Hello all! I am new to forging, and this is my first map i am putting out to be rated. I personally think its my best work I've made so far! i really hope you like it. MAP: Corvega I used some geomerging techniques in with my map(still working on perfecting that...some people really have a talent for that! lol). And I totally will accept any criticism you guys have to share with me. After all, who doesn't learn from their mistakes? I made the map perfectly symetrical for both sides. There are many spawn points, and its kind of a medium size map, so spawn killing will be kind of hard. Of course i set up all the different game types for this map, but I mainly wanted this to be a slayer/CTF map. But you can still have fun with any gametype you want. Pictures! Here is a quick overview of my map. (yes i know theres a floating soccerball in the middle...its supposed to hit people who try to "cheat out of the map". Dont cheat and you wont get hit!) This pic shows the two power-up locations. As well as rocket and carbine spawn. Rockets only have two rockets, and spawns every 90sec. This pic shows the center of the map. On top of the island, is a Needler, and inside the box is a teleporter that warps you to the shotgun cage. in the side small boxes to the left and right is a Brute shot. Both bases have detachable turrets that point out towards the center and the other base. a very tactical advantage in team CTF. To the side of the two bases is a bridge that has a shield regeneration on it and a plasma pistol underneath the bridge. Of course both bases have sniper posts on opposing sides base. but you must get to it by walking around the top of the map starting from your base. (and if you can get to it, theres an extra 4 shots worth of sniper ammo if you walk on the edge of the walls.) Here is the basic outline of both bases. There are spawn points in the empty boxes as you can tell, and in the caged box is one mauler. Of course the top of the base is were the br's sit. especially when you can over look the entire map through the window. As the bottom picture shows, thats how you can quickly get to the top of the base, just simply walk into the man cannon that shoots you up top. Br tower lookout Brute Shot/hidding place Shotgun Cage The End! lol i hope you guys enjoy my new map! tell me what you think? any comments? concerns? i want to hear it all. (mainly the good stuff! jk) Thanks for trying it out! Jorgy411
"Hello all! I am new to forging, and this is my first map i am putting out to be rated. I personally think its my best work I've made so far! i really hope you like it." ah yes the most dreaded words here on forgehub,usuallly followed by either bad or missing pictures, or a terrible map such as tunnel. in you case though the map seems quite nice except for some walls that are slightly crooked and a bad idea of symmetry,(really one side gets a catwalk and the other gets a 1/2 foot think strip of metal to get to thier sniper?) for a first post the map seems pretty good, it has geomerging some good ideas, and a resemblance of symetry. 4/5 and good luck on future projects
looks pretty cool i dont see any interlocking or geomergng to this map would be even better with those thing my be consiter a v2 qustion what the piont of the soccer ball and the sheild doors in this map? just asking over all for your first post 3/5 okay job by the way i found that u geomerged one of your boxs to the ground but thats it thanks
Well the biggest problem is the unbalanced sides of the map. One half of your map is relatively uncovered, more open and lacks the power weapons. The the other side has rockets, camo and overshield all within your fingertips in a small space. Then, right above that, there is a sniper. Frankly that might make things more difficult and unbalanced, but the map certainly isn't bad. With the structures you have placed it encourages players to take the longer, safer route over the short open ones. This does two things, it increases the idea of interesting gameplay with risk reward. And it makes the map play on a bigger scale because players take more time to move around. Its not a bad map. With some improved weapon placement to balance it out, it could be better, but still good to begin with. I can see you can merge and what not, and thats good.
Good suggestions guys! thanks! i'll get cracking on a v2 map right now! and waterflame, the entire back side of the map is geomerged. and i decided to stick with less geomerged objects, cause i have yet to get it down. i mean yeah i can do it, but not nearly as good enough to make everything perfectly straight. lol and to Pfhorapfhobia, i'll try and make it more coverable. but i still want it to be risky when players take the short rought. that was original plan at first. and to pinohkio, I'll redo the sniper catwalk you mentioned too, i wasn't sure if i should of left it that way, but i wanted to see what other players thought of it first. Thanks again for your segestions guys, keep them coming!
looks pretty straight forward, I don't know how the soccer ball prevents people from breaking the map, there is probably a more efficient was of doing what you were trying to achieve. But it does look like it has the potential to be a lot of fun, keep up the good work.
I love the soccer ball in the middle of the map, it makes it unique! A map-breaker hits a teleporter, is hit by the soccer ball, and is caught in the middle of the map with no shields... love it!
haha, yeah! i know right? besides...if they were able to get out of the map, there'd be a ton of weapons, and vehicles back there, because i money glitched the map.
The layout seems good enough but it was executed very poorly, e.g. this map is very sloppy. Weapon layout is also terrible. I mean Rockets right next to camo and overshields? And the camo and overshields were already terribly close. Then you put two turrets right across from each other, not a good move. I also detest the terrible sniper rifle placement. On a ledge? Not so good. Back to the layout; this map also seems like there are too many nooks and crannies to camp in. Try changing that. I know this is your first post, but that doesn't make the map any better than it already isn't. 2/5 from me, come out with a V2
eh, not bad, not bad, it obviously could use some touch - ups but ur deffinatly on the right track here. I think there might be to many power weapons, i'd hate to be on the team that loses the battle for weapons. But since ur a begginer, ill cut u some slack and say hey, welcome to forgehub! P.S I like wat u did with the shield doors and soccerball, very original and cool ~BlackhawkO3~
Thanks for your honest post Spartan 369. I will greatly keep your advice in mind when creating v2 and blackhawk, i was actually thinking about taking out the soccer ball bit, and just the map un-breakable. lol i'll have to think of something else thats original for me. Plus, its getting in the way for v2's sniper posts! >