"Corrist" Download = http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21372822 Slideshow = This map is for teambased gametypes. When my friend and I started working on this map, we didn't really have any planned idea, and then in the end it turned out really fun to play. The map resembles a city you might see in Halo 2. Weapons = sniper, mauler, carbine, rockets, battlerifle, shotgun, spikers, laser, turret, smg, plasma pistol, and plasma rifle. Vehicles = ghost, and warthog.
good job with the post. The forge techniques look pretty good, i can see you interlocked in a few places. its actually refreshing to see a map not 100% interlocked. haha the only thing i think that would help is a diagram of the layout of the map. you can make one in MSpaint in about 10 min, and it will give everyone a better idea of your map.
Hmm Looks intersting not tocler from pictures however but still nice job Good to see people find it good to see a map without alot of interocking i am currently building a map that makes no use of interlocking just to see how it turns out. an overview would be good aswell
This looks like a really well-made map, a definite DL from me. But that many power weapons doesn't seem like a good idea, but I can't say for sure until I try it. In the second picture that explosion looks awesome.
hey Thanks alot guys! I took your advice and put a slideshow of the map so you can get a better feel for the map. I appreciate all the good comments, and I hope that you have liked the map well. The new link to Bungie is the newest version of the map that includes being able to play CTF and as well using some new items and spawns. Enjoy!
Thorough... Anyways, this looks good, but I agree a layout image would be helpful. I loves me a good vehicle supported map now and again. Nice forging techniques as well. I may just DL this and give it a spin.