Create a new vehicle, weapon, power-up, equipment, map, whatever!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mr. Skittles, Jul 4, 2008.

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  1. The God of Grunge


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    A spike thrower, like a brute sniper rifle that launches giant ass spikes that impale people
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I got one. Make a UNSC walker-type thing. Like 2 legs, and has 2 gauss cannons on it. You can also have a gunner below the cockpit, and 2 hop-on seats. That would be awesome for matchmaking. It would have to go sort of slow, but faster than an elephant
  3. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    there should be a drop ship that is half human and covenant. like a pelican and phantom combined.
  4. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Type: Weapon
    Class: Human
    Style: Two Handed Heavy Turret
    Name: Gauss Turret
    Description: The human's gauss hog's turret is finally mobilized for covenant war. Able to be put on a tri-pod like the Chain Gun, the Gauss Turret is extremely powerful but has limited abilities. Slow movement and turn speed are slightly (only slightly) slower than normal Missle Pod, Chain Gun, Flame Thrower. It has the same damage and rate of fire as on the back of a Wart Hog, but extremely limited ammo.

    Damage: Normal Gauss Hog Damage
    Rate of Fire: Normal Gauss Hog Rate of Fire
    Accuracy: 99 %
    Turret Ammo: 50 Rounds
    Carry Ammo: 15 Rounds
    Reload Time: None

    Pros: Mobile heavy weapon that can be used quickly and effectively to dispatch small groups of enemies. One hit kill. Jump height isn't reduced.

    Cons: Slow movement and turn speed, limited ammo even on tripod, extremely limited ammo when mobile.
    Everyone could of seen this coming. This would be a great addition to Halo even though it has it's limitations. A mobile death machine (like rockets) that has very limited ammo and can be taken down quickly if you have acquired the correct weapons to deal with the situation. Could be used for large team battles and could (probably all the time) turn the tides of the battle.

    I'll continue adding more weapons to this as soon as I can think of more. I usually have good ideas, so I'll contribute to this thread often.
    #44 Juggernaut, Jul 12, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2008
  5. Metroshell

    Metroshell Ancient
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    (1st idea has probably already been said)

    1. Plasmartyr (couldn't think of a cool name, lol)

    -Shoots like a Brute Shot but they are Plasma Grenades that stick to the target and ESPLODE!

    -The Plasma shots can be set to three timed explosions: (Instant once they touch something; 5 second timer; 30 second timer)

    -2 shots before reload

    -Getting stuck to target is death to the target. (no escaping it)

    -Being in a 5 foot radius of it cause shield depletion.

    2. Sacrificial Orb

    -Can do 2 things.
    • Sacrifices your shields to give an Overshieldx2 to the closest team mate.
    • Sacrifices your life to ressurect all team mates within a 10-foot radius with the following traits for 3 seconds:
    -----(Instant Kill shot

    -You cannot respawn for 25 seconds.
    -You cannot use any equipment for the rest of the round.
    #45 Metroshell, Jul 12, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2008
  6. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    OM NOM, you gaiz has teh epic winsauce weapons and ****. Mah turn :D:D:D

    Classification Tag: JL-42 Ballistic Assault Neutralization Cannon (B.A.N.C.)
    Official Founder: United Nations Space Command
    Object Classification: Handheld Heavy Artillery
    Description: In the year 2546, the United Nations Space Command had opened a top-secret organization named SECTOR17- a cousin to the former SECTOR's 3 and 0. This SECTOR had been testing unauthorized with nuclear and biological weapons to be used against the ongoing struggle with the outlaws spread across the galaxies, who had been doing the same. Recently, they had been shut down due to a conspiracy that they were housing instead 4,000 different nuclear bombs, ready to be used on Earth itself. Well, one of SECTOR17's employees were safe from all charges. So he began working on an actual weapon to be used in the UNSC's Marine Corps. This weapon was the Ballistic Assault Neutralization Cannon.

    Weapon's Capabilities:
    Holding: One hand
    Speed factor: 40%
    Shooting Mechanism: Long, 2 foot tube holding one rocket-propelled grenade that shoots a distance of 473.992 feet until distinguished flame. After extinguished, this RPG explodes in a blast radius of 17.4 feet, accounting for that the RPG somehow did not actually hit any target before that. Once fired, the BANC immediately sets itself for another RPG, but it takes 4 seonds to reload, and it houses 7 shots. This Heavy Artillery is useful against not only infantry, but against mobile armor, also. It houses a targeting sytem which, after 3 seconds, locks completely onto the target, and can be shot in any direction close enough to see the actual target, and still be locked on. This mechanism requires a full zoom in on the target itself to work. Keep in mind, that while it follows the actual vehicle, it can still be blown apart on a rock or tree in the way.

    Pros: Extremely useful for long distance attacks on vehicles. Very powerful, and RPG is slightly faster than the SPNKr.
    Cons: Makes wielder deathly immobile, and requires massive amounts of time before ready to shoot again.
  7. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Type: Vehicle
    Class: Human
    Style: Medium Armored Ground Transport Vehicle
    Name: Panther / Tiger
    Description: Like the transport Warthog, this vehicle is able to move a large amount of people across any terrain. This vehicle also comes equipped with the Warthog Chain Gun armament that is positioned in it like the Scorpion Tank.

    Vehicle Capacity: 8 (1 driver, 1 gunner, six passengers)
    Travel Speed: Slightly Slower than a warthog (60 miles over sand, 70 over preferred terrain)
    Armor Type: Steel and titanium plated.
    Engine: Resistant to overheating.

    Damage: Normal Wart Hog Damage
    Rate of Fire: Normal Wart Hog Rate of Fire
    Accuracy: 80 %
    Turret Ammo: Unlimited
    Reload Time: None

    Pros: Mobile large-sized transport vehicle able to move entire teams efficiently. Medium armored with a protected engine that is unable to be overheated by means of the plasma rifle. This vehicle also has a one man turret. Good top speed.

    Cons: Sluggish acceleration. Underbelly is lightly armored. Teammates would be unable to shoot out of the vehicle due to protective covering on the top and sides. Are able to see the driver and turret and are able to be easily dispatched by means of sniper rifle or beam rifle.
    I'm not sure if everyone has played big team battle, but this vehicle would be a fun addition.
    1 person likes this.
  8. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    This one is simple, change the current warthogs so that the turrets (including gauss) can be 'ripped out' like how the turrents on tripods are ripped out by master chief. that would be cool. Then if the warthogs have no turret that space i just another open seat for someone!
  9. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    A turret that shoots fire bomb grenades at a slow pace and at a high arc and can be ripped off. It would do the same damage as a normal firebomb.
  10. N1NJ4

    N1NJ4 Ancient
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    Radar Cloaking: An equipment that when deployed gives you poor camo and removes your blip from enemy radar even when you are moving

    A.S.E.(All Seeing Eye): Equipment that when deployed turns all teamates' radar within 50 meters from PASSIVE to ACTIVE
  11. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    Timed Mine

    Same principal as the Trip Mine, though you choose when it detonates.
    Lame idea, I know lol.
  12. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Actually the modding community has found a vehicle in the coding that they believe is like that.
    It was called the "mantis" and they think it was a sort of climber that would take down scarabs.
    I doubt they could see an effective way of implementing it into the game well though.Maybe we'll see it in halo wars
  13. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    That's just a walker from star wars he is talking about...
  14. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    What they think the mantis was,was a walker that had arms that allowed it to climb.Aswell as guns.
    It was a walker.No need for the "omg hes a stupid fool who overthought it BOO i say" -...-'s of doom :p lol
  15. N1NJ4

    N1NJ4 Ancient
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    How about a forge option that instead of selecting Asymmetrical and Symmetrical you just get a checklist of what gametypes you want an item to spawn in, i.e. multi-flag:no, 1-flag:no
  16. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Type: Weapon
    Class: Covenant (Elite)
    Style: Plasma Burst Slug Shotgun
    Name: (Working Title)
    Description: This newly made uncommon Covenant elite weapon is technically their take on the Human shotgun. This weapon is like the shotgun, but in many ways different. Instead of using something similar to the spread shot of the Human shotgun, they instead use a large plasma burst or slug. At close range it is extremely deadly and even matches the power of the shotgun. The plasma burst is able to shoot directly through an opponent if at the right range. The shot also dissipates at a rapid speed in power while going through the air since it is an unstable plasma burst and will eventually disappear at a specific distance. This means that after it is shot it will begin loosing a specific percentage of damage. This weapon also is able to be reloaded since the ammo has to be contained for it to be powerful.

    Close range- Equal to shotgun
    Midrange- When the distance is 600 feet the shot disappears.
    Shield Damage: Percentage of shield damage depends on distance of shot.
    Rate of Fire: 2 Second Charge
    Accuracy: 95%
    Clip Size: 6 Shots
    Amount able to hold: 18 Shots
    Reload Time: 3 Seconds

    Pros: Close range is deadly. This weapon is easy to wield and is perfected for close range combat. Accuracy is at a very high percentage. Can also be used at midrange. Is able to take down large amounts of shield at once rather than with multiple shots. Able to be reloaded and carry enough ammo.

    Cons: Slow rate of fire, slow reload time, does smaller amount of damage depending on distance, shot able to disappear.
    I've been wanting an Elite version of the shotgun for quite sometime, so I decided to make my take on it. I also thought of making it harder to use at longer range so I decided to make it lose a percentage of damage after the shot is fired. I.E. When the shot fires it has 100% damage. After the damage percentage gets lower than 97% the weapon is unable to get an instant kill. 97% also equals about 5-7 feet distance. This also means that at 96% damage of the weapon, it will deplete the enemies shields, but will not damage the health of the enemy. Also think that 50% damage will literally take down half of your opponent's shields and that range is 300 feet. Also, the shots become smaller and harder to see at distance. Although I think this is a great idea for a weapon, I know if they actually did something like this, Bungie would have to edit the damage qualities that are referenced to the distance majorly.
    #56 Juggernaut, Jul 16, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2008
  17. i_support_elites

    Senior Member

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    Vehicle: Panther
    Type: light
    Weapon: none
    Sheilding: Powerfull
    Race: human
    Description: Developed during the SPARTAN II project, Panthers are fast sleek motorcycles developed for the spartans.
    All Panthers are colored green, so they match the MJOLNIR armor color.
    Unfortunately, they were stored on the planet Reach and were destroyed by the Covenant, but a few years later, a military vehicle specialist stumbled upon the plans while searching through some old computer files.
    He brought the plans to his officer and the Panthers were built immediately.
  18. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Type: Weapon
    Class: Human
    Style: Flak Cannon
    Name: Trasher
    Description: This high power weapon fires heated waste (garbage basically), and acts as a shotgun at close range. Slightly more accurate than shotgun at mid ranges.
    Damage: Slightly more than shotgun
    Close range- Equal to shotgun
    Midrange- About the power of a carbine shot.
    Shield Damage: High at close
    Rate of Fire: 2 Seconds
    Accuracy: 80%
    Clip Size: 8 Shots
    Amount able to hold: 24 Shots
    Reload Time: 4 Seconds

    Pros: Deadly at close and medium close range.

    Cons: If fired in too fast succession, can explode and cause serious damage to all around. Close ranged.
  19. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    hater drain: when you toss this piece of equipment all players that shout profanities will immediately die and be removed from the area.

    deployable n00b cover: n00bs who can't shoot will miss because they will hit your deployable n00b cover.

    pwner sheild: a sheild deploys all around you that will protect you from people that straight up own your ass given that they are outside of the sheild.

    bungenerator: when using this equipment you will feel bungie's power and strength and get endowed with recon armor, it will be very hard to kill you inside this mist that glows with bungie's essence.

    game connection jammer: everyone lags for a certain amount of time when you use this.
  20. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    How about a map:

    Map: Deserted
    A U.S. based desert outpost in the SW states. There is a single man-made building, but it is the defenders. The attackers get a semi-complex cave system as their starting area. It is a medium-sized map, with some small human vehicles for the defenders, and a Wraith for the attackers. A sniper is found at one end of the map, between the Attackers and Defenders. A Spartan Laser is opposite of that.

    lol, needs some more work.
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