Could this be!?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by IxXROADKILLXxI, Jul 3, 2010.


    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    I hear its safe on the other side Extended!
    (Part two!)

    Thats right boys and girls. Its the continuity of "I hear its safe on the other side" picking up right after you make it to the end. And I am making the map better, and adding new things for you zombies to toy with!

    A few nights ago, I thought about how cool it would be if I made the short but epic zombie map too be continued, only making it more balanced, intense, fun, and even more focused on the game play then before. But how could I do that? Well I just happen to use my brain, and with my bag of chips and my skittles of course. In case you did not know, those are my favorite gamer foods. I'm probably not alone though.

    So if you remember before, You ended the game on "I hear its safe on the other side" with a wall between you and the zombies. Will... The zombies broke the wall down, and that is where you pick up the controller and make your way some more down the complex halls and tunnels. OK so I could not do something better then make a wall leaning down to act as a broken wall knocked by zombies, but its halo 3 forge, so what else you expect me to do? I have the rest of the map to focus on anyway.

    I'm itching to tell you some facts right now, but i don't want to give away to much. In my morals, Its a sin to spoil (Not really, but you get it).

    1. There are THERE types of zombies. Wow. So why 3? Will sir, you will have to wait until I post the map here on FH. ​
    2. A linear path like the manifest game, how ever there are two areas of the map you must defend for a small amount of time making the flow of the game change dramatically. In a good way of course.​
    3. There will be a Much better and organized teleporter system for the zombies too quickly get to the humans with less walking.​
    4. There is a Boss zombie.​
    5. The end is just epic, I tested the game with only 6 people, and I have never had so much fun with a zombie game containing 16 people like I did with this one.​
    6. awesome zombie choke points and ambush set ups!​
    7. You move faster then you do in "I hear its safe on the other side".​
    8. Its a fairly large map ready to host 16 people with no problem. Expect to be confused at the start due to the zombies attacking from 2 side at once.​
    I don't want to give the end away, or other big details so let me get to the pictures.

    Zombie action right of the bat.

    You will never know where they come from, even if you try too. I tryed and I just could not understand why I died every time I tryed doing it.

    It can get personal down here.

    And here too.

    They come from the f***ing FLOOR!

    This flesh pile was made with just SIX of us!

    Your going to need more ammo.

    Yes there is such things as gay zombies.

    Does this look complex too you?

    How about this one?

    So thats about it from me. I know some of you are wounding when it will come out, But I need way more tests in it before I think about letting it to the public. Especially with 16 players, because I have not got that many yet.... And oh how bad I want that number in my customs lobby.....

    Will thanks for reading! And I hope you are as excited as I am!
  2. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I can bring three people if you need help testing this. Otherwise, looks fun to play

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Ill take it! Please add me. Regrets Nothing is the tag.

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