last night i had a dream that i got hit by a giant wire spool and i woke up and said im gonna go play the dodge crate game!!!
Played this today, pure mayhem. You here the grav-lift sounds and you wildy spin around, trying to find the one with the giant truck flying at you. Pretty fun.
I don't know how it happened, but one object knocked someone to an edge on the top of the map, and they were just sitting there. It was an unlikely glitch, but it happened. Also, I think people figured out how to get past the teleporters that blocked off the last bit of the map. You may want to put something else there to block.
AJ Review Description: 6 out of 10 Pictures 7 out of 10 Links: 2 out of 4 Overall: 6 out of 10 Your map sounds like a good map, but the description doesn't really make you imagine. Like their are two ways to say I was hit by a brick. 1: I was hit by a brick. 2: A flying red rectangular object, sped through the air and collided with my face. Life was in slow motion as the brick moved my cheek and blood flew out of my mouth. Which sound more interesting? (The answer is 2 genius!) You should have some pics of the game actually going...
only problem: i found one spot where you can stand and stay there the whole game, i wont spoil it for everyone, but all u got to do is jump about every 45 seconds, then run back to where you were before every about minute when u get hit (u reach the edge but dont fall off)
Wow. That was fun. It's got it's problems, sure, but it's actually quite fun. My suggestion is that you should have multiple floating platforms around, all with stuff flying at them. If some the humans want to jump around from platform to platform, they can, and it adds an extra level of excitement instead of just standing and jumping.
Thank you for the comments guys, this will help me make my second version which will have more interactions from zombies and include a King of the Hill varient. When I made this map I didn't really plan out the map I just aimed the cannons and it stared working and I got excited about publishin it. Don't worry I'll make sure the next version is better planned
Ye must show me too insane because: 1) I'm an official tester of this map (lol maybe) 2) Because I'm part of the BTSP forge group (Titmar, Asper, Rusty) 3) I'm AWESOME need I say more? haha
Anyone that has played the map before I published it are officially testers, I don't know the exact time of the launch but kudos to those that were mercilessly tormented by my Cratefrenzy. The next few ideas I have will be publish in our groups map pack.