are funny. mostly im aiming at little 9-13 year olds. woo, gaming is cool! love it, but when i see this i LOL up the arse XD and im NOT being racist, but black people too. not all, just the few ive come across. like "yo yo les play dat halo foo pop a cap in dis mofukka *tea bags* ahhh hell nah where you at, gimme yo adress nukka" its just annoying really. i could say the same about mexicans too cussing people out for no reason in spanish and you know what, white people also. just so i dont seem racist....cause im not. but they can be hella annoying too. infact im prolly annoying all of you right now by posting this ridiculous rant. k bye.
ahahahah hahah ahahhhahhahhhah I seriously just laughed for like 20 minutes. We love you orange. I didn't get racism from this post at all. i wish i would have been a crazy hardcore gamer when i was 13... i really don't know anybody who is a hardcore gamer but i'd like to so i can tell him to keep playing while he fits the part.
i just wanted to be careful and point out that i wasn't racist cause i seen a lot of people get banned or warned and stuff for stupid comments about stupid stuff that moderators felt were/could be offensive lol and before i wouldn't have cared, i figured people liked me. but seeing as drawingman got a, infraction its called? i stepped down from my high horse and proceeded cautiously
Yea my friend, he is white and all he hangs out with are black people (Crypts AND Bloods) Well they always get on Call of Duty 4 and call out Blood signs and they act all gangster, it is just so annoying...
Yes. Funniest thing I heard of was this 6th grader trying to be cool by buying CoD4 and playing online. ZOMG, UR KEWL DOODZ. TOTALLY EPIC.
agreed the people who cuss people out on live give people against gaming ammunition to ruin it for the rest of us cough fox news cough