Sargeant, would the map be more dynamic if the humans had man cannons leading to the tower? What do you think I should fill the extra space with? Im working on a V2 so ill take some suggestions
mancannons could work... multiple platforms up would also help... like they jump up onto one platform and must jump from there onto the main one
Lots of nice interlocking skillz and such, but some of it seems almost unnecessary. The watch tower is superb, I would like to note, but it seems rather strange once you get away from it, like you built the watch tower, then didn't know what to do next. Personally, I'd say One Bomb where the attackers had to get the bomb onto the watch tower would be fun, but that's just me.
Morcam, they said it woulb be better with pointless interlocking, so i just did it for them. Can't hurt. Ps: This is playable for one bomb if you didn't read the long description
i think that you have really good ideas and you are getting alot better at interlocking. looks like a bunch of fun i might dl if i get some stuff of my 100. But i agree you have a little bit to much open space on your map. looks like you added alot of different structures in V2 though.