CQB Base Wars

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by deathfromabove, May 26, 2008.

  1. deathfromabove

    deathfromabove Ancient
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    Well this is my newest map made i've made plenty in my time of playing halo and this one may not be the best but i thought that i should post this one up just for fun to see what you all think of this map. Now about the map, the maps main gametypes that i made it for were: Team Slayer, and C T F. This was because of its size but im sure if you wanted you yourself could go in and make it work for oddball, VIP, and maybe others you think would go good with it. Some of the weapons in this map are: 2 BR's, 2 Maulers, 2 covey Carbines, 2 needlers, multiple gernades. Some Powerups: Camo, and Oversheild. Another thing i did to make the gameplay unique was i added 2 vehicles to each side, due to money restrictions i couldn't do much else with the maps so i decided with this tiny litte chunk of space on the map, why not make it used for vehicle wars aswell, and if you want you can dry them onto the bases for supporting fire. The other good part about this map is the sniper towers, they have telepoters leading up to them, i made them fair distances for each team, whoever gets there first gets the advantage. There is no specific game varient for this map so you can iether use a default one or just make one that you think fits this map best.
    Now moving on the pic and links.
    New Pics Will Be Uploaded Later Or Tommorow, Try the fixed version below.
    Link To Download
    CQB Base Wars (fixed) Download
    #1 deathfromabove, May 26, 2008
    Last edited: May 26, 2008
  2. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Well done on a good first post, sir. My only gripe is that you haven't named the map thread correctly. Could you change it to simply 'CQB Base Wars', nothing else.

    As for the map, it looks very simple. Is this your first map, by chance?

    I recommend you go and have a look in the Forging 101 section of this site :)
  3. Mount Killamonjaro

    Senior Member

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    Um I dont really get it. The top of the respawns arnt interlocked, was that on purpose?
  4. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
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    Great map it seems really fun. I will DL.

    PS you will probably get lots of people winning about it not being interlocked. Will i have two things to say to them 1) read my sig 2) if it ain't broke don't fix it.
  5. deathfromabove

    deathfromabove Ancient
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    well yes i know this wasnt really the smoothest map to walk around on because this map was the first (interlocking map) i've done and i got some advice from a friend and i think im going to make another version of this with no interlocking and just flip the crates upside down because that makes them fit together much easier. mount yes that was on purpose because i wasnt exactly sure how i wanted to do that and i didnt have the time to interlock it all, so i thought that would be the easiest thing to do tell i fix all the stuff i did. Thank you for the advice and yes i will change the title of it
  6. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Some interlocking could definetly help you make the structures more neat. No DL from me just because it looks very sloppy and not thought out.
    And, Welcome To Forgehub
  7. iTz Me

    iTz Me Ancient
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    Looks like a fun map to play.
    Only problem...Some spots would be better interlocked such as the 2 spawn buildings, main crossing path, and end path.
    Other then that, looks like a great map.
  8. deathfromabove

    deathfromabove Ancient
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    yea i know the middle and end were probably the worst thought through becuase they were the last things done to the map and thats when i didnt have the amount of stuff needed to finish it with perfect precision but thanks for the advice again. I'm sure if i had help it might have been alot better
    you always have time to interlock it isn't a race to finish the the map its takong all the time you can to make it good i was like that and my maps sucked please make a v2 w/
    1. interlocked roofs
    2. upside down and interlocked boxes
    3. take your time its not a race
  10. deathfromabove

    deathfromabove Ancient
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    Acually in my case no i dont always have time and the time i do i cant do a whole map of interlocking, but i'll say this, give me the time and i will finish the v2 and i'll try to use the float,interlocking glitches to make it as good as possible, but i know in most cases people do have that time to do it, so sorry i cant but thanks for the advice on what i should do, i'll take as much as i can get, but please dont go to harsh. This was my first post here and i wasnt sure how high your expectations were for maps like this but thanks again.
  11. Legacy of Wars

    Legacy of Wars Ancient
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    Very simple i understand its ur first try but i dont grade any lower for that so 2/10.
  12. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    The bases look sloppy, and try flipping the boxes over in the middle for a better playing experience.

    XxNAPALM FURYxX Ancient
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    nice first map but i would say flip the boxes to make a smooth surface, interlock to make it nicer looking, check out forge 101, and i would not have the power ups in the middle but over nice map and ill dl to check it out
  14. deathfromabove

    deathfromabove Ancient
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    yea if you read my earlier post i said the same thing i got the same advice from a friend a little later the day i made this and he said to flip them over aswell, thats probably what i will do for the middle i think the main bases could stay the same.

    EDIT:well i'll be back later or tommorow hopefully i can get started on revamping it so see ya.
    #14 deathfromabove, May 26, 2008
    Last edited: May 26, 2008
  15. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Did you really think out the layout of this map? Not to be mean, but no one is going to even think about looking at your map without it being interlocked, merged, or any creativness of the layout. Nice try and I hope to see more work from you.
  16. Sacred x War

    Sacred x War Ancient
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    Hey, that was a very good attempt as a first map. My suggestions are:

    1. Make it so the sniper isn't too well protected
    2. Try to interlock for a later version.
    3. Add more cover from sniper fire.

    And check out my Vicinity map. That was the first map I posted and I'm taking the criticism and making it better with each version. Learn from what people tell you and you'll create great things.
  17. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    you have the posting thing down, but i suggest you learn to interlock before you make more maps
  18. deathfromabove

    deathfromabove Ancient
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    aqually guys with the time i had i just finished interlocking the whole middle path, i couldnt find a way to fill in the cracks but you hardly notice them, im not sure how i should post the pics so someone wanna help me out here?, then i'll show what i changed.
    P.S. this wasn't my (first ever map) made its just the first one that i tried to interlock things, i didnt want to use that as a big excuse.
    #18 deathfromabove, May 26, 2008
    Last edited: May 26, 2008
  19. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
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    looks pritty sloopy and plain some interlocking might help, sry but its just not that good
  20. deathfromabove

    deathfromabove Ancient
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