covie beach (beta)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by borsniel, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. borsniel

    borsniel Ancient
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    hey everyone this is my first halo : reach map that im in the process of building. its a 8v8 invasion map ment to make full use of the new features in forge 2.0. so far its been quite a headache to produce due to the limitations of custom games and needing to learn the game use tag system. this is the 5th version of what was going to be an EXTREMELY complicated map involving an air assault off of a carrier and hitting a covenant held objective. little by little though things went wrong on the game type side of the equation. so Ive salvaged what i could and built this map. the current map is still in its beta phase, meaning i havnet put on the polish and that its set up solely for play testing rather than looking good, as such you will notice small things not completely phased extremely simplistic structures. before i go over and rebuild it form scratch with all the polish, i want to know if it actualy deserves it, so any input here would be much appreciated.

    OK on to the map its self

    dawn breaks

    at the start of the game the Spartans will be spawning in a plane soaring over the landing zone

    from there they must jump out of the plane and fall to the LZ

    its kinda a long way down, so you have to use your jet pack correctly or you end up a pancake

    from there the Spartans must capture the landing zone so that reinforcements can land to support them there is a ship with 2 rocket hogs on it to provide covering fire and to counter the heavy covenant defenses

    when the beach has been captured by the Spartans enough time has passed so that it is now midday, with the beach now clear it is safe for the landing ship to arrive, but the plane carrying the first wave must depart.


    the landing craft brings some heavy fire power with it to help out the Spartans

    with the beach secure the next objective must be completed, that is to remove the barrier that is sealing off the tower and protecting the covenant energy core.

    to do this the Spartans must use the bomb that was brought on the landing craft and take it to the barrier's energy supply room at the bottom of the peak.



    after math

    after the bomb goes off and disables the energy core night takes the island

    the next objective is to trek up the peak and steal the covenant energy core form the tower

    to complete this task the Spartans are given air support in the form of a falcon, which appears on the deck of the support ship.

    after retrieving the core the Spartans must take it back to the waiting landing craft to win the game.

    now a quick look at the defenders side of the engagement

    a total of 6 covered bunkers are set up along the cliff side over looking the beach, along with 4 shades and a plasma cannon. in addtion to owning the high ground the defenders gain access to better weapons much sooner than the attacking forces.

    and that's my map so far kinda extensive with stuff spawning and despawning but i think its worth it for the effect, i know he map dosent look to good but i need to test the play style, if its good and only needs minor blancing then ill rebuild the map form scratch to be truly amasing in terms of athestic. id like any im put you have and ill put links to my map and corasponding game type below this

    thanks in advance

    game type : Halo Reach : File Details
    map : Halo Reach : File Details
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    The only problems I see are that the shades might not be able to shoot downward very well, making the higher ones nearly useless, and that spartans jumping from the dropship will take falling damage. There's nothing like jumping into the midst of combat with no shields.
  3. borsniel

    borsniel Ancient
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    actually the shades shoot downwards GREAT, its scary to see all 4 at once angled on the beach, and as for jumping in, you just gotta use your jet pack to slow down your fall enough not to hurt, which is easy after a couple of falls, though funny when you see some one go splat.
  4. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Whoops, didn't notice the thing about jetpacks.

    In that case, I see nothing wrong with your map.

    Four shades might be a bit powerful, but any power weapon or even the rocket warthogs could take care of that.
  5. borsniel

    borsniel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the input pyro!!

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