I make alot of switches and have a new random box i was going to release it but thought it was a good idea to put it in a map trouble is im not very good at making maps so if someone can help me make one or if someone wants a random box in their map let me know btw the random box is about 800 in budget without weapons
You might have a wee bit more success with this if you actually offer an explanation of what your box does. Also, is there anyway to make your box more efficient so that less budget is used? Many people use most or all of their budget; $1400 is not a price that a lot of people are going to want to "pay" for a box in their map.
thanks for the pointer sorry i miscalculated there was some objets on the map i forgot about i did think it was a bit high. its 800 without weapons my box: has no reset time well its like 1 sec recycles weapons eg when u use it the weapon u swap for the random weapon will go in the box and be used again has two parts a 2x2 sized block sits under the floor the bit that is above the floor is about the size of a 1x2 block uses a nade to activte it as this was cheaper i dont think i can make it any more cost efective as it uses very few parts