Covenant Homeworld

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ProHaloForger, Feb 28, 2011.

  1. ProHaloForger

    ProHaloForger Forerunner

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    YouTube - Halo Reach SIEGE on Covenant Homeworld
    Link is to video on youtube. Please subscribe and comment.

    Phase 1-Bomb Plant
    Phase 2-Two Capture Territory
    Phase 3-Capture the Core

    -1 Warthog
    -2 Falcons
    -8 Mongooses
    -2 Ghosts
    -2 Banshees
    -1 Revenant

    Description-This map does best when played with full sixteen people, also it helps to have people who are actually interested in capturing objectives and are not just interested in kills. In the first phase Spartains are supposed to plant the bomb in one of three locations. These are located on a wall extending across the island and your only hope of getting through is by destroying the wall. However, this is not as easy as it seems as Elites fiercly gaurd their blessed core. If you make it to the second phase you need to capture the platform just below the core as to gain a valuable respawn area. By this time you have probably relized the battle is becoming more intense as many vehicles listed above are now available. Finally Spartains get to the tower retrieve the core and get the heck out of there to the safety of the beach.

    VERY IMPORTANT-"SIEGE" is a gametype on my fileshare needed to play.
    Pictures below
    This is the area where the core is collected.
    Front view of the wall.
    View of the inner structures behind wall.
    #1 ProHaloForger, Feb 28, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2011
  2. Warriorii

    Warriorii Forerunner

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    I'm sure you need something more than just a youtube video, such as an actual description of the map and since your not including pictures of the map, you should atleast include a flythrough of the map since all I can see in the video are overviews of the map and short clips of the different areas only by watching the gameplay.
  3. VIP3R0X

    VIP3R0X Forerunner

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    Description needed
    The map is legit tho but some description would be nice
  4. ProHaloForger

    ProHaloForger Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Ight ill add pics and description.
  5. LacAgar

    LacAgar Forerunner

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    i presume this is one of ur firsts posts, i kno how u feel. Map was great fast paced fun, next time u post something b sure too add pictures and a discription of the actual map not the gameplay :p i onkly posted my first map a week ago lol. took my five posts to get it rite. XD
  6. Da Comedian

    Da Comedian Forerunner

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    Map looks cool but i would want more screenshots if i were to download.
    Also i think it may be too much with 2 falcons and 2 banshees.
    Gotta be especially careful with the banshee but idk, maybe it works.
  7. ProHaloForger

    ProHaloForger Forerunner

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    Dont worry about it being even i spent weeks trying to make the spartains have a hard time but making sure it wasnt just annoying the banshees spawn time is very long and a rocket is located near the human spawn. Yes this is my first post. Also all vehicles except mongooses have rather long spawn times.
  8. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Just a video editing note, You might wanna make the clip transitions smoother next time, and use less music tracks, fix those and just makes your video smoother to watchers.

    but I have to say, pretty nice map.
  9. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    Alright (crackin ma knucles) You should really go into detail in your description about why exactly this is the Covenant homeworld. If you think about it, a homeworld for a combined collection of different species would be quite difficult.. You can say that High Charity could play this role, but still dig into some fiction, they have a number of mobile bases or more like hubs not counting the individual specie's homeworlds. I find the map and gameplay interesting I just require more convincing with your choice of titile
  10. ProHaloForger

    ProHaloForger Forerunner

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    Reply to title

    I guess i couldve come up with a better name but forge world is located on halo and in a sense it is a world and COVENANT HOMEWORLD is a piece of this giant space we call Halo.

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