I remade my infection map CRASH!!! It has the same basic idea hid inside the crashed spaceship until help arrives. This new and improved ship is bigger and has a fully funtional cannon on top. After 90 seconds hornets will spawn to help the humans who are still alive. There is no armory this time so the humans will have to survive with pistols (or the warthogs) Map:http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=34550955 Game: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=34517374
pretty good id like to say though interlocking would be nice im a big mistake at that and i never will get it right but its difrent for everyone else but youve got my dl
Nice map,but the ship doesnt look like a crashed ship,looks like its about to be,but nice map,looks fun. 4/5
umm. looks good but if its a "crashed" space ship the it wouldint be floating,but overal it looks really good
Crashing ships seem very popular on Avalanche although this one looks very well done. You could have made it actualy crashed but hey its still cool.