Story Welcome to Covenopolis one of the many hotel resorts opened by Veteran elites thrown into poverty after the great war. Both humans and covenant are welcome to stay and enjoy spending their time safely killing each other.Because of new Covenant technology you are able to come back to life and die over and over again! We hope you enjoy your stay at Covenopolis.Sit back relax and kick ass! Weapons: Spiker (4) Carbine (2) Needler (1) Beam Rifle (1) Deployable Cover (1) Plasma Grenade (1) Supported Game types Capture the flag Team slayer FFA slayer Infection Oddball Game play: This map is a mix of claustrophobic and medium range game play. With a small close range outer section mixed with a medium range middle area. Using 5 different levels this map has a curved uphill look,and a very unique feel. It is recommended to have about 2-4 people for team slayer, about 5 for FFA 2-6 for CTF. Creation This map was created by both Sgtkillstuff and Someoneinahat. It took about one month to finish both creating and testing the map. Version 1.5 fixes *Improved spawns *Sniper replaced with spike grenade *Added Carbine at "B" base *Spikers Moved *Map cleaned up so there are less bumps *Flag for 1 flag is now on top level Example of bump fixes: Overview ( There is a roof it was deleted for the picture) Pictures Action Shots: Special thanks Go43r Squiiddish l Wreked l iOuTbRu117 Connor142 Pvilleplaya77 Master016 Toxic Spade Vorpal Saint (anyone else who helped test) Download
This looks pretty cool. Normally having so many contrasting textures makes a map look bad, but I feel as if they enhance this map's look. It seems like a rundown, patched-together type of look. I played a few 1v1 matches on it and they were rather fun. I liked the weapon placement and the spawns worked well. I couldn't get out through the pallets though. : ( I give you a 4.5/5 because it could be neater and there were a few bumps.
This looks really good. I quite like it. But the B Base's walls could be a straightened up a little. But apart from that, it really looks fantastic. Great job! 4.5/5.
Seriously, can't you give consideration to those people who are still using Old School Skin like me!!! Jeez. Only 1 plasma nade and no BR's??? I suggest put some BR's and add more plasmas. The design seems very interesting and the gameplay literally feels tight. Good job on it, but I'm expecting something better next time.
Well whatever looks good in oldschool looks bad in forgehub x, so I can only pick one. Also the carbines act as br's
It looks good; the merging is quite nice. The "weapon rack" in the fence box stood out to me in particular. Some things could be straightened out, like the railing on the ramp in picture 2. Otherwise it looks good. I'll see if I can get a gameplay review in here later.
reply this map is really well made in my opinion it is very fun to play and if the map had more than one plasma grenade it would be hecktick with all the sticks and things and having no brs didnt make a difference also i hope u tryed fixing the spawn problem on the map but overall i give your map a 4.6/5
I saw this before u posted. It looks good. I like that tunnal. Great aestetics, great originality, and ideas. I already Dled lol. The only thing is, its a little bumpy, you can fix a few of those little bumps. Good job though, also I like enclosed maps. 5/5
First time you showed me this map all you had was that B side base... then you asked me to help Co-create a masterpiece... I think we have achieved that. Being there through the entire creation of Covenopolis(Formally known as Covenant Museum) we have smoothed out the map, made 1 v 1 CTF something that is actually balanced and fun, spawns are incredible, weapon placement works for any gametype, and invented tic-tac-toe Game Variant that never made it into the map... If only we only had 4 more walls... Incredibly balanced, incredibly fun, and incredibly great. Feature Now SERIOUSLY *5/5 Your welcome (I made the roof)
looks great, the things that stood out to me were that gorgeous B base octagonal thing, all the neat powerups, and the pallet wall thingY! Ill DL when I get back 4.9/5
played on it and its great. the weapon placement is really really good. the map has both great gameplay and amazing asthetics. the layout is flawless. overall theres nothing to complain about. 15/10. i hope this gets featured.
Thanks for the positive reviews... hopfully somebody finds that jackass who rated SGT and I's map 1 star bringing the rating to 4.3.
Haha it's finally up! This map is excellently built, WAY good job here guys. I played in your 100 something point killfest, and as I remember we couldn't find a weapon that imbalanced this map. Even when we had Needlers around like crazy it never got overwhelming. For being so asymmetric, this map is really well balanced. Great job guys =)
I think this mapp looks very sweet i like the tunnel and like the feel of it i just wonder if their is alot of room for a sniper to well snipe people from the pcture it looks pertty tight that from the pic 4/5 i will D/L
Well I wanted to create a new experience for players by forcing them to use their weapons differently than they normally would. So with the sniper it forces you to no scope, instead of finding a sniping spot and picking people off at long range
As soon as I saw this map, I was thinking "5/5 n1c3 1nt3rl0kz" Of course, that isn't my style. I really like this map, especially the main structure, being the long, curving interlocked string of boxes, that really impresses me. I like how you kept a slit for pallets, that's new and refreshing cover. The thing that really sells this map though, is that it keeps an amazing aesthetic pallet. The weapon layout looks pretty unique, and everything seems to be in good order for playing. The roof is pretty sexy too. (Yes I DL'ed like always.)
First off one flag was not what was planned, I had never set it up, I played it because you suggested it. Second The pallets were no way near your face and I thought they helped aesthetics. As for the power weapons I didn't feel that the needler served as a power weapon because there wasn't any space for it to be used correctly. Aesthetics were a problem when my budget glitch messed up. Originally there was a design in every room and a wraith in the floor. And lastly the spawns. The spawn areas I have too admit were thrown around. Spawns are the hardest thing for me. try playing a game of 2vs2 slayer games are a lot better. The needler room is definitely not underused in slayer. I hope this clears up a few things thanks for the review