Hi, im pretty much a forge noob and im just giving it a go to see if i can make anything decent, however i can't seem to get this man cannon contraption to work properly. Could anybody give me a hand with it? If your willing to just send me a message/ FR to ZanyValcan. Thanks =-).
Lol, Screenshots could help people tell you what to do, its not always a case of someone come do it for me, we can help you here. (I cant help anyway xbox broken). Just post some screenshots and let us know what the problem is.
i don't have a capture card. I've put a Tube corner at a slanted angle with a gravity life underneath to push people up to the the higher part and then a man cannon under the higher part of the Tube to propel people onto an elevated ledge i have made in the centre of my map. Their are 2 problems; one being that i cant make a fluent movment from the gravity lift to the man cannon (you have to run to the man cannon), and also that i can't get the man cannon to fire people to the spot i would like.
You don't need a capture card. Go to your bungie profile after taking screenshots with Halo 3's screenshot tool in Theater mode, find your screenshots and save them to your PC. Then upload to a site like photbucket.com and embed the pictures using the Code: [img][/img] tags located under the photos.
Thanks for providing a link FG, lol I knew the thread existed but for once I was too lazy to search it up and embed it =P
Oh, well i got the man cannon to fire the right direction, but i still haven't managed to get the grav lift to feed people directly into the man cannon, ill go and take some screenshots now.
If I think i know what you are doing. The all you need to do to reposition the grav lift is float a weapon holder where you want it using the save and quit method. Then put the grav lift on the weapon holder and viola! If i didn't sanswer your question then feel free to make another post.