
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Codmando72, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. Codmando72

    Codmando72 Forerunner

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    Very new to making maps but i was messing around with friends and ideas led to ideas and i made this. Rate, comment, and tell me things to improve on.

    Correlation is mainly for team games. It can play ffa slayer. Built ontop of a mesa it has 2 different area styles with team bases and a neutral base. Basic weapons are found on it.

    Power weapons on it:
    1x shotgun
    1x focus rifle
    2x sniper rifle
    1x grenade launcher

    7 health kits found on map.

    Blue Side:

    Red Side:

    Blue Base:

    Red Base:

    Neutral Base:

    Blue Hidden Trail:

    Red Hidden Trail:


    Rock Fort:

    As i said rate comment and give me tips.
    #1 Codmando72, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2010

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