Sniper Ancient
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    - Covenant Shotgun -

    Bullets : Fires 20 spikes, spikes like from the spiker. These spikes spread out over a distance, and it is very indirect in mid-range, so short-range is the best.

    Appearance: [​IMG]
    On the lines of that, but 3D, not so rough and more textured. The ring bit wears over the shoulder, the black triangle at the bottom is the trigger, a little further up the gun, that little green/ish box, is the power-core and the spike.

    How it works: A single spike is put into a tray, connected to the power-core. The power-core then multiplies it to twenty, and waits for you too fire. It over-heats when it is asked to multiply too many spikes (The more you shoot, the more the bar over-heats. 4 continuous shots will make it over-heat). Right hand goes on the trigger, second hand holds the power-core in place.

    Attributes: It is very good at taking down shields. Not as brilliant on the armor, but if you are close enough the spikes should just take your victim down completely. 20% more powerful than the human shotgun, but again is handicapped by over-heating.
  16. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Map: Militia map from Counter Strike
  17. Grunt Sniper 53

    Grunt Sniper 53 Ancient
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    Equiptment that comes in 2 parts, the first time you deploy it sets a marker for where the portal takes you to and the second time it makes a portal that is linked to the marker. once someone goes through it closes straight away allowing no one else to go through, would be great for a fast get a way option or just a sneak attack in a base (note objective carriers wouldnt be able to use the portal). sorry if this has been done i only read about half the thread.
  18. youngian

    youngian Guest

    covenant equivalent to a elephant
    2 plasma cannons
    1 ghost
  19. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    Grunt Sniper it is called a portal gun.
    Name: The Executioner
    Type: Human, Power Weapon
    Class: large weapon, not turret size though.
    Description: A gun that has a short charge and then shoots a lighting bolt out once it connects with the target it must stay on that target for 3 seconds to get a kill. It is like a portable electric chair.

    Advantages: It kills people in 3 seconds, relative long battery life.

    Disadvantages; It charges for 1 second before firing, it is hard to use anywhere but close range.
  20. Masta Blastr

    Masta Blastr Ancient
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    I want a Goose Hog. A mixture between a mongoose and a gauze warthog.

    Also I want to see boats. Water combat would be fun.
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