Cover Quest Map overview: LINK: Alright guys lets get this started My past map or so, i feel i have let the community down by posting maps that arent very good quite frankly. I look to change this by posting here today! The game types set up for it are: Team Slayer and Conquest. Best played with no starting grenades 6-10 players Cover Quest is a conquest map played to the the extremly high pace style. You will start in a room that looks like this: the other team will spawn in room directly across the map from you: the red team that you see can jump down to the second territory because the first one is the one they spawn on top of: the blue team that you saw can jump down into their second territory: each team has something different than the other team, that can off set each other in a real strategical battle. ill explain: the blue team has a sniper rifle that they can take into the sniper cage via teleporter: this cage overlooks the entire middle part of the map, but the red team can off set this with a simple two assault rifle bullets. how?!!? they can teleport to here and blow up those fusion coils: now lets get an overview of the map with the switch triggered: and the view from the snipers cage: now they have to bring the sniper right into the middle where all the action is! Action Shots: Red team swarm! And here is the LINK again: alright guys that about wraps it all up like a hot tortilla thanks for all your time and please reward the hours spent interlocking and testing by me trying to bring the best map possible to you guys. its just 2.7 clicks away!! p.s. thanks to ferretness for breaking my map before i finished it. dont worry i fixed it... also helping me with the switch.
lol sooooo many people asked how to make the white one and then the purple ones. but is that all you like about the map?? is the powerups?
Looks very clean. And may add a cool play style to Conquest. I don't really understand the whole team differences thing, but I would love to try this map out.
I like the fact that you used an elevator switch as cover, and not really an elevator, but from the picture I cant tell how much of the sniper box that really throws off the aim, so I'll have to give it a download to see how well its effective and how well you used the right switch for the right job. P.S. switches in conquest maps is like the new thing AMIRITE? P.S.S Switches in general are laik the new thing AMIRITE? P.S.S.S How well does this also play into conquest, in conquest it should be a tug-of-war for the territories, leading into the enemy base , and not just a battle for center. I really want to get a good party to go into this map and play. I absolutely love conquest. And dont you mean 6-10 players? 5 doesnt really make a great conquest game... Last P.S. Good party size, I prefer smaller maps, and think that with a smaller map the builder has to know what he is doing and small maps show a lot more precision and skill at forging. (I also never get a large party going without lag )
ok first txghost's comment The red team can teleport to the place where you blow up the fusion coils when they get there they also can pick up a power drain and a brute shot the blue team can teleport into the sniper cage but can only get back going the way the came, via teleporter. or they can teleport into the middle of the map into alll the action. The sniper cage is very useful before the switch is pulled but when it is.... the cage is next to useless because it blocks off much of their view. ------------------------------------------------------------------- in response to scars first p.s. switches are the new thing in conquest maps YOUARERITE ------------------------------------------------------------------- in response to scars second p.s. switches are Laik the new thing in general YOUARERITE ------------------------------------------------------------------- in response to scars third p.s. YOUARERITE conquest maps are more of a tug of war type games. so let me explain how my map incorparates this: each team starts off with two, Freebees if you will. two territories that they should get at the start no problem. Then there is the middle one. for one team it is hard to get because the opposing team has a sniper rifle. For the other team, it is hard to get because the opposing team has a power drain that they can toss into the center. And yes i meant 6-10 players, thank you for realizing -------------------------------------------------------------------- in response to your final p.s. are you saying i dont know what i am doing or i do? or neither??? -------------------------------------------------------------------- hope i cleared up some problems and post back once you download if you have any questions. peace love gap
I will DL...but you need to tell me how you made teh l33t white and purple powerups, I think I know how but...
ahhhh lol okok Purple: Weapon holder- put all three of the power ups on it and then delete the weapon holder White: Weapon holder- put custom power up and invisability and then delta the weapon holder
Wow, this looks really good. The aesthetics look brilliant, and it looks like a lot of fun to play. Great job! ~SS
thanks for the compliment I worked hard to make it look good But worked harder to do my best to enhance gameplay
looks pretty fun. I like how the map isn't perfectly symettrical! Most conquest maps like Faction are exactly the smae on both sides but this isn't which I like!
i dont quite understand how the team w/o access to sniper box can deter the other team from going into the sniper box...please clarify
you put them backwards. and its shocking to me that people cant think that red + blue = purple. great map by the way, love the balance without being identical.
look at all the dead bodys. wow its like a graveyard. but seriously great interlocking and great asthetics an all aroung good job
very cool it looks like you spent your time to make a solid map. I would love to play, but i also have the RRoD right now