well being new to forge im not exepecting much from my post but here it is costal a one bomb assault map the light house is your end goal with the bomb how you get there is up to you. any one bomb gametype will work blue team is the attackers. made by me(tomite472123) and owyoushotme thanks and enjoy[/IMG]
you need to have at least one picture, and even if it wasnt a rule on this site it will make moore ppl DL your map.
You have twenty four (24) hours to make this post up to Forge Hub standards. These standards include: A thread thumbnail showing your map A description Pictures (at least 3 recommended) Any other information you would like to include A screenshot posting guide is found at the link below. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-custom-content/104926-how-post-screenshots.html ANY POST STATING THIS THREAD IS NOT UP TO STANDARDS WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM FROM THIS POINT FURTHER