Create a new vehicle, weapon, power-up, equipment, map, whatever!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mr. Skittles, Jul 4, 2008.

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  1. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    Ammo Case
    You lye it on the ground and 3 people can get ammo for any gun
  2. Vycious159

    Vycious159 Ancient
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    Ok Here We Go....

    Name: Mong-A-Fier
    Appearance : A Green Power Drain With Spikes Sticking Off
    Effect : When It's Activated It Makes Enemies THINK They See People Of The Other Color Shooting Them BUT They Take No Damage And They Don't Have Radar Blips. All The Visions Wear Standard Armour.
    Pros : Good To Distract People To Capture Flag Etc
    Cons : People Who Are Very Smart Will See Through It Noticing The Standard Armour Etc.

    Name: Blocker
    Appearance : Large Warthog With A Snow Plow Shaped Object On The Front And A Large Button On The Side
    Speed : Slow (Slightly Faster Than A Elephant)
    Effect : Pressing The Button Grounds The Vehicle Into The Ground It Then Can't Be Moved To Be Destroyed You Have To Shoot Off The Back And Destroy The Core (Scarab Style!) The Explosion Does The Following

    O <- Vehicle
    1 <- Death (In Vehicle)
    2 <- Death (1-3 Feet)
    3 <- Death(4-6 Feet)
    4<-Half Shields (7-10)
    5<- Quarter Shields(11-13)
    6<- Slight Damage(14-16)
    7<- None(17+)

    Pros : Good For Guarding Place Flags Or Blocking Choke points
    Cons :Very Slow. Enemies Can Run Up And Hit The Button Or Destroy The Core.
  3. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    Wait! I know! HOW ABOUT A VEHICLE THAT SHOULD ALREADY BE IN THE GAME! THE PELICAN!!!!! Sorry, I've always been pissed about that...
  4. Vycious159

    Vycious159 Ancient
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    Thats A Good Point I Got Pissed Off Especially On Rat's Nest When I Saw One
  5. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    A trip mine that legs that's coming to om nom nom nom nom you.
  6. Starstreamer97

    Starstreamer97 Ancient
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    The Nest

    Giant object that can be hoisted up into a trre like a tree house but with no roof teleporter to get up and a cannon like a warthog gauss cannon mounted underneth so you can blow the living ******** out of the red team or blue team or whatever
  7. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    OK, starting now every single post that is either "ZOMG a peilcan!" or a "WARHAMMER OF DAWN THAT COMES FROM THE SKY AND NUK3S EVERAY1!!!!" is getting reported and told off. This thread is serious, and if you decide not to be the consequneces will airse. So from now on how about have a good idea that isnt a "trip mine with legs that kills everyone in a fifty foot radius and cant be seen on radar." And use correct grammar. It is so ****ing annoying scrolling down your own thread and reading a run on sentence with two readable words and that says the gayest idea you could possibly imagine.
  8. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    Type: Equipment
    Name: Decoy Emitter
    Desciption: Similar in size to the radar jammer and energy drain this equipment uses holo technology to create a visual decoy that will confuse the enemy while you sneak around him.

    The device makes a basic spartan or elite image that is engaged in the act of shooting and or running. this hologram would exsist (if it's easier or what not to make a player could make a image of themselves and the decoy would copy the throwers actions) until the image moved away from the holo emitter or the equipment ran out of power.

    using the idea of the mirror image of a player it would be the weakness of the equipment, as a left handed character would show that it's not real.

    however if used properly it could be a real destraction during fast paced games.
  9. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    I apologise for that Skittlemeister... I shall from now on only post serious comments...


    No, seriously, I'll be a good boy.
  10. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Thank you very much, but it wasnt directed solely at you.
  11. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    Hey, wouldn't it be neat to pick up a turret as equiptment and deploy it wherever you so choose?
    Grab a machinegun turret and deploy it back at your base to defend the flag.

    It would add a little more strategy to games.
    I'm talking about a turret you can't break off and has to be manned by a spartan.

    Being destructable is also fair. At least that damned enemy turret will go away if you shoot it enough!
  12. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    There we go! A good reasonable name. Great job!
  13. Bdeath88

    Bdeath88 Ancient
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    Type: Vehicle
    Terrain: Sea
    Class: UNSC
    Name: Gator
    Description: Fast vehicle resistant to over heating and has a turret on the back that can be switched from Chain Gun to Gauss.

    Vehicle Capacity: 1 pilot, 3 passengers (able to shoot with weapon they have except heavy weapons), 1 gunner.
    Speed: Warthog speed
    Fire Rate: Warthog fire rate
    Ammo: Unlimited

    Pros: Can help main battle ships take out enemy infantry and small light armor vehicles and can drop off troops at locations near water.

    Cons: Can easily be taken out with Rockets or Spartan Lasers

    here is a pic i found online
    #233 Bdeath88, Aug 29, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2008
  14. Bdeath88

    Bdeath88 Ancient
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    Type: Equipment
    Class: UNSC
    Terrain: Only water
    Name: Depth mine
    Description: A small mine that is thrown overboard into water. When run over by vehicle or swam on top of by Spartan or Elite, this mine detonates causing an explosion that kills all within 5 feet of the mine.

    Pros: Cant be seen by people around it.

    Cons: has a metal rod sticking 1 foot out of the water so it knows when touched.
  15. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    Map: Asteroid Field

    Takes place in space, on the surface of a moonbase that has just drifted out of orbit and into an Asteroid Field. Meteors constantly hit the base and moon, causing the screen to shake everytime which makes killing bad guys a lot harder.
  16. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    a ghost like flying machine something small that can fly and drop missiles on the ground that have small impact but can also have passenger seats
  17. Griffnoob

    Griffnoob Ancient
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    Race: Human
    Weapons: 2 Rocket Launchers "missle podish" on back (require Lock-on no work (aka vehicles)) 2 50. Machine guns on one hand, Bubble Shield-ish shield in other (kinda like large jackal shield)
    A Large (about Pelican sized) Walking suit rarely used during the Covenant War, it was mostly used in harsh environments that were taken over by Covenant Forces, it was used to Transport troops by land and assault missions. it was used more by Marines themselves then by spartans as spartans could survive better in their MJOLINR armor
  18. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Type: Powerup

    Name: Active Reload (somewhat of a tribute to GoW)

    Description: Dark grey sphere, same size and complexion as OS and Camo

    Use: Restores all carried weapons (primary and secondary) to full ammo, does not apply to turrets/flamethrowers/missle pods, player will go through a reloading animation if primary weapon was out of ammo (if applicable, obviously a Splazer will be charged instantaneously w/o animation)

    Deployment: This powerup should generally be placed in the back areas of maps, so that players must make a decision to trek back for the reload or make due with what they've got, should not be placed near rockets or any other power weapon

    Respawn Time: Varies based on the weapons placed on the map, more power weapons generally means longer respawn
  19. Crazy Drunkard

    Crazy Drunkard Ancient
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    Ok, i embedded these pictures of my Anteater vehicle i posted about. This should be good practice for uploading map pictures

    I made the vehicle in Google SketchUp and i did not made make the grunt or the master chief
  20. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Hey, man you know what? Thanks SO much for reading what said about bad posts. This is your only warning, next time you post here use good grammar or your reported.
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