
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Solid Bop, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
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    Recommended Gametypes: FFA, Team Slayer, CTF, Assault, KOTH, Oddball
    Recommended Players: 2-8

    Map Info:

    A Courtyard in the middle of the map, with around that area some rooms and hallways. also some platforms in the sky above the courtyard that are accesable through some rooms outside of the courtyard. this map is full of action especially in the middle since there are multiple rooms that have a view on the courtyard, but that place sure aint the only intresting point of the map, its has some other nice structures aswell.


    Overview middle arena, the courtyard

    Another Overview middle arena, the courtyard

    Another Overview middle arena, the courtyard seen from the ground

    Another Overview middle arena, the courtyard seen from the ground

    Structure where you can get up on go underneath it, on top there is the energy sword, below the fuel flame weapon (sry forgot name :p)

    same structure as above now with sword visable, you can jump down the hole to get down

    Room with a shield door and stairs to get up the ramp and enter the platforms above the courtyard, platforms can be seen in first pictures.
    same room is on other side of map.

    same room as above but seen from the other side, when you go through the doorways you will end up at the sword structure.

    an area next to the room with the shielddoor, when u enter the shield door you will end up here. when you go up the stairs you will end up in the room (seen in next picture) with windows viewing over the courtyard.

    here you can see the back of the building that i will call sniper building. same room is on otherside just around the corner where the other team spawns nearby, between those rooms you find the sniper.

    here the sniper between the 2 sniper rooms with view over the courtyard as mentioned above. you can also get up here by using the gravlift.

    This is what you see when you look out those windows..

    Another overview from the side.

    Weapons (Number of weapon/name/extra clips/spawntime)

    1xRocket Launcher/0/120
    1xSniper Rifle/2/120
    1xEnergy Sword/x/120
    6xBR Rifle/2/30
    3xCovanent Carbine/2/30
    4xPlasma Rifle/x/30
    4xassault rifle/2/30

    4xPlasma Grenade/x/30
    6xFrag Grenade/x/30


    Youtube video:
    monkeyrantz likes this.
  2. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    This map looks great!! The only thing that concerns me is why are there so many power weapons? For a map of this size. There should only be maybe 2 or 3. However, I could be wrong, I'll come back with a gameplay review later. its a 4/5 from me.

    EDIT: The map is quite nice as from what I can see, It had very nice interlocking but I did'nt see any merging. =[ Sadface. You should try merging open boxes for a nicer look and stuff.
    #2 STEClash96, Sep 9, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2008
  3. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Great job, thought the map looks too open. Having the map that open might create an annoying game. Especially when the walls are fence walls.

  4. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    pretty fair interlocking and mad design
    hte bottom floor seems a litlle empty
    mabey to many power weapons right next to eachother
    move either the os or the rockets, can pick up both in about 3 seconds
  5. n1n3CAL

    n1n3CAL Ancient
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    Nice sized map and a large variety of weapons. The only thing that worries me is that I'll have to see is where the bridge and wall meet if you have to jump over that. Not sure if the shield door is needed but I'll see how it affects gameplay. 4/5
  6. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    this map is quite impressive. got some very nice interlocking going on here, and you went with a style thats rarely used. my only concern is that i never find the flamethrower to work out in foundry-based maps.

    I'll be downloading, and ill see how it plays. hopefully as nice as it looks. i recommend getting some action shots in there, and moving the video higher up in the post.
  7. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Now I'm following you around huh Silence?

    Anyway, very cool looking map so far mate. I like the look of the angled walls over the courtyard. Rest of the map looks a little bland in comparison but that might be different in game.

    I'll DL and get back to you with more.
  8. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    Courtyard by Solid Bop

    The map is really nicely put together. All of the geo-merging and interlocking are very good and all of the surfaces are very smooth and it is easy to bounce grenades as and when you want. Initially the courtyard room would appear to be an area to avoid because of the amount of platforms that have height on it from all sides. It is not as bad as i first thought, there is a enough cover to block line of sight in most cases. If anything you are most vulnerable to people down in the courtyard with you. The exception to this rule will be whenever the rocket spawns as the rockets will mean insta-death for anyone in the courtyard. You are not forced into the courtyard and the map offers opportunity to flank around the edges of the level, with weapons as incentives for doing so. Meaning that Courtyard manages to avoid players being funnelled through the centre.

    The spawning on the map is largely good for all the gametypes. With clearly defined team halves and a good number of spawn points spread around the level. Spawn camping will not be a issue. I am however concerned with FFA initial spawns. The eight starting spawn points are divided into two groups of four, which are divided again into two pairs of two right next to each other. The only thing separating the two groups of two is a shield door realistically. In a FFA you are likely to spawn either next to or incredibly close to someone this could make the start somewhat frantic.

    The weapon placement is fair and relatively balanced but with way too many powerful items and weapons down the centre line. They are also on a two minute spawn meaning that weapons like the Sniper Rifle or Sword are rarely going to be out of play and possible you may see more than one of each being used at once. Also the rockets are very close to the Overshield and the powerdrain/renegerator are also practically on top of each other just under Overshield and rockets. Much like that last sentence the weapons in courtyard are rather overpowering in number and not really grammatically correct either. Also with a Sword above it and the long lines of sight possible on this map the Flamethrower seems kind of pointless to be honest

    Its a nicely constructed map that does seem very fair and fun for team games. the centre is just overpowered though and that will take the fun away from it a bit. Maybe remove the Flamethrower, Rockets and both the Regenerator and Power drain. That would still be enough along the centre line just not too much.

    I SeNTiNeL I
    #8 I SeNTiNeL I, Sep 10, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2008
  9. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Looks like a great map with a great layout. This could own very much in some Custom Games. Nice Interlocking, great map.
  10. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
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    yeah i think your right about most things, think il make a version2 of it sometime, and remove some power weapons and stuff. thanks for the good critics, it really helps.
  11. Oldranos

    Oldranos Ancient
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    Very nice interlocking ! All great ! The only thing that I thing who be strange is where the rocket are. more interlocking in this place will be better. 5/5
  12. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
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    uh more interlocking would be better? i practacly interlocked everything so i dont see your point

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