Corporate Plaza

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by EpicChief117, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Welcome to Corporate Plaza. It is a rooftop arena abandoned by the forerunners.

    Green Room

    The Green Room is home to a Shotgun and a pair of Plasma Grenades. It also serves as a path between both bases. With decent cover and a view of the centre of the map, it is a good way to sneak by the main flow of enemies.

    The centre of the map houses a Sniper Rifle, a Plasma Grenade and a Frag Grenade. This is not it's only use however. If you are the kind of person who takes a quick peek at his/her motion sensor every now and then, you can manipulate your foe and sneak around them using the cover there. It also provides a direct path between bases.

    Red Base

    Blue Base

    Both bases are designed in a way to resemble Halo 3: ODST buildings. Sharp, sleek and unique. They both contain a DMR, a Needle Rifle and two Plasma Grenades. Both bases also have a direct path to the top floor of Orange Tower.

    The Orange Tower is a two story building that has three entrances. Two paths from both bases as explained above and an entrance from the bottom floor. The top and bottom floors are connected by one staircase. This tower holds a DMR, a Plasma Pistol, a Plasma Repeater and a Plasma Grenade. There are also two drop, downs from the top floor to the bottom.


    The Psycho Duck
    Flying Shoe ILR
    Duck NG
    Soul Slasher X
    AD Records

    Special Thanks to...

    ...for posting the test results!

    #1 EpicChief117, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2011
  2. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Damn man. The aesthetics are absolutely phenomenal. The bases just look great. I'm not too sure about layout but I'm pretty sure its symmetrical. Add some more pictures so people can get a better feel for the map. Nice Job.
  3. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Thanks. It is symmetrical but in a different way. The line of symmetry goes from the back of the orange tower to the back of the green room directly through the middle.
  4. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's good to see you've added those paths like I suggested. This map was quite fun to test apart from that issue, so now that you've fixed it it should be really great. Good work man.

    (insert testers' guild advertisement here)
  5. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    thanks. i can't thank YOU and everyone else who tested it enough. I'm looking forward to playing some of the tested gametypes as well as those that weren't tested with my friends. thanks again. :)
    #5 EpicChief117, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2011
  6. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    I must first say that I love city maps. In fact, my very own Dead Streets drew tons of inspiration from ODST as well.

    BUT, I did a forge through and found some issues. I always get the bad stuff out of the way first, so bare with me lol

    Why arn't there any respawn zones? They are much more effective at controlling map flow than team spawns.

    Also, you should raise the safe zone and add individual kill zones. Your gonna lose tons of skulls in headhunter with it that low.

    Then there's the two health packs in the shotty room, as well as a piar of sticks.... seems like overkill to me. Just having a PW there is incentive enough to go there.

    And I'm not a fan of your NR spawn either. I think the location is fine, but I don't like all the jumping and dropping involved if I choose not to go the long way through the building. You should look into create a smoother pathway. I'll also note here that you don't need a DMR up in that tower, if your gonna have the NR right there too. I feel that a single PP up there instead would be better suited. Putting nades in campable positions is just asking for trouble.

    Whats with the single entrance rooms? I understand they are just for spawning, but to me it seems like lazy safe spawns.

    Lastly, the middle of the map is too open. I would wager that a goof half of the team dies before they can even get to cover. Also, with a design this open, you will almost always know where the enemy is coming from. This really limits your tactical option, and just kills lasting appeal.

    Now for the good...

    The layout is actually pretty cool. You've managed to depict the setting very well. The aesthetics are portrayed in a believable manner, and I was able to wrap my head around the map rather quickly. I would suggest though, expanding the design to allow for some vehicle action. The open areas around the sniper spawn seem to be begging for some splatter action.
  7. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    I was going to add vehicles but to make them work i would need to make the central area bigger further adding to the lack of cover problem.
    I don't use respawn zones often because i like to stick to the simple.
    I think that the safe zone height is fine.
    The shotgun and stickies are perfect to me. The fight over the shotgun is the focus of all the items there. People will fight over the Shotty, using the Plasma Grenades and the successful people will use the Health Packs. The needle rifle spawn is OK to me. Those who grab the needle rifle might choose to just jump down and get in the action. Those who don't jump down will spend some time at the spawn itself picking off enemies.
    Psychoduck recommended to put a spawn room AND a path directly from each base to the top floor of the tower so i decided to mix both.

    Thanks for the aesthetics thing though. :)
  8. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    I'm sure there are tons of ways you could redesign the center to incorporate vehicles, while also solving the cover issue. A fix could be as easy as adding strategically placed and spaced block 1x4's

    As for the spawns and weapon placements... I don't care who suggested those rooms, its still lazy design IMO same with the team spawns. Zones are just more efficient, and if you truly care about the players experience on the map, you'd put the extra time and effort in. And for the shotty... I definitely get what your going for, but it still feels like way too many incentives in one space.

    In the end though, these are just my initial impression based on a lengthy forge through. So take from that what you will. I'll post back here again once i've gotten a chance to better try it out.
  9. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    You never know until you play the map. Get a lobby together and give it a go. The testers guild gave me advice and i took it. P.S. making one or two spawn zones is way lazier than placing 12 spawn points that are set for teams and then setting 6 neutral ones and then setting them so that they only get used in slayer. And then making loads more neutral spawns for FFA. :|

    Besides, 1x4's wouldn't fit with the other aesthetics in the map.
  10. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    I definitely plan on trying this out next custom I host (which will probably be later tonight) as I do feel that the overall design is pretty solid.

    I also understand that you were just taking the testers guilds advice. I just feel that there advice was a quick and easy band aid of a fix. As for the spawn zones.... they are much more complicated that laying two down and calling it done. I used about a half dozen of them just to manage just the red and blue team spawns on my last map. And its really not about being which takes longer. Its about which works better. It is a fact that respawn zones allow you to better control and regulate the pacing of your map.

    For the 1x4's.... that was just the first thing that popped into my head lol
  11. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    I took the Testers Guild advice because i agreed with them. There was no kill boundary on top of the central building so i added one. There was only one way up to the top floor of Orange Tower so i took their advice and added the suggested paths. The paths i added also contained a spawn room (as suggested) which makes spawn trapping literaly impossible.

    I'm sending this to the review hub soon. Im sorry you have so many problems with it. :(
  12. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    I managed to get a game on this last night, and have to say that my fears about the spawning we realized. Bro, I understand where your coming from, but spawns in this game just CANNOT function without zones. I didn't once spawn in your safe rooms (adding weak zones here would fix this) and was picking people off spawn with the sniper the entire game. We got to about 35 kills or so when we took a vote to just end it.

    I meant to save the film and put it on my filshare for you, but I forget to save it last night and its no longer in my temp history. Here is a link to the game on, though. : Reach : Game Details

    You either need redesign this map completely, add spawn zones, or make it a doubles map because there is no way that it can function as a 4v4 in its current state.

    I would like to note that i'm not posting this to be an ass. I think this map has a lot of potential, it just needs a lot more work.
    #12 FriedFoodStuffz, Jul 5, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2011
  13. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    That's a very counterproductive attitude to have as any kind of artist. Be it level designer or whatever. Our creations are never perfect, there is always room for improvement. I always try to remember that there is a huge difference between "the best it can be" and "perfect." And friend, while I do respect your opinion, this map is far from perfect.

    Each to his own I guess. I just hope someday you return to this map and make the suggested changes. This map really does have some great potential behind it. :/
  14. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    i guess i didn't mean perfect. I did mean the best it can possibly be. However, i will create an alternate version with the suggested changes added, get a lobby together and try it out. If it doesn't seem to be any better or if it is any worse, then i will keep the original. If your suggested changes are better, then i will keep them and offer you my thanks.

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