After seeing other create-a-_____ threads I wanted to make one. Here you make gametype by combining other or make your own. Here I'll start name-four way bomb how it works-four teams of two playing nuetrabomb
check my signature for grunts and brutes. it's pretty thought out and original. in short it's a tactical game of plasma pistols vs. brute shots.
Titan! Yeah, derived entirely from another game but oh well. Anyway, both teams get a ginormous vehicle (think over double the size of an Elephant, minimum), and whoever blows up the other team's Titan first wins. So I guess it's combining Slayer with a vehicular Juggernaut, kinda
Nice i'll make another one name-terraVIP (can anyone make a better name) 3 terratories and VIPs are the only ones who can capture them while the team defeands them
Head shot only match .. Its sniping and you can only hurt by headshooting .. No Scope match .. Same as Headshot but you can not scope ..
Tag. A player becomes 'it' and attempts to kill someone. When he does, the dead person becomes 'it' when he respawns.