County Jail

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Own3d 44, Feb 21, 2008.

  1. Own3d 44

    Own3d 44 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    County Jail: A Unique Prison Break Map​

    Bnet Forum Topic:

    Bnet Gametype Forum Topic:
    My first Foundry Map
    In County Jail, you will spawn as either an inmate or guard. The guards spawn in the rooms already built in to Foundry. Inmates will spawn on the other side of the map. About 1/3 of the inmates will be locked in "jail", where it is up to their teammates to rescue them. The rest of the inmates have to take a bomb they've been hiding in the dumpster, and detonate it in the Watchtower. This will knock a barrel over that is covering a receiver node that is linked to a sender node in the jail, thus rendering the imprisoned inmates free. Three seconds to detonate and no disarming.

    There are 5 rounds. This is basically one sided assault, but the score to win is unlimited, since everyone has one life, and we are trying to finish off the other team.
    It sounds easy though, right? No. This game takes skill and tactics. You must kill everyone on the opposing team to win. There are unlimited detonations, but more than one is pointless.(Unless someone joins and spawns there).

    Everyone has ONE LIFE. BR starts. The inmates must be extremely quick, because the guards have a bomb of their own (not really, just pretend.) As soon as the game starts, there is one minute until 32 fusion coils rain down on the jail, killing everyone inside. It would be especially easy for the guards to finish off killing the inmates if the fusion coils finish a small portion of them. Teamwork is required.

    Works best with at least 10 players.

    Bottom Left side of the map
    By Own3d_44

    Bottom Right side of the map
    By Own3d_44

    Overview of left side and partial middle
    By Own3d_44

    Skybase, (accessible by Mancannons)
    By Own3d_44

    By Own3d_44

    Right Side
    By Own3d_44

    Top Floor of Watchtower. Bomb plant point is right next to the barrel. The gametype wasnt assault when I took the pic
    By Own3d_44

    By Own3d_44

    Room 1
    By Own3d_44

    Room 2
    By Own3d_44

    Close Up of the Top Right Side
    By Own3d_44

    Bad Overview
    By Own3d_44

    The Inmates' armory. The other one is on the other side and the same, except it has dual SMGs instead of an assault, frags, and a radar jammer. Thank you Imageshack for the small picture
    By Own3d_44

    Where the Bomb Spawns
    By Own3d_44

    What happens to the jail and everyone inside one minute into the game
    By Own3d_44

    I am missing one pic, of the first floor of the watchtower. It is basically a receiver node receiving from the hallway teleporter and a grav lift to the 2nd floor.

    If you have questions, ask, I might not have been clear on everything.

    have fun
  2. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: County Jail: A Unique Prison Break Map

    Thats an awful lot of pictures, and can you turn off the thumbnail on image shack... Really brings the post down having that thumbnail, if you can't fix it you might take it off. also Country Jail would have been a much better topic than "County Jail: A Unique Prison Break Map"...
  3. Biggles2

    Biggles2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: County Jail: A Unique Prison Break Map

    Looks like a cool map, I'm going to download it, see how it plays.
  4. Own3d 44

    Own3d 44 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: County Jail: A Unique Prison Break Map

    Maybe I'll remove the picture, but it's essential to see it.

    Remember to post on the Bnet thread if you like this map, its dying

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