Cramped Cramped is a small infection map taking up about 1/4 of Foundry. This map is pretty much made to give you that creepy feeling that no help is coming. I actualy jumped off my couch one time when a zombie scared the forge out of me. The humans and zombies spawn close to each other so the first encounter should be within ten seconds of the game. There are 2 spikers with no exra clips and a bruteshot with no extra clips on the map. Pics: Humans Spawn Zoms Spawn Long hallway with zom spawn on right side View from human spawn Room behind human spawn left to long hallway right to human spawn Same room different corner I know the map looks plain but the gameplay is awesome with 8+ people Map Gametype PLZ COMMENT
looks like it took about an hour or two, just for the interlocking....otherwise, looks like a waste of space on a hard drive....3/5
the map looks nice and all but theres nothing that seperates it from other maps. nothing that make this map better then other. this map lacks one major thing. that would be wow factor
well the map has no interlockin its empty looks like its just hallways i dont man u might wanna put more details into it more interlocking if u dont know how to interlock then ask ur friends anyhow ill download try it out and ill tell wat i think about the map
Oh, come on man, I have to say that this isn't the best infection map that I've ever seen but man, that's just rude. I think that the map could use more cover and maybe something special like a central structure, but otherwise, I might try out.
it looks like there is some interlocking. i think it may be fun to play on. but i may be wrong on both counts. i'll give it a 3/5.
DIdnt mean anything bad guys, just wanted to say it doesnt look like it took a long time to i got much better featured maps on my hard drive, and this doesnt deserve a precious spot!
So is that where all your posts come from? 566 posts in 2 months of spamming map threads that aren't featured. Learn to give some constructive criticism for once instead of spamming.