CraZy King of the Banshee

Discussion in 'Reach Gametypes' started by sYko de4d, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. sYko de4d

    sYko de4d Forerunner

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    this is an variation of King of the Hill.
    Some Updates:

    Changes on map for the Gametype:
    - Special deadzones for this mod, you cant fly as high as usual.
    - 2 More Banshees on the map

    The most important settings: (only have the german settings maybe the english settings have other names)
    -Hill-Movetime: 45sec
    -Crazy Randomking
    -Weapons: Infinity Plasmapistol and Granadelauncher
    -infinity jetpack
    -No Grenades
    -Indestructible Vehicle
    -Damage Resist: 500%
    -No Shield
    -100% Weapon Damage, 300% Melee Damage
    -Movementspeed 200%
    -Jump: 150%
    -Gravity: 75%
    -No Vehicle use!
    Hill Properties:
    -Damage Resist: 10% ( if u stand in the hill without driving the banshee one plasmapistol shot kills u)
    -0% damage ( u cant kill anyone with the Banshee )
    -Vehicle Use on! Only the Banshee with the hill can be use and u get kicked out of the banshee if the hill changes
    -for 3-8 Player

    The Gametype: : Halo Reach : File Details
    Crazy Banshee Map: : Halo Reach : File Details
    Mountain Haven V2( A new Version!!): : Halo Reach : File Details
    #1 sYko de4d, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2010
  2. weters

    weters Forerunner

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    great idea!
  3. sYko de4d

    sYko de4d Forerunner

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    thanks, i have a new idea. I figure out how the Granadelauncher in Halo works and the EMP explosion of this is 10 times cooler and easier for the players :O

    edit: i am at betatesting with some new settings:
    Speed: only 200%
    Jump High: 150%
    Give u a better Control
    Gravitation: 75%, more control with jetpack
    Little changes at damage and damage resist
    make 2 loadouts one with the old weapons and one with a granadelauncher instead of a plasma gun.
    But i try to place 5 Granade Launcher for this Gametype on my map but i have no idea how.
    If i mak them "only King of the Hill" i must activate Weapon on the map and then i got alle weapons from the other gametypes ;/

    Added after 17 Hours 24 minutes:

    here are some new screenshots of the new version which I can hopefully bring out in the next days!
    Also i need to bring a new update of my map, need some changes for the Gametype
    #3 sYko de4d, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2010
  4. TheBossTH0MAS

    TheBossTH0MAS Forerunner

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  5. sYko de4d

    sYko de4d Forerunner

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    Real Big update, with a new map only for this Gametype and much changes like Granadelauncher!
    It realy realy much better than before!
    2 pics of the new map
  6. NaturalSwag

    NaturalSwag Forerunner

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    Whats the name of the new map so i can download it! Post a link!

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