Your perma-banned?? and I think a better solution to the spawning issue would be to make better holdouts closer to the bottom of the map, It felt like the spawns were broken because humans only held the top.
Yeah I am, I was a bit too rude or "non-constructive" Sucks because now it'l be harder to submit my matchmaking submissions on there without violating any rules. Currently working on getting un-banned tho! About the spawning though, I see what you mean. encouraging the humans to camp in more places can thin their forces out a bit. I honestly have no clue if this map is even making it into multiplayer though, so I am going to wait to hear from the CC's.
Sushi Shikigami updated Corridor with a new update entry: The HURRY AND FIX EVERYTHING update! Read the rest of this update entry...
Sushi Shikigami updated Corridor with a new update entry: Okay the website is trolling me. Go to my fileshare and download Corridor V1.4 Read the rest of this update entry... --- Double Post Merged, May 3, 2016 --- Sorry for the spam, for some reason I cant update the download link and I kept trying to update it. The Download button will take you to 1.3, download it directly from this post!