Covenant on a ship: REACH

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by caniblcake, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. caniblcake

    caniblcake Ancient

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    Covenant on a ship: REACH
    Covenant on a ship is a defence-centric invasion gametype where humans have but a few seconds to prepare themselves before an onslaught of covenant soldiers bombards them with superior weaponry and physical strength. The only chance the humans have is teamwork, coordination, and use of cover and their environment. Each map offers a different perspective, and presents a different difficulty for the humans.

    The gametype uses invasion so that a second tier of soldier types can join the fight- the only objective for the covenant is to push towards the human spawn, and stay there for 5 seconds without dying. the timer will reset very quickly.

    The basic gametype settings have changed since Halo 3’s variant, because there will be no escaping the map this time (In 3, low gravity was required to prevent players from escaping). The basic stats will be something like this:


    Player model: Elite
    Movement speed: 100%
    Gravity: 125% (jumping is still generally unwanted, since cover is very important)
    Player damage: 150%
    Shield regeneration: 50%
    Damage resistance: 100%
    Zealot- Needle rifle, evade, two plasma grenades
    Warrior- Plasma repeater, evade, two plasma grenades
    (tier 2)
    Stalker- Needle rifle, plasma repeater, camo
    Gladiator- Sprint, energy sword

    Player model: Spartan
    Movement speed: 90%
    Gravity: 150%
    Player damage: 125%
    Shield regeneration: 0%
    Damage resistance: 125%/110%
    Sharpshooter: DMR, pistol, evade
    Corpsman: Assault rifle, sprint, 2 frags

    ^ the layout for the first map, with a top-down view. Power weapons spawn for the covenant in phase 2.
    #1 caniblcake, Sep 11, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2010
  2. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    Don't you think elites are over powered? Elites have 150% player damage and humans have 125% damge resistance, so humans are weaker than normal. Elites have better load outs, humans don't have shield regeneration and capure time for elites is only 5 seconds. Humans are going to get slaughtered. You should change the advance to humans. Humans would have better load outs and 90% shield regeneration, but capture time would be still 5 seconds. So elites have to push hard to get trough, but when they do, they propably win. Oh, and elites should have little more damage resistance and little less player damage.
  3. caniblcake

    caniblcake Ancient

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    the humans have cover, and long lines of sight. You're supposed to use teamwork to kill the elites, and these traits worked fine in Halo 3. Of course, I can always change the loadouts.

    The 5 second capture time can always be changed as well, but I thought it would be a decent amount of time- it was difficult to get to the human spawn and survive for more than a second in the Halo 3 variant, so I don't think it should be any easier in Reach. CQC weapons can also be added to the human spawn to pick up and use if necessary.

    If the invasion variant doesn't work out, I can always change it back to infection, so the humans outnumber the elites at the start. It's just an idea, so anything could happen.
  4. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    i like the idea but there is a LOT more you can do with this. i mean you could make a bigger combat zone and have at LEAST 4 covie receiver teleports and make a few extra floors.
  5. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    I like the idea of invasion on it. Of course I can't tell for sure what is the game play like, cause I haven't played it. I will try to check it out if you make it, then I can tell for sure about facts. But now, I just have to think from the traits what it would be like. I wonder few things, are there health packs for humans and what is spawn time?
  6. caniblcake

    caniblcake Ancient

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    perhaps for another map, but having multiple floors ruins the last stand aspect of the game. The humans are cornered in a small corridor with nowhere to run.

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