Create a new vehicle, weapon, power-up, equipment, map, whatever!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mr. Skittles, Jul 4, 2008.

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  1. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Umm, atually, the map does not explode. The players can look to see the missile itself, but not the explosion. But klaxons sound, and the sky turns a deep red-ish gray colour.
  2. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    Map: Sand Overload( I suck at names)
    Description: A large map, set in a desert. High winds blow sand around at a rapid rate causing lower visibility then normal, vehicles would slower but thanks to them be modified for desert combat they are not. They look different and handle a bit different, the map has two bases each deep in the ground, when you outside you can see about 40 feet ahead. Underground you can see like normal, large and dunes plague the area making for high flying action. The map has some tree but most are barren but have weapons near them. The elephant makes a return here but has some difficulty maneuvering. Maybe a hornet for each team like the avalanche ones. CTF based.
  3. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Nice map. You can post it in the Map Creation Thread of Mine. If you want a good name, how about Sahara?
  4. Commander Xillian

    Senior Member

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    oooh...thats a good name for it. ok. time for the return of teh chaos sparten!

    Name: Ocular enhancements
    Race: Human
    Details: Allows you to see movement better, by outlining moveing things. anti-camo. also allows a +1 zoom for any weapon, due to enhancements.
    Pros: allows very little to get past a sniper. any unit with it will become a hunting dog. ever-lasting.
    Cons: Flairs are 1.5 times more effective.
    Name: Ballast
    Race: Unngoy
    Description: the seciond most loved thing in the unngoy armed forces (first is the food nipple), the ballast is essentually a poison generator. it transforms all gasses into methain, allowing longer campains, and the starvation of other races.
    Pros: ver efficient. good at starving out entrenched enemies.
    Cons: Highly flamable. easly destroyed.
    Name: Reaper Sythe
    Race: Forunner (human?)
    Details: a large, energy sythe, it gives its target, one of two abilities, depending on modle. first, is a clocking, that slows movement, but makes you camoed until you attack, are attacked, or hit another person. seciond, is it increases speed, and causes all players to think you are charging twords them, using a holografic avatar system.
    Pros: a almost perfect surgical strike weapon. has a little more energy than a sword
    Cons: energy slowly saps while activating abilities.
    Name: S-150 Flintlock "history book"
    Description: the space-age equal to the famous allied flying fortress, it is a fast, strong, gunship, used at high altitudes. it has alot in the ways of guns, but most are for self defence. its primary guns are a 120 MM cannon, a 50MM cannon, and a 15MM cannon, plus a payload of bombs, should they be needed.
    Pros: perfect support platform
    Cons: Support platform. pilots rarely see fly time, due to the barbarism, and speed of the covenants attacks. never make it out in time to assisst.
  5. Pirates

    Pirates Ancient
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    Shoots a large flaming metal stake and explodes like a spike nade, but fire
    Has a 2x scope, slow rate of fire and 2 bullets per clip-
    like a firebomb carbine
  6. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Type: Equipment
    Class: Human
    Style: Virtual Disruptor
    Name: Disruptor (Or something different.
    Description: Since human technology depended on electricity Disruptors were created to stop forces and vehicles from entering the combat zone and continuing the fight. Since vehicles have been using the least amount of electricity for the disruptor to work, vehicles are not affected by it any longer and neither is electricity. Since technology has changed so much, the disruptor has been altered to change the human body. This means that something will be altered. The effects may vary, but it only lasts for a specific time since altering the human body could result in death or death like symptoms.

    Damage- None
    Negative Effects:
    Darken- Results in your visor going dark. Another words, it can be pitch black in mid daylight.
    Double Sight- Seeing two of one image. One is real, one is not.
    Invert- Inverts your up and down. If on inverted, puts it to normal.
    Control Switch- Exactly what it means. It changes your control setup.

    Positive Effects:
    Speed Enhancement- An additional 10% speed. Congrats.
    Damage Enhancement- An additional 10% damage. Once again, congrats.
    Recharge- Instantly recharges your shields. After your shields have been recharged they can be depleted one the process is finished.

    Last Time: 10 seconds until the device destructs which ends all effects on players within radius.

    Effect Radius: Same radius as other power objects like the power drain, Regenerator, etc..

    Pros: You could get the positive effects which could help you in the heat of battle. Also at the same time you could give your enemy negative effects that would help you ever further.

    Cons: You could get the negative effects which could hinter you in the heat of battle. Also at the same time you could give your enemy positive effects that would help them even further.

    As Two Face would say: "This is all chance." I think this weapon would be interesting and could change the tide of a small battle. The only thing you don't want is the negative effects which there are more of than the positive effects. Sadly there is a slightly higher chance to get the negative effects which could result in your death or even theirs.
  7. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    Name- The Nukem
    Race- Human
    What is it?: well it is a gun that has two different fire modes one shots burst like the br and the other shoots like the bruteshot make it is versatile gun.
    Pros the gun is all around awesome, can be used if you have the skill
    Cons: You have to reload each fire mode separately, making reloading long and annoying.
    Why: the Br is a great gun but the name comes From Duke Nukem who has a jet pack because he is that cool so the bruteshot it ticket up this game making you almost as cool.
  8. V

    V Ancient
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    I got a few (dont know if these have already been said but oh well)

    UAV Satellite
    Type: Equipment
    Race: Human
    Looks like a silver grav lift. Deployed by setting it on the ground, once deployed, the satellite will launch straight up into the air. The satellite places a waypoint over all enemies within a 200m radius of the launch site. Satellite lasts 30 seconds before losing power and crashing back down releasing a small explosion, like that of
    a fusion coil.

    Gravity Launcher
    Type: Heavy Weapon
    Race: Covenant
    Looks like a bigger, gold and silver version of a rocket launcher. Carries 2 shells. Lobs a shell with the force of a grenade throw. The shell is activated once it comes in contact with something. Once the shell activates, a grey energy wave emits from the shell with about twice the effective range of a power drain. Anyone caught in the wave moves extremely slow but can jump at 200% normal jumping distance. After 15 seconds, the shell implodes releasing a large blast that throws everyone still inside the wave away from the area with the force of a man cannon. This is more of a support weapon as its great for holding off chokepoints and making targets for a sniper in team games.

    Type: Vehicle
    Race: Human
    Small, one person motorcycle. Can travel extremely fast and is well-maneuverable. Provides little to no protection but is fast enough to escape small firefights. Can wield any dual wieldable weapon while riding but is very hard to aim.

    Type: Vehicle
    Race: Covenant
    Another one person vehicle. This is a hoverboard type vehicle that offers no protection whatsoever other than its speed and evasiveness. It is very fast and can turn on a dime and features a boost function like that of the ghost. Major advantage is that you can wield any non-heavy weapon, (no turrets, missle pods, etc.) you'd aim with the right stick and steer with the left stick. Great for weapons like the energy sword, hammer, shotty, etc. where you have to close the distance between you and your enemy quickly. Imagine lunging off a speeding board to assasinate an unsuspecting enemy from behind then running to retrieve the board and continue on your merry way. Muahahahahahahaha!!!!
  9. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    Cool ideas, I got one
    Name; Pipe Bomb
    Race- Human
    Type: Explosive
    Description: Well if you can't guess it is a pipe bomb, more like a remote explosive.
    Pros: Well it is a remote explosive, blows up stuff can take a warthog and anything below that in armor.
    Cons; You only get one, it is rather large and can be seen kind of easily. Can be shot to blow up, not great for traps.
    What to do with it: Well it is great for throwing around a corner and setting it off like that. For example if you on say the pit and you run away from 3 guys on the other team you throw it as you enter the invis hallway and then you blow it up and kill all three of them.
  10. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Very nice. However, the Spirit happens to be a dropsip already. Here is one:

    Goliath: Only Forerunner vehicle. Support vehicle with three seats, one driver/shooter, two passengers with shooting capabilities. Four xilver treads and a the gun is a rival to the Gauss gun. Shoots silver instead of blue bolts. Can't explain due to disorientation being really late.
  11. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Warned, did you see my covenant shotgun idea? I bet they could use that in the game. I'm thinking up a weapon right now, but I can't get down the energy use issue...
  12. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    Yeah that is a cool idea, it could work but I won't use it because I love a good old fashion 12 gauge.
  13. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    A Covenant Shotgun idea, too bad they already have two other close range weapons. Still sounds cool, make it the color of the Carbine, with plasma Shell.
  14. bluepenguin23

    bluepenguin23 Ancient
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    i think it would be cool if there was a wepon called "bat" because then you could make a baseball/batting cage mini game. the bat would be very strong, like stronger then the swored, but you can't charge with it and it is very close range like the shot gun. all you can do is beat down but it's an instant kill beatdown with it. so then you could also use the bat for hitting the soccer ball in a baseball/battingcage type map. all though this wepon techinqly exists as gravity hammer it would actualy be a baseball bat.
    next a item i would like to have. it would be escilater. so you place it where you want and then if you stand on it you go up! and another one that goes down. also i would like moving walkways.
    hey that's starting to sound like the map i'm making!
  15. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Covenant Shotgun can be an explosive flak burst of plasma.
  16. bluepenguin23

    bluepenguin23 Ancient
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    2 new things!!!
    1st one i think has been thought of many times: plasma launcher! like a gernade launcher only when you get hit your stuck with a plasma!
    2: fire tank: that pretty much somes it up. a scorpein that is a long range flamthrough as its turiter. the driver can shoot hot balls of magma.
  17. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    Blue that is funny the fire balls out of tank part at least. In WW2 they had tanks that had flame throwers instead of cannons but they were only good for infantry.
  18. Commander Xillian

    Senior Member

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    yea. i wish i could do that. i usually just get a turretless scorpion and have my friend stand on top and shoot with his flamer

    "drive me close so i can hit them with my sword!"
    Edit: they already have a flame tank. red plasma instead of blue plasma on a wraith? yosh pleez.
  19. MadMaxZH55

    MadMaxZH55 Ancient
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    a bow and arrow would be cool or possibly a granade launcher
  20. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    A bow and arrow would just bounce of the armor and be a worthless weapon. Also the bruteshot is a grenade launcher. A shrink ray could be cool shrink people and then step on them.
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