The spartans must retreive vital information from the covenant cruiser. THIS MAP IS MADE FOR LARGE INVASION (BEST PLAYED WITH 16 PLAYERS BUT STILL WORKS WITH 10) Now with fixed features Plays with Covenant Cruiser Invasion gametype If the pics do not work the map is in a set with all the pics, gametype, and a video showing the gameplay of the game.(video was a beta for the map and all problems in the video have been fixed...) This map is made for invasion and invasion slayer. In the playout of the game the spartans spawn at their base and must go to the middle of the valley to take the point of the spirt or the shade turents. (3 minutes) Once they have done this they must go up the main gravlift or fly to one of the shuttle bays to capture one of the shuttle bays. (5 minutes) After that the spatans must then go to the command bridge to retrieve the vital battle info and return it to the spartan's base.(5 minutes) The elites will spawn in the cargo bay and must spread out to defend the different objectives. Comments on the map are appreciated
This is techniqually not a V.2 because you didnt change anything about the map... why didnt you just reply on your other one that you posted that you have made an update and want people to check it out... this is not a V.2 is the same exact thing, same exact DL.
ok...what do you have to do to make the map a v2??? I fixed spawn points, added bridges, and changed some of the vehicals...
Great invasion map. Cruiser looks ace. Justifying the downloads you received on your first version. Plays great as invasion map. Well thought out. U have another D L from me.
Whoa, cool, but I think it is extremly large. It took me awhile to get around in the falcon and I don't know how well this would work for regular gameplay. on the other hand, the covenant cruiser is a very good look alike! nice job.
Thanks! I worked hard on this! This map is made for 16 players and has a huge covenant cruiser so it has to be big...
i think i saw your first version of this isnt to bad felt a littlebulky and maybe could have been done a little better still good map
Epic. Epic map and the cruiser is really well done. Almost always though most players thought you should have made the phase 3 bomb objective like the phase 1. Carrying/driving the bomb all the way to the ship was cool I thought but if you were going to try to fly it on the back of a falcon it was imposible. Really well done 5/5. MRX WHERE EAGLES DARE
Thanks! I made changes to parts of the ship and added the bridge in this version...and spartans always go on suicide jk