First project I've posted here This map isn't playable, but I made it because I thought I could. And so I did: and it's the best project I've ever done on Forge. Fans of the MechWarrior/MechAssault series would love this. It's basically a giant mech made out of blocks, wedges, ramps, and a radio antennae. A little uneven, especially when you look at it from the rear, but I did the best I could. I added a few hogs and a tank to play around with. Slayer is the only game worth playing it with, as I didn't care so much for to make this a legitimate gaming map; it's really just for show. But it's still fun to go inside a mech, and fire rockets and lasers at small armored targets, right? Front View Side View Rear View (uneven is obvious) Foot Level (teleport inside) Inside View (just a room of teleporters) Shoulder View (Rocket Spawn on each side) Arm View (Spartan Laser on both outside guns) Fun with Rockets Fun with Lasers Download File You can tell I'm still kind of on amateurish side (I just learned how to merge blocks when I made this) considering that I made things hard on myself right from the beginning. If you can see, the feet (which I obviously worked on first) aren't really in the middle of the map, which made it difficult to suspend the left arm in the air evenly. It's also why it's further away from the torso than the right arm. Oh well >_< What do you think?
This is great because you just started learning how to merge. When I started merging, the first thing I made was a statue, and it was still crap. It's okay if it's not merged, the aesthetics are great, and it looks like everything is neat and straight. Awesome job, I can barely notice it's uneven(stop being so hard on yourself)
Thanks, and I mentioned how I finally started merging blocks in the paragraph at the very end. It really helped me as I finished it up. I keep forgetting that it's really called interlocking...but you get the idea.
i remember this assult bot i use to play this game every arvo on the old xbox this is the best recreation of a bot like this ever 5/5
If you want, you could invite a load of people and we'll fire missiles, lasers, rockets etc. at vehicles if you want an awesome pic for the post? GT: CAMEL CARCASS PM me if you wanna do it. And by the way, fantastic map, looks amazing.
Thank you; those last couple of pics I did myself, only because I was alone after I just finished. My bro and I kind of toyed around with that idea a while after I played with the weapons first. I'll have to convince my own friends to join in and launch every possible weapon on this thing, though.
haha =] i almost forgot about mechassault! very nice bot u got there. it would be cool if you can see the outside in the cockpit though.