I'm new to this site and don't know if I can ask this here but is it possible to create a perpetually spinning map? I have a vague idea on how it could be done but I simply don't have the patience or know-how to make it work. Does anyone else think this is possible? and if anyone needs it, I built a version of it on the foundry designer and could put up the image to show you the basic idea. Scalpel Technique already mentioned fishbowl and what I'm talking about is different. Basic Picture: I will have to go back and take a pic of every level to get a clearer image but this is all I have currrently, the spawn points represent man-cannons/grav-lifts.
What I meant by spinning is like a solid platform in the middle that is constantly spinning that you get teleported into and be like a coliseum, a spinning coliseum.
No the boxes and anything immovable dont spin or...move for that case it is a cool idea, but it cant be done, i'm sorry to say
It wouldnt be done exclusivly with boxes, since crates move and I believe they can be inter locked with one another, cant they be used instead? and the boxes on the outside are just a base, not the spinning part.
The problem with boxes is that they'll either splatter or throw you off them if they spin. Its unfortuante, I've messed with something similar, actually.
well what if you used energy bariers to hold the crates in place so they would not fly up? that might actually work if you dont have problems with disapeering crates
The shield doors will do the same thing, you either fly off it or get splattered, i think. Worth a shot, though. For those who said 'LOL PICS PLOX' why dont you actually read the post. He's gone out of his way (kinda) to write up a nice post, and to explain what he wants to try, and he explains that he hasnt made it, and wonders how to do this. But yet you ask for 'pics', even though he hasnt started. You guys are lucky I'm so tired right now...
but i didnt think crates could move through energy barriers i might be wrong though but i dont think i am, but the crates could still launch hurt and kill u even if they are contained, this would be an interesting concept and i would be impressed if someone pulled it off i think this might have a little hope of being done
wat if you put a ring of crate in an inclosed room, made them float, then surrounded the ring with sheild doors, then line the walls around the ring with mancannons. you could also sub the shield doors with things like power ups and weapon holders.
Wait, so the crate isnt moving, but everything else around it is? That changes stuff from what I thought you wanted. If its big enough that the mancannons dont touch it, teleporters should do fine for keeping it stable in one place, just put Receivers squarely in the middle of all 6 sides.
Thank you Insane54, the teleporter idea is a huge help in figuring out how this could work, I shall try it when I can, lets just hope it does so we can fight on something one of a kind.