Courtyard Courtyard Is a FFA map.Look im Not good at writing descriptions so just bare with me. Weapons and stuff BR 8 Shotgun 2 Sniper 1 Plasma Rifle 4 Needler 4 Energy Sword 1 Carbine 4 Sentinel Beam 1 Frags 4 Plasmas 12 Bubble Shield 2 Energy Drainer 2 Regan 2 Camo 1 Ghost 2 Pictures DOWNLOAD
This is really interesting looking. The teleporters in the middle surrounding the sword add a bit of style to it, it seems you had a definite idea of what you wanted to make... I like it. Hope this map gets some popularity.
Very nice map, I would to see more of an overview picture but I guess that is what downloading is for. After I clear up some space I will download, but right now it looks to be a really nice map. Good job.
Wow, I absolutely love your centerpiece, I'm defiantly going to download this, also, do you mind if i use some of your ideas for a map I'm currently working on? If you agree to it I will credit you ofcorse. I just felt I should ask before stealing an idea. 4.5/5
I'm liking what im seeing here, im jsut wandering is it setup for other gametypes such as king of the hill which think would be quite good or possibly oddball? Overall a great map! 4/5
Yeah I agree the centerpiece with the sword looks very nice. I also like the sniper perch with the mancannon lift. The aesthetic lighting is a nice touch also. I don't think you should have 4 needlers though (some parts of the map look just a little bit open, and all those needlers could get annoying). And also I noticed that the two ghosts are right next to each other, I think they should be on opposite sides of the map for more balance. But this is just my opinion, overall it looks good.
So far, this looks really good. A couple of things for the post though, one, please give us and overview picture of the whole map. I can't tell what the layout feels like with just the pictures you have provided. Second, you spelled 'courtyard' wrong in the title of the thread. It doesn't really matter though. Just thought I'd point that out. The map overall looks very well forged from what I can tell. You got a download from me.
the screenshots make me want to laugh for some reason!! the part with the energy sword is sweeet.... but you need an over view picture to give us a better look. i didnt give one on my first map and saw that not many people downloaded it... overall the map is well put together!