I was playing two days ago when I guy shot a rocket at me. Thinking I was going to die I chucked up a spike grenade trying to stick him. In mid-air I stuck the rocket shot and right before it got to me it blew up. I have never done that before, wondering if this has happened to anyone else? (I don't have a video, I forgot to record it and it's past my 25 games played)
I think I remember a favorites video of someone sticking an incoming frag grenade, but the rocket sounds cool. Too bad you didn't keep a video of it.
Yea, I feel stupid now that I didn't...I always say to myself, "Oh, I will record it later" then forget.
Wow, bet that won't happen again for awhile. And i also suffer from the "I'll record it later" epidemic, The amount of cool sticks i've had that i just ignored saving is criminal.
It's amazing to see all the different stuff you can manage to pull in Halo 3. I.e. rocket deflected by frag grenade, random objects flying and killing people. Saved films are definately the coolest thing yet. shame on you for not saving the vid :squirrel_giggle:
Pics or it didn't happen Just kidding. Thats pretty sweet. The only time something like that happened to me was when I shot a rocket at another rocket and the explosion launched the other one away. I guess that was more likely to happen though because I was playing Rocket Race.
I once threw a plasma at an oncoming wraith shot during campaign. I planned to stick the tank right before the shot hit me (it was like 2 feet away) but the 'nade hit it and it vaporized right in front of me. CRAZY STUFF Rocket explosions deflecting other rockets is pretty common in Team Rockets for me. Ever try to deflect an oncoming rocket with a gravity hammer? Most satisfying thing ever.
Ooo, I have another clip which I THINK I recorded. It is where I kill a guy in a 1v1 game with no lag in it whatsoever. Jump down a level and get hit with a grenade from his dead body. Like 7 seconds after he is dead a grenade pops out and falls down and hits me and I die. It is scary.