
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Sgtkillstuff, Jan 19, 2009.


How do you like it?

  1. Feature

  2. Good

  3. O.K.

  4. Not my kind of map

  1. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    I'm editing my review for version 1.5

    Enjoyment: I did have a great time on this map. While we only played 4 games on the map, Team Slayer, Slayer, and two Capture the Flags, I think I good a good taste of the map. The first game we played was our 2v2 Multi-Flag. I did have a great time, even though a lot of the game took place at the bottom base. We did fail, but I did well and I owned some face. There was a lot of grenade spamming, and it definitely wasn't as fun to be on the bottom as it is to be on the top where you have a large line of sight. Team slayer was also fun, but again, being at the bottom was nowhere near as fun as being at the top, as we got grenaded a lot, as well as the other team camping in the energy shield room. Free-for-All, however, was not fun at all. Most of the action shifted towards the middle this time, but since we had even more people, it started to get chaotic and very campy. No one really spent much time at the top base and I got spawned killed a bunch. After playing many games of multiflag on v1.5, I can say that the action definitely shifted away from the bottom. I'm not sure what it was, but there was no more being camped at the bottom.
    Rating: 9

    : Ok, again, during the CTF, the team on the top definitely had the upper hand. It seemed that we were just getting pinned down in the bottom, and when we did break out, we got killed again. When we were out of there, it was usually us pinning them down. I think the people at the bottom really need something to give them a bigger advantage to get out of there, and the shield door is just annoying. Team slayer was actually very fun, because we weren't pinned down in the room the whole time. More of the action took place outside and it was very fun. The 6-man FFA is hard to test for balance, simply because it was so chaotic. I really think you can't have more than four people on the map. Also, One-Flag should be stealing the flag from the top, and you need to move the power weapons down more so that the bottom has a chance of getting it.
    Rating: 7 9

    Durability: It is impossible to escape the map, so you score high in that respect. I do think the spawns could have been done much better. As I keep saying, the team on the bottom does get pinned down in the bottom room. I really can't emphasize how annoying that is. Some of the ramps are very annoying, like one place where I was trying to jump into the room, but my head kept banging against it. I can't remember where it is, but I know you do. A lot of the floor is kind of bumpy, but it's overall good.
    Rating: 7 9

    : While there are certain things I don't like, such as a lot of the ramps (window panel, man cannon ramps) and the not upside down boxes, I really like the rest of the map. It does look like it could be a map that bungie made, and I think the aesthetics are part of what makes a map want you to come back to it. I don't like random A and B signs either, even if they are for cover. And the pallets are somewhat annoying at the bottom as well. I can't really think of anything specific that I like, it's really just the overall look that is good.
    Rating: 8

    : While there's nothing ORIGINAL about it, it's still a very good layout. It definitely has its own distinct feel and a nice blend of close quarters and long range like you said. It has some cool aesthetic features and an overall awesome feel.
    Rating: 8

    Average: 7.8 8.6/10
    Score: 8 9/10

    I would have given it a 9, had you brought the fight away from the bottom room a little, fixed some of the ramps, made the floor smoother and fixed a few spawns with FFA.
  2. SomeOneinaHat

    SomeOneinaHat Ancient
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    Thank You for the re-review...

    Also make sure to download Hectic Flag from my File share it makes flag on Covenopolis even more amazing.
  3. Painkiller

    Painkiller Ancient
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    I love small enclosed maps where you can bank grenades off walls and ricochet snipe people with the right amount of skill. This map definately took along time to create and it deserves to be featured on ForgeHub.
  4. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    nice map, it looks very clean. it looks like you spent almost a little too much time merging all this stuff together. think about it... you don't want this map getting featured, do you?

    ...woo, confusing messages. anyways, nice map, i haven't downloaded this yet but i plan to and try some 2v2 ctf. overall i give it a 4.2/5.
  5. SomeOneinaHat

    SomeOneinaHat Ancient
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    I don't know what this means... everything is geo-merged and interlocked for a reason.
  6. Connor14

    Connor14 Ancient
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    While for the best play I think it is best to have two to three players, four on four works well on this map but deaths and spawn killing increases greatly. Because of the size of the map, I feel there was almost no were to camp. It also helps that you put a grenade slit near shield door like on the pit to counter act the effects of the shield doors. The deplorable cover helped in some hot situations, while not being able to block off any areas and making it one route to the other base. I am also saddened by the new weapon placement on the map. I loved grabbing the sniper and using to as some what a shotgun, but I guess that no one who played it liked it very much. And I suppose the weapons on the map now are more balanced. Overall the game play is fun, even if the map is smaller then most. Its fast paced and often times is over before you know it. I would play slayer and CTF flag on this map, but nothing more. Capture the flag was more fast paced and worked very well with the map. Like some have said I also felt that the action was more in the middle of the map. The players I think on the top base did have so leeway and had an easier time defending their flag then the people in the bottom of the base because it was larger and it had more space. Most of the time when the flag for the bottom team was stolen and moved to the middle, they almost always never able to recover it. The people also tried to camp behind the B sign and killed whoever walked near that area. A few grenades fixed that but should not have been that way.

    The look of the map fits with the game play. I love that you and Sgtkillstuff made a Covenant hotel with weapons on the side were you can not get them. I liked how you had a fence wall that you could see what used to be a wraith, until you both took it out for money. And base B was a great place to play around and to look at. The pallets worked well for looks, but also for game play as well. The gave you a little more cover in that area without making you completely safe. I must agree that near the A base there was a wall that stuck out that look a little sloppy. But it did give you cover. The bottom floor also looked sloppy with the stairs sticking out, but I do understand that you did not have enough money. There was also complaints about the roof being to low near the top base. It had been said that it threw the flow of the map off. I feel that it needs to be that way because it is a largely used area and it really helps.

    I liked the map and the feel of it. I would like to say that even with the miner flaws, the map is still great and game play is more important then the looks.
  7. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Wow, at first this looked a bit confusing and pretty closed in. But then I actually saw every little detail and it looks amazing. I love the way you made the "B-base"..with the walls slanted then straight, then slanted again. Great work, 5/5.

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